
  • 2 days ago
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  • As well as i noticed, once i go to Admin panel / Emails path and click and open default email address, then it is fetching to osticket app and generate the ticket. Otherwise new email is in email inbox and it is not fetching to osticket side as new ticket. What would be the reason.

    • Hi Kevin, Lets assume simply i want to get "Help topic" column to ticket view area (Refer red color arrow mark in above mentioned screenshot). In between subject & From fields. How can i do this changes

      • I have noticed that if i logged in to the system and do a page refreshing then it is fetching and generate ticket for new emails. My concern is, i am using this ticket system for IT department to track IT issues of organization. we are not logging to this os ticket application for whole day because if someone raised an issue through email to the system then it will generate a ticket and alert can receive for the agents/ admin email. Then we can login to the system and provide our feedback for the relevant ticket. I am in a doubt about below mentioned point number 2 in your user manual (seems is it triggering only if we logged in to the system, isn't it ?). Rest of all other settings are in line.

      • I registered an email with ostickets (osTicket-v1.18) which is working fine but the problem is email fetching time from the configured email inbox is much high it is approximately 10 min or higher.

        I tested with replacing the fetch frequency to 1 min and Emails Per Fetch to 30 still it is taking the same time i.e., 10 min. The configured email inbox is receiving the sent mail in just 15 seconds, but the ostickets fetch duration is high i.e., 10 min. How can I get the solution for this Delay in Mail Fetching
        (I am using O365 email account with oAth2 configurations)

        • If there is no any other way to categorized my projects i can use Help topics. Then is there any way to get this help topic field to above screenshot related ticket detail screen (For red color arrow area as a separate column). My idea is then i can sort tickets based on each help topic and analyze what is the most issue related help topic...etc.

          • I want to categorized tickets based on their nature. For an example ERP related, Hardware Related....etc. How can i do it and end of the day i want to filter and see how many tickets received for a particular category. Is there any possibility to add this category for the agent panel / Ticket UI (Refer attachment and i want to show it in this grid
            ) as well as include it to exported excel sheet as well

            • I wanted to setup ticket attachments by click on attachment (instead of download it and open as it is getting extra time). Is there any setting to do this

              • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
              • upe

                You can do this for images however any other type of files will need to be downloaded. To do this go to Profile > Preferences > Image Attachment View > Inline. For PDFs you can install a browser extension that displays them in the browser.


              • Thanks kevin, due to some issue index.php file was not there. Once i copied it matter sorted

              • Hi Kevin, as i checked with hosting provider they have re-checked and there is no any restrictions from their side. They said there can be some file missing or main page related file may be missing. Any idea to check this. Because admin page is working without any issue and i also guess some main page related file issue may be the reason.

                • Hi,

                  I am using gmail address as my default email and it is IMAP enabled and from osticket application side i have already configured fetching correctly. Using Diagnostic i can send emails to outside email addresses.

                  Assume my default email address is xyz@gmail.com and if i send an email with issue details to xyz@gmail.com then it is receiving to gmail address inbox but it is not coming to osticket application as new ticket. What would be the reason

                  • Hi Kevin, you mean my gmail sent items ? there is no any sent mails inside gmail sent items. As well as i checked osticket dashboard / system logs. I couldn't identify any error log inside it. Any other suggestion for this.

                    • Hi,

                      I am using Osticket v1.18.2 with authentication plugins. As i am using personal gmail account hope that i cannot setup igp config for it. Therefore i have enabled IMAP and setup email configurations as below with basic authentication (legacy) . But if i checked to send an email using diagnostic it is not getting error but cannot receive an email for recipient. What would be the issue

                      • Thanks kevin. i have installed fresh installation with paid hosting provider and now i have problem of accessing helpdesk general url but i can access admin url without any issue.

                        ex :- itsupport.xyz.com (Unable to access) - it's getting error as "It appears you don't have
                        permission to access this page. 403 Error. Forbidden."

                        itsupport.xyz.com/scp (can access without any issue)

                        kindly help me to fixed this matter

                        • Thanks Kevin, i am using infinityfree to host helpdesk system and it is not allowing me to install plugins and getting below error message. Any alternative solution to overcome this issue

                          Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: is_file(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/vol6_2/infinityfree.com/if0_38494588/htdocs/include/plugins/en_GB.phar/plugin.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:..:/var/www/errors:/home/vol6_2/infinityfree.com/if0_38494588/htdocs) in /home/vol6_2/infinityfree.com/if0_38494588/htdocs/include/class.plugin.php:257 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: PluginManager::throwException(2, 'is_file(): open...', '/home/vol6_2/in...', 299) #1 /home/vol6_2/infinityfree.com/if0_38494588/htdocs/include/class.plugin.php(299): is_file('/home/vol6_2/in...') #2 /home/vol6_2/infinityfree.com/if0_38494588/htdocs/include/staff/plugin-add.inc.php(15): PluginManager::allInfos() #3 /home/vol6_2/infinityfree.com/if0_38494588/htdocs/scp/plugins.php(136): require('/home/vol6_2/in...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/vol6_2/infinityfree.com/if0_38494588/htdocs/include/class.plugin.php on line 257

                          • Hi Kevin, Thank you very much for your valuable feedback. It is getting same error even though i have reset and tried to config again. please refer attached screen shots

                            • I have tried to enable personal gmail account as default os ticket email address. But when i am trying to save it it is getting error message. (Refer attachment). I tries all other Authentication types but getting same error. Email address is also correct.

                              • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
                              • upe

                                403 forbidden error comes directly from the web server and is thrown when the user is not allowed to access the page. This is more than likely due to web server configurations, firewall, etc. The only other thing it can be is missing/corrupted files or incorrect permissions/ownership on the files. Try re-uploading all the code files and retest.
