
  • 13 Jan
  • Joined Feb 20, 2022
  • 0 best answers
  • Thank you for the response, Kevin.
    I believe PHP is all good on 8.2, all the extensions are ticket and working as far as I can tell.
    The only thing that is not enabled is (cgi.fix_pathinfo).
    You have stated in the forum, (If OST Functions) don't worry about (cgi.fix_pathinfo) and I have never needed to...
    Yes, I'll check via SSH, I did not think of that...
    If and when I figure this out I'll post it here for others to see in the hope it may help them with GoDaddy...
    All the best and thanks ...

  • Hi, thanks for the response.
    I'm sorry. I did not mention that this is a fresh install of 1.18 .1 with just data migrated to the new database.
    This is why I'm unsure of what is wrong.
    Do you think it's a GoDaddy web server issue.
    Could it be how they set up the web server with port restrictions on transport protocols, and the port is blocked?
    That said, on the many calls I have had with 1st tear support, they state ports are open and working.
    I agree if the connection is from an Outlook Client to the MX Server, as my Mail Clients work without issue.
    So I have tried to explain to 1st tear support it's a web-based ticket system on a web server that would require the correct transport layers to be enabled, plus the mentioned ports must be open.
    Please can you confirm that this statement above is correct?

    Please both images of 2 ports setting...

    Thanks in advance.

    • Hello to all, I am having issues with this OAuth2 Plugin.
      However, I'm 90% sure it's not the plugin.
      So, on port 587 I get this error (>>>cannot connect to host; error = stream_socket_client(): Unable to connect to tcp://smtp.office365.com:587 (Connection timed out) (errno = 0 ) <<<
      The TCP is the wrong transport as far as I know.
      I spoke with GoDaddy ( That was Fun ), and one said to try 465, but this still gave an error in SSL.
      SSL makes sense but I have the error below...

      cannot connect to host; error = stream_socket_client(): Unable to connect to ssl://smtp.office365.com:465 (Connection timed out) (errno = 0 ) <<<
      SMTP Authentication is Enabled on the email address 365 Exchange.
      I have asked GD if all the transport layers are enabled along with said ports and they insisted there are.
      So, what could be the issue if the GD MX Servers are working and everything above is correct?
      I have re-done tenant in Azure at least 4 times and this authentication is simple if you follow the instructions.
      I was successful the first time I used the Email OAuth2 plugin.
      I was also successful every time thereafter and got a validated green token with a TTL every time.
      Also, if I leave the SMTP Disabled and leave the IMAP Enabled with Fetching on, the fetching works as intended, and the fetched emails are placed into the relevant ticket numbers.
      I am lost.
      If anyone can shed some light on this or has had this issue with or without GoDaddy, I would be grateful for assistance or a solution to this strange connection issue.

      Many thanks in advanced

    • Hi @ Kevin.
      Just wanted to ask what is the best MySQL Migration Tool.
      I have to migrate from osTicket v1.15.8) to v1.17.X.
      As far as I know, you can't just migrate DB as the old settings in DB are not compatible with the core on v1.17.X, or is that information wrong, I'm sure I saw that somewhere on the forum.
      Please note I'm running a shared server @ Godaddy...
      Apache Version | 2.4.57
      MySQL Version | 5.7.42-cll-lve
      I know makes things tricky and support is not great in most cases.

      • Hi, I have done.
        Godaddy said the port is not closed or blocked by Firewall, also I won't even PHP Mail Out either.
        This is a fresh install through Installatron on CPanel and the only thing I tried to do it get SMTP figured out.
        Need to get this sorted, no point in migrating DB till the OST system is functional.
        I'm still running old DB on OST 1.15.xx on another URL and also has stopped using SMTP, was running this via CPanel Email Routing, then that stopped, then had to move to just PHP Mailing and then that stopped.
        OST 1.15.xx was never updated at any time as it was on manual updates only.
        I question Godady about this also and said they had made no changes, but something must have changed.

