I want to categorized tickets based on their nature. For an example ERP related, Hardware Related....etc. How can i do it and end of the day i want to filter and see how many tickets received for a particular category. Is there any possibility to add this category for the agent panel / Ticket UI (Refer attachment and i want to show it in this grid
) as well as include it to exported excel sheet as well
Project category handling
If there is no any other way to categorized my projects i can use Help topics. Then is there any way to get this help topic field to above screenshot related ticket detail screen (For red color arrow area as a separate column). My idea is then i can sort tickets based on each help topic and analyze what is the most issue related help topic...etc.
I was just asking what you personally meant by “categories”. We don’t have “categories” in osTicket so I’m trying to clarify what you mean so I can best assist you.
You can modify the queues and columns to your liking:
Hi Kevin, Lets assume simply i want to get "Help topic" column to ticket view area (Refer red color arrow mark in above mentioned screenshot). In between subject & From fields. How can i do this changes