
  • 24 days ago
  • Joined Mar 20, 2024
  • 1 best answer
  • You just have to edit these photos in \images in Photoshop or even in Paint, but please don't change their size or name.

  • Hello dear community,

    Is there any possibility to defer tickets? Currently, I have some tickets that require time and need clarification before they can be resolved. I would like to defer them so that the ticket queue remains clean and fewer tickets are displayed.