        • Hi, to all.
          I also have this issue.
          Could not open socket: stream_socket_client(): Unable to connect to tcp://smtp.office365.com:587 (Network is unreachable)
          Hosting is at Godaddy on a C-Panel Linux Apache, Version 2.4.55 / PHP Version 8.0 / MySQL Version 5.7.41-cll-lve
          Running OSTicket 1.17.3.
          I have spoken with Godaddy twice now and that was after many dropped calls and getting hold of someone that knew what they were talking about, and stated that Port 587 was not closed or blocked.
          Here are some images and the tokens for OAuth V2 work without issue, it's just when you enable SMTP.
          smtp.office365.com = on port 587 = fails to connect.
          Please also note I'm on a shared server, NOT a Dedicated or Virtual Server...
          Really hoping someone can shed some light on this.

          • Hi to all.
            I've been running OST for some time now and it's been flawless.
            When I first started with OST we were on HTTP and as the time when on as it is for all we moved over to HTTPS.
            This is a reason I'll get to shortly about SSL as I believe it may have something to do with the issue.
            We all know or most know you need PHP 8.0 with a SQL of 5.5 for the 1.16 versions.
            So, this I have and did but came up against this HTTP 500 Error.
            What I noticed was this; if I rolled back the PHP to 7.4 I got access to the update page which needs completing and won't because it then states you need PHP 8.0, so then, of course, you change the PHP back to 8.0 and you lose the page and you're back to an HTTP 500 issue and round and round you go.
            However, what I also noticed was when in this 500 state the website goes insecure like SSL is not there but if you check the URL it clearly states HTTPS and padlock is also gone, and again if you roll back to 7.4 PHP the SSL is back and so is the padlock, so have I missed anything?
            Do I need to roll back to Non-SSL to do the install and then set up SSL after or does someone know what's going on, if so please can you explain the workaround because the above is all I have come up with and it's a lot of messing about as SSL has to propagate and that's if that is the solution...
            Also, I'm with GoDaddy on C-Panel with Apache Server.

            Would be grateful for any direction and or assistance

            Regards to all in advance...

            • Yep, I was definitely having a moment, on my 4th reply with pic.
              I have been testing both ticket systems with IMAP to O365 Server with SMTP disabled and PHP Mailer on.
              Both have worked without issues with open and new test tickets.
              So, as long as it works it's all good.
              Many thanks for your help and advice Kevin and if it goes pear-shaped I'll post you, lol.
              Have a great weekend.

            • Nope, that was unintended.
              Was a very late night last night and I missed that but emails are going in both directions.
              I'll try it on the customer ticket site and see how it goes, many thanks for the help.

            • Hi, here's something strange.
              So we run two ticket systems, one for customers and one for trade.
              Customer Ticket was set up in 2016 and has taken all updates.
              Trade Ticket was set up much later, 2020 so install was newer, not sure if that has anything to do with it.
              But, my main concern was customer one; anyway I tried it on the Trade Ticket and as you can see in the picture it worked.
              Now I'm really confused...

            • Hi, I have a response from the server on Telnet, not sure what it means but you might, I hope.

            • Topman, many thanks.
              That was driving me nuts, but I understand why it's needed in some cases.
              W G

            • Many thanks, I'll check that out and get back to you with some good news I hope.
              Best regards.

            • Hi Kevin.
              Sorry meant to send this to you a day ago, been busy but slowly running out of time with GD.
              Here is a screenshot of the issue in the email setup in the ticket system.

              Also, will I always have to deal with this captcha every two mins to say anything on this forum?
              It driving me crazy.

            • Hello, to all who might read and or assist.
              I've been running OS Ticket for some time and started when I moved to Godaddy and it's a big part of my business.
              Now, Godaddy is pushing us to move over to Outlook 365 as they are dissolving the web-based workspace email.
              The issue I have is the only options in OS Ticket Email setting is POP or IMAP with or without SSL.
              That's where my issue begins as 365 requires encryption methods of IMAP Port: 993 (TLS) and SMTP Port: 587 (STARTLLS) which OS Ticket does not have in the setting that most will already know.
              So, the big question is; is there a workaround or a plugin for these encryption methods.
              I have noticed that if IMAP SSL is set to port 993 the only thing that's flagged is the SMTP but the IMAP can't be checked because you can't completion on the email settings due to the error on the SMTP so there's no way of knowing if the IMAP will function or not.
              So if anyone has any ideas or plugins please share.