I received an email abuot this error: DB Error #1062

the email text is:
[INSERT INTO ost_session SET session_id = 'qnch5s65isq4dvjmf97eedapnq', session_data = 'csrf|a:2:{s:5:\"token\";s:40:\"0c33f2464fa1aca8373cdb9f6448039b52cb87de\";s:4:\"time\";i:1671350400;}_auth|a:1:{s:5:\"staff\";N;}', session_expire = (NOW() + INTERVAL 86400 SECOND), user_ip = '', user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36']

Duplicate entry 'qnch5s65isq4dvjmf97eedapnq' for key 'PRIMARY'<br />
<br />
---- Backtrace ----<br />
#0 (root)/include/mysqli.php(201): osTicket->logDBError()<br />
#1 (root)/include/class.orm.php(3466): db_query()<br />
#2 (root)/include/class.orm.php(658): MySqlExecutor->execute()<br />
#3 (root)/include/class.ostsession.php(227): VerySimpleModel->save()<br />
#4 (root)/include/class.ostsession.php(158): DbSessionBackend->update()<br />
#5 [internal function]: SessionBackend->write()<br />
#6 [internal function]: session_write_close()<br />
#7 {main}

Do you know what type of error is and what i have to do?

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • f-damodio

    It’s a warning saying there is already a session in the database with that same information it’s trying to insert. You can ignore this unless it happens a lot.



    It’s a warning saying there is already a session in the database with that same information it’s trying to insert. You can ignore this unless it happens a lot.


      2 years later
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