
The db error has nothing to do with adding a User as the db error is in relation to Teams which is only available to Agents. Do you have any hidden fields? Do you have permission to add users (Admin Panel > Agents > Agents > click your name > click Permissions > Users > Create).


    KevinTheJedi Yes, I do have permissions. Actually, I weekly create an account, but this time it displays an error


    Try disabling email verification (Admin Panel > Emails > Settings > Verify Email Addresses) and retest. If that works then your server is having DNS issues or the email domain has issues with their MX/A/AAAA records.


      KevinTheJedi Hi, I have tried to disable the Verify Email Address Domain, but it still displays an error upon creation of user.


        Oof then I can’t really assist any further. You are way behind and likely have a bug going on that’s already been addressed.



          There’s no guarantee however you are way behind and using an old unsupported version. So upgrading would be your best option. You can do a test upgrade and test to see.


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