
  • May 18, 2018
  • Joined Jan 25, 2018
  • 0 best answers
  • Dónde está la opción de editar ticket para los usuarios? Tengo entendido solamente pueden "editar" cuando crean el ticket, o desde su perfil registrado solamente pueden comentar.Saludos!

  • Something that happened to me is that if i try to login on 2 different "sessions" at the same time that exception prompts, so try not to login at the same time twice, thats how i solved it.

  • Hi everyone!I was wondering if there's somehow a solution that can authenticate my osticket users without passing thru the login page, taking the user and password from active directory server, maybe using some variables from it. So once i get on my osticket page on the browser I dont need to type user and password.PD I know one approach could be to store on the browser that login data so you only need to click on login button to acces the system. I also understand that maybe I need to edit core files.

  • Sorry for late response, I was told the server where osticket is installed is isolated to the network so maybe this kind of error is because the server has not connection to the outside, I will try to install the plugin on a server with communication to the exterior, if the error persist, i will keep updated you guys.Thanks!

  • Hi there, i think it happens because maybe there's some problem with the mailing part, somehow its blocking, I will check that "module" and keep everyone updated.Thanks in advance.


  • Hi everyone!I just installed the active directory plugin, and everything works fine but when I post a reply on the user "session" the following error happens (image attached), i manually tried to access the file giving the directory to the php but nothing happens. The file exists on the server. Somehow it is not properly loading.Im running on v1.10Any Idea?blank


  • Solved! I was editing wrong file. The post can be found on this link ://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//add-custom-list-selection-to-the-sticky-bar#latest

  • Made it!!! I was not editing the right tickets.php file :(I was able to send the value to the database, now i need to post it on the ticket details and link it to the database.

  • Tried, but didnt success, the $Diagnostico var is used on the file set_diagnostic.inc.php?Made the file on the same directory of tickets.php will it be a problem?Thanks!Hopefully The option will be ready on this week :( (i'd been working for 3 weeks).

  • ok, i found a way to resolve this using this code:<html><head><title>PHP</title></head><body>Hola!<br>    <form id="reply"  action="" name="reply" method="post"> <?php        $servername = "localhost";        $username = "root";        $password = "password";        $dbname = "test";// Create connection$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);// Check connectionif ($conn->connect_error) {    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);}$sql = "SELECT value,id FROM hd_list_items where list_id=4"; //query sql$result = $conn->query($sql);if ($result->num_rows > 0) {    // output data of each row?> <tr>    <td width="120" style="vertical-align"><!--copiar desde aqui -->    <label><strong><?php echo __('Diagnostico');?>:</strong></label>   </td>   <td> <select name="diagnosis"><?php    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {        echo sprintf('<option value="%d" id="%d">%s</option>',$row."",$row."",$row."");    }} else {    echo "0 results";}$conn->close();?></select>        </td></tr>        <p  style="text-align;">            <input class="save pending" type="submit" value="boton" name="boton" id="boton">        </p>    </form><?php                if(isset($_POST)){                   $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);                // Check connection                if ($conn->connect_error) {                    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);                }                $value = $_POST;                $sql = "UPDATE hd_ticket SET diagn_list ='$value' where ticket_id='1976'";//watch out ' and "                $result = $conn->query($sql);                $conn->close();                }    } ?></body></html>the thing is, when i try to integrate it inside my ticket.view.inc.php i cannot make it work (no error message but the database dont update the value of my field), how can I debug it? any ideas to solve the problem?

  • I'm working on that, but i still cant do it (required) and in my case, place a value on my database, look at my posthttp://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//field-below-ticket-status#latestIm consulting the list and placing on my drop down

  • Hi there, i'd post a month ago a feature that i needed, during this month i was trying to make it work but i cant, i have half of the way to acomplish this but i cannot store the value on the database.I'm editing the ticket-view.inc.php file, below the ticket status part.This is the code i was working on. Can somebody can help me to achieve this? <?php        $servername = "localhost";        $username = "root";        $password = "dummypassword";        $dbname = "mydatabase";// Create connection$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);// Check connectionif ($conn->connect_error) {    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);}$sql = "SELECT value,id FROM my_table where list_id=4"; //query correct on the list i've already created$result = $conn->query($sql);if ($result->num_rows > 0) {    // output data of each row?> <tr>    <td width="120" style="vertical-align">    <label><strong><?php echo __('Diagnostico');?>:</strong></label>   </td>   <td> <select name="diagnosis"><?php    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {        echo sprintf('<option value="%d">%s</option>',$row."",$row."");    }} else {    echo "0 results";}$conn->close();//at this point everything ok, check the picture below.?></select>        </td></tr>         </tbody>        </table><?php //is my code on the right place?                if(isset($_POST)){//take the boton (submit button "Post Reply")                $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);                // Check connection                if ($conn->connect_error) {                    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);                }                $value = $_POST; //take the value selected from my select                $sql = "UPDATE hd_ticket SET diagn_list ='$value' where ticket_id='1975'";//test only for the ticket id, need to obtain the ticket id from a variable but so far, i couldn't :(                $result = $conn->query($sql);                echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('SQL: '+ $sql);</script>";//trying to debug what im sending to the database                $conn->close();}?>Thanks in advice, here the picture showing the correct sql consult


  • Maybe using an sql query(?) but you'll need to investigate how to achieve that, obviously once having the sql only changing parameters of date it will be maybe easy!

  • Hi! Have you tried the knowledge base? maybe you could upload the info related to help topics inside that, otherwise, i think changing the button  like i did with my input id on the "type=hidden" <input id="cmb_value" type="hidden" value="" name="topicId" />The thing is that when you click on a help topic nothing will happen, maybe coding with ajax (no reload of all the page) could be a solution.Bye!

  • Maybe you can set help topics a default already created SLA Plans, and fix the priority of those help topics.However it is maybe not what you are searching for.

  • I've got an idea and clearly find out what i want, i need to have a field that depends if one ticket is resolved, an extra field pops out with a diagnosis statement like in the example image (but with the extra field below) the only thing that i dont understand is how to achieve it given the code.blankHere the diagnosis fieldDo i need to start a new post or with this is enough? Thanks.


  • Thanks, that's what i though, somebody has already made an implementation like this? The pages intended to check are ticket-view.inc.php and some .class that i dont find :/Thanks again for the time took for this topic!