
  • Joined May 31, 2024
  • 0 best answers
  • This is the error we are encountering upon opening of ost_search in HeidiSQL of our VM

    • KevinTheJedi hi, this is the complete error

      DB Error #144
      [(SELECT B5.address AS user__default_email__address, A1.number AS number, B6.subject AS cdata__subject, AS user__name, A1.ticket_id AS ticket_id, AS thread__id, A1.flags AS flags, 1 AS tickets, COUNT(DISTINCT AS tasks, COUNT(DISTINCT AS collaborators, COUNT(DISTINCT AS entries FROM ost_ticket A1 JOIN ost_ticket_status A2 ON (A1.status_id = LEFT JOIN ost_thread A3 ON (A3.object_type = 'T' AND A1.ticket_id = A3.object_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_referral A4 ON ( = A4.thread_id) LEFT JOIN ost_staff A5 ON (A4.object_type = 'S' AND A4.object_id = A5.staff_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread A6 ON (A1.ticket_id = A6.object_id AND A6.object_type = 'C') LEFT JOIN ost_thread_referral A7 ON ( = A7.thread_id) LEFT JOIN ost_staff A8 ON (A7.object_type = 'S' AND A7.object_id = A8.staff_id) LEFT JOIN ost_team B0 ON (A4.object_type = 'E' AND A4.object_id = B0.team_id) LEFT JOIN ost_team B1 ON (A7.object_type = 'E' AND A7.object_id = B1.team_id) LEFT JOIN ost_department B2 ON (A4.object_type = 'D' AND A4.object_id = LEFT JOIN ost_department B3 ON (A7.object_type = 'D' AND A7.object_id = JOIN ost_user B4 ON (A1.user_id = LEFT JOIN ost_user_email B5 ON (B4.default_email_id = LEFT JOIN ost_ticket__cdata B6 ON (A1.ticket_id = B6.ticket_id) LEFT JOIN ost_task B7 ON (A1.ticket_id = B7.object_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_collaborator B8 ON ( = B8.thread_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_entry C0 ON ( = C0.thread_id) WHERE ((A2.state = 'open' AND (A1.staff_id = 109 OR A5.staff_id = 109 OR A6.object_type = 'C' AND A8.staff_id = 109 OR A1.team_id IN (1, 68) OR B0.team_id IN (1, 68) OR A6.object_type = 'C' AND B1.team_id IN (1, 68))) OR A1.dept_id IN (1) OR IN (1) OR A6.object_type = 'C' AND IN (1)) AND A1.number LIKE ' ICTR0000023536%' GROUP BY A1.ticket_id ORDER BY A1.number ASC) UNION ALL (SELECT B5.address AS user__default_email__address, B6.subject AS cdata__subject, AS user__name, A1.ticket_id AS ticket_id, AS thread__id, A1.flags AS flags, null AS number, COUNT(DISTINCT A1.ticket_id) AS tickets, COUNT(DISTINCT AS tasks, COUNT(DISTINCT AS collaborators, COUNT(DISTINCT AS entries FROM ost_ticket A1 JOIN ost_ticket_status A2 ON (A1.status_id = LEFT JOIN ost_thread A3 ON (A3.object_type = 'T' AND A1.ticket_id = A3.object_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_referral A4 ON ( = A4.thread_id) LEFT JOIN ost_staff A5 ON (A4.object_type = 'S' AND A4.object_id = A5.staff_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread A6 ON (A1.ticket_id = A6.object_id AND A6.object_type = 'C') LEFT JOIN ost_thread_referral A7 ON ( = A7.thread_id) LEFT JOIN ost_staff A8 ON (A7.object_type = 'S' AND A7.object_id = A8.staff_id) LEFT JOIN ost_team B0 ON (A4.object_type = 'E' AND A4.object_id = B0.team_id) LEFT JOIN ost_team B1 ON (A7.object_type = 'E' AND A7.object_id = B1.team_id) LEFT JOIN ost_department B2 ON (A4.object_type = 'D' AND A4.object_id = LEFT JOIN ost_department B3 ON (A7.object_type = 'D' AND A7.object_id = JOIN ost_user B4 ON (A1.user_id = LEFT JOIN ost_user_email B5 ON (B4.default_email_id = LEFT JOIN ost_ticket__cdata B6 ON (A1.ticket_id = B6.ticket_id) LEFT JOIN ost_task B7 ON (A1.ticket_id = B7.object_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_collaborator B8 ON ( = B8.thread_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_entry C0 ON ( = C0.thread_id) JOIN (SELECT COALESCE(Z3.object_id, Z5.ticket_id, Z8.ticket_id) as ticket_id, Z1.relevance FROM (SELECT Z1.object_id, Z1.object_type, MATCH (Z1.title, Z1.content) AGAINST ('ICTR0000023536' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) AS relevance FROM ost__search Z1 WHERE MATCH (Z1.title, Z1.content) AGAINST ('ICTR0000023536' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) ORDER BY relevance DESC) Z1 LEFT JOIN ost_thread_entry Z2 ON (Z1.object_type = 'H' AND Z1.object_id = LEFT JOIN ost_thread Z3 ON (Z2.thread_id = AND (Z3.object_type = 'T' OR Z3.object_type = 'C')) LEFT JOIN ost_ticket Z5 ON (Z1.object_type = 'T' AND Z1.object_id = Z5.ticket_id) LEFT JOIN ost_user Z6 ON ( = Z1.object_id and Z1.object_type = 'U') LEFT JOIN ost_organization Z7 ON ( = Z1.object_id AND = Z6.org_id AND Z1.object_type = 'O') LEFT JOIN ost_ticket Z8 ON (Z8.user_id = Z1 WHERE ((A2.state = 'open' AND (A1.staff_id = 109 OR A5.staff_id = 109 OR A6.object_type = 'C' AND A8.staff_id = 109 OR A1.team_id IN (1, 68) OR B0.team_id IN (1, 68) OR A6.object_type = 'C' AND B1.team_id IN (1, 68))) OR A1.dept_id IN (1) OR IN (1) OR A6.object_type = 'C' AND IN (1)) AND A1.ticket_id = Z1.ticket_id GROUP BY A1.ticket_id ORDER BY Z1.relevance LIMIT 25) LIMIT 25] Table '.\tklsupport\ost__search' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

