Hello, is it possible to create a help topic which simply outputs information?I.E. the user doesn't have to fill out any form and won't be able to press  "submit" button when a certain option from "Help Topic" is selected, but instead gets some text to read.Or does this have to be changed through code? if so, does anyone have any idea as to where do I go from "open.php" to create a custom help topic option which also hides "submit" button?

Hi! Have you tried the knowledge base? maybe you could upload the info related to help topics inside that, otherwise, i think changing the button  like i did with my input id on the "type=hidden" <input id="cmb_value" type="hidden" value="" name="topicId" />The thing is that when you click on a help topic nothing will happen, maybe coding with ajax (no reload of all the page) could be a solution.Bye!

Right,Unfortunately some of our users go straight to creating a ticket and ignore knowledge base, even when the topic doesn't have anything to do with their issue (as those issues don't require any action from tickets' agents).Thanks for the hint! Will play with "open.inc.php" to get the needed result.

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