I just installed v1.10.1 on my serverFollowed the install instructions very closely.I went to log at http://mydomain.com/scp/login.php  and I get this error -- "Valid CSRF Token Required"How do I solve it?I am running:CentOS 7.4.1708HTTP 2.4.6MySQL 5.7.21PHP 7.2.3

First thing: PHP 7.2.3
osTicket does not support PHP version 7.1+.
You should downgrade to 5.6 or 7.0.

Will your product run on PHP 7.0.29?

It's not *MY* product, I'm just a forum moderator. :)  But it should.  I personally run two productions sites on 7.0.26. 

12 days later

@[deleted] this isn't your thread, and there is no guarentee that your problem is the same as TicMister's problem with out serious digging.  If you have a problem I would invite you to start your own thread and put your information into the thread and someone will help you.

I have hosted on godaddy.in.  After changing PHP version from 7.1 to 7.0 through the cpanel, my problem is solved. 

16 days later

I find that I get that error with Chrome sometimes.  It seems to be related to Chrome's cache and how it is handling the session.  I've had luck with clearing the browser and restarting it.  I'm running php 5.6.

6 days later

Something that happened to me is that if i try to login on 2 different "sessions" at the same time that exception prompts, so try not to login at the same time twice, thats how i solved it.

9 months later

I use ubuntu 16.04 with php 7.0
The webinterface worked all day, suddenly I got this error.

I read somewhere to clear cookies in my browser, i did, and the error was no more.

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