      ---- Backtrace ----
      #0 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\mysqli.php(200): osTicket->logDBError()
      #1 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(3459): db_query()
      #2 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(3506): MySqlExecutor->execute()
      #3 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(2093): MySqlExecutor->getArray()
      #4 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(2043): HashArrayIterator->{closure}()
      #5 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(2022): CallbackSimpleIterator->next()
      #6 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(2031): CallbackSimpleIterator->rewind()
      #7 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(1703): CallbackSimpleIterator->valid()
      #8 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(1713): CachedResultSet->fillTo()
      #9 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(1729): CachedResultSet->asArray()
      #10 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\ CachedResultSet->getIterator()
      #11 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.dispatcher.php(145): TicketsAjaxAPI->lookup()
      #12 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.dispatcher.php(38): UrlMatcher->dispatch()
      #13 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.dispatcher.php(120): Dispatcher->resolve()
      #14 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.dispatcher.php(38): UrlMatcher->dispatch()
      #15 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\scp\ajax.php(308): Dispatcher->resolve()
      #16 {main}

    • Hi,

      I would like to know why does our osTicket is encountering this error [please see first image: system logs] when we tried to search for a ticket but it does not display the ticket we are looking for? [see second and third image] Kindly help us 😥

      • KevinTheJedi Hi, I have tried to disable the Verify Email Address Domain, but it still displays an error upon creation of user.

        • KevinTheJedi Yes, I do have permissions. Actually, I weekly create an account, but this time it displays an error

        • Hi, I would like to ask on how to resolve this issue since I could not proceeed in creating user accounts

          This is the error we are encountering upon creating an account

          When I tried to check the system logs, this is the error we encountered
          " DB Error #1062
          [INSERT INTO ost_team_member SET team_id = '51', flags = 1] Duplicate entry '51-0' for key 'PRIMARY'

          ---- Backtrace ----
          #0 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\mysqli.php(200): osTicket->logDBError()
          #1 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(3459): db_query()
          #2 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.orm.php(658): MySqlExecutor->execute()
          #3 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.staff.php(801): VerySimpleModel->save()
          #4 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\include\class.staff.php(1143): Staff->updateTeams()
          #5 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tklservicedesk\scp\staff.php(47): Staff->update()
          #6 {main}"

          • @"KevinTheJedi how could I edit the signature variable? It is not reflecting on my template

            • Hello, may I ask you guys what should I do if I want to use my personal signature while posting reply? Enabling my signature is not visible. That's why I am still depending on our team's canned responses

              • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
              • kel_gorl

                The signature will not appear in the ticket thread. It is only added to outgoing emails. You must also have the %{signature} variable in the needed Response/Reply Template.


              • Hi, I would like to ask how could canned response identify the courtesy titles or how could I use this in canned response? I am planning to input the courtesy titles before the name of requestor so that it kind of looks politene instead of just using their names.

                Could someone help me on this? TIA