
  • Aug 11, 2023
  • Joined May 24, 2023
  • 0 best answers
  • OK - I did that, and it worked. It's all back, except that Oauth2 does not work.
    I have v0.6 of the plugin; the old install had (I think) v 0.62, a custom build you did and gave me.
    I went back to the old ticket to find the custom build but it doesn't appear to be active.
    Can you provide a copy of the custom OAuth2 plugin as you did last time? It works very well -
    thanks much

    ......and that eventually came back too. Thank you

  • Hello -
    The install in question: OSticket 1.17.3 install with the install in /var/www/html/osticket and the database on a different partition (on the standard path).
    The disk partition holding /var/www/html failed and we lost the osticket install (the staged backup was in there as well)
    I'm trying to reinstall osticket. The database is fine - I can query it manually easily.
    I've unzipped a copy of osticket 1.17.4 to /var/www/html and moved a config into place.
    My apache2 works and I can log into the install screen.

    When filling out the data on the install page, I fill everything out including the database information and it falls over, saying "This page isn't working right now."

    How can I re-attach to the database and get things back online?


    • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
    • mhayden-dmatrix

      Never re-install on an existing database. You really need the original include/ost-config.php file from your previous install. If you don’t have that then make a new install of osTicket in a separate directory (using a new empty database), copy that new install's include/ost-config.php file to the include/ folder in the other directory for your existing install, and update the database information in that file to match the existing database information.


    • Is it possible to flag a user in a reply post vs adding them as a collaborator?
      Adding users as collaborators doesn't always seem to result in email being sent to the added collaborator, and I'm looking for an alternate method just in case.

      • Hello -
        I've got osticket 1.17.3 working and it's magnificent.
        My boss has asked whether the following is possible:

        Our default incoming email is it@company.com and default routes to the Support department.

        Is it possible to set up different email addresses such that (for example) recruiting@company.com gets redirected to it@company.com but, based on the original recruiting@company.com address, gets routed to the Recruiting department rather than the Support department?
        Or can we route based on the Subject (e.g., Support by default, Recruiting with some sort of subject tag)?

        We're hoping to avoid creating a bunch of email accounts that we need to poll.

        Thank you

        • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
        • mhayden-dmatrix

          You should be able to as long as the incoming mail's To header contains the relevant email address (eg. recruiting@company.com). Then you’d have to add each email (eg. recruiting@company.com) as a system email (don’t configure fetching/sending; just add it) and set the Department there.

          Or can we route based on the Subject (e.g., Support by default, Recruiting with some sort of subject tag)?

          You can do this as well with Ticket Filters. The Filter Rule can be Issue Summary > contains > keyword_here and the Filter Action can be Set Department. Read more about Ticket Filters here.


        • Hmm. I'm doing it in root's crontab, but I'll consider that change.
          It's working now so I'm loath to modify it.

        • Aargh.
          It seems to not be working again.

          This is what's in root crontab:

          */5 * * * * www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/osticket/upload/api/cron.php

          (using www-data account rather than nobody; is that ok?)


        • Seems to have worked, thank you! It had to time out, though - took about 24 hours.
          I see there's some discussion of a need for a cron job to pull email in from MS?

          • OK - I'm now getting the message "Email Mismatch: Expecting Authorization for it@<domain> not mhayden@<domain>"

            I blew away the app registration I did as my own account which I authorized, and created a whole new one based on an it@<domain>.
            How do I remove the old authorization from osticket? Do I need to blow away the oauth phar file and remove all of hte config and start from scratch again?

            • Dealing with the same thing with the default email, it@... and I can't delete it.

            • Also, I never got to the consent form in the process.....is there a way to do that via Azure portal, or is that something that should occur dynamically as a part of login?

            • Hi - after going through the process I have two entries in the instances of the Oauth2 plugin..
              Should I have two?

            • Thank, KevinTheJedi.
              I'm working through it now (albeit without success) so far.
              much appreciated!

              • Hi -
                I'm running 1.17.3, and trying to get our inbound email working.
                The issue:
                In the Admin Panel / Emails / Remote Mailbox, I'm trying to set up an account against outlook.office365.com.
                We've disabled MFA against the email account and enabled POP and IMAP.
                The Authentication only shows "Basic Authentication (Legacy)" with no option for TLS etc.
                Protocols available are POP and IMAP, with no mention of TLS/SSL.

                How should we configure this to connect to office365 email? I've read in the documentation about adding TLS:// to the port number, etc, but nothing is working and I can't get it to authenticate, notwithstanding authenticating find in a browser.

                Thanks much for any assistance - this is great software, and if my users can open tix with email, they're going to be v v happy.


                • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
                • mhayden-dmatrix

                  Email Mismatch: Expecting Authorization for it@<domain> not mhayden@<domain>

                  This means when it took you to MS to authenticate you authenticated as the wrong account. You should login as it@ not your personal account.


                • @KevinTheJedi
                  Thank you!
                  That was the last bit to get us to the finish line.
                  Installed PHP8.1 and made sure to update php-8.1-ldap, and it began working.
                  My manager is DELIGHTED.
                  Grazie, grazie infinitamente!

                • Updated PHP to 8.1
                  Now it accepts ldap password but after logging in, we get a white screen.
                  Making headway, festina lente...thank you

                • It authenticates local users but not ldap users.
                  Looking in the DB to determine whether or not specific auth methods are locked.

                  I don't know what to expect from LDAP with osticket. Should the database autopopulate from ldap? Do I still need to create users?