I have error message as tittle. i have double check all the setting. it was follow as documentation.
I would like to ask for help for the issue. Anyone have facing before and solved. Please advise.
Thank you


    Seems like a firewall issue or something. I recommend that you contact your server admin and/or network provider for further assistance.



    You may also want to ensure you have OpenSSL enabled for PHP and if you are running a windows server you will need to make sure you have the cURL root certificate installed and updated in your PHP INI.


      i have enabled the OpenSSL

      For the cURL root certificate is this rite

      i download the 'cacert.pem' from internet and use in here.

      i was install in my laptop using iis.

      Thanks for your reply.


        Okay then it seems like a network/firewall issue. Can you try from a completely different network? Can you ping/cURL that url from the command line?


          I have try to ping the cURL oauth2.googleapis.com/token, it return 'Ping request could not find host'
          when i ping oauth2.googleapis.com. it able to ping successful.

          What should i do ?
          Thanks your advise


            I would suggest googling the error or contacting your server admin/network provider for further assistance. I have not seen this issue before.


              i have try to connect my mobile data and do testing the message change
              here is the message 'The scheme '' is not supported.'.

              Do you have and idea in this ?

              Thanks for your reply


                I haven’t seen that error before. Are you sure you followed these steps exactly?

                Are you using a US Gmail account (ie. @gmail.com)?

                If it’s an @gmail.com personal email (ie. non-google workspace account) and you made the Project External then you need to add the email you are trying to authorize to the Test Users within the Project.


                  I have follow the step exactly, my is personal gmail.
                  The project user type is external.
                  I have added the email into Test users

                  Thanks for your reply


                    I just tried googling that error and can’t find anything about it. Unfortunately I wouldn’t be of much help if you’ve read the documentation, followed all the steps, met all the requirements, and have all prerequisites installed.



                      I do not, no. You'll have to google that error to see. To me it seems like firewall issue but there’s no way to be certain without you digging deeper.


                      a month later

                      Hi i have success login by normal email authentication.
                      I have try to Diagnostic to send email out. it was success.
                      When i send new email to create ticket, it was fail
                      i have check my mailbox it was success deliver but in osTicket didn't create ticekt.

                      Would like to ask your assist.

                      Thanks for you reply

                        I have crated the api, and here is the code in cron.php
                        How to run in localhost ?


                        File to handle LOCAL cron job calls.
                        Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com>
                        Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket
                        Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
                        See LICENSE.TXT for details.
                        vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:

                        @chdir(dirname(FILE).'/'); //Change dir.

                        if (!osTicket::is_cli())
                        die(__('cron.php only supports local cron calls - use http -> api/tasks/cron'));



                          You don’t need to use api at all if you are running cron locally. Simply look at the "RECURRING TASKS SCHEDULER (CRON JOB)" section for an easy example.


                          6 days later

                          Can the user change to agent?
                          I want to create an agent but the email already exist in user.
                          so want to change the user become agent.

                          How to configure? i registered the user.