Hello -
I've got osticket 1.17.3 working and it's magnificent.
My boss has asked whether the following is possible:

Our default incoming email is it@company.com and default routes to the Support department.

Is it possible to set up different email addresses such that (for example) recruiting@company.com gets redirected to it@company.com but, based on the original recruiting@company.com address, gets routed to the Recruiting department rather than the Support department?
Or can we route based on the Subject (e.g., Support by default, Recruiting with some sort of subject tag)?

We're hoping to avoid creating a bunch of email accounts that we need to poll.

Thank you

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • mhayden-dmatrix

    You should be able to as long as the incoming mail's To header contains the relevant email address (eg. recruiting@company.com). Then you’d have to add each email (eg. recruiting@company.com) as a system email (don’t configure fetching/sending; just add it) and set the Department there.

    Or can we route based on the Subject (e.g., Support by default, Recruiting with some sort of subject tag)?

    You can do this as well with Ticket Filters. The Filter Rule can be Issue Summary > contains > keyword_here and the Filter Action can be Set Department. Read more about Ticket Filters here.



    You should be able to as long as the incoming mail's To header contains the relevant email address (eg. recruiting@company.com). Then you’d have to add each email (eg. recruiting@company.com) as a system email (don’t configure fetching/sending; just add it) and set the Department there.

    Or can we route based on the Subject (e.g., Support by default, Recruiting with some sort of subject tag)?

    You can do this as well with Ticket Filters. The Filter Rule can be Issue Summary > contains > keyword_here and the Filter Action can be Set Department. Read more about Ticket Filters here.


    15 days later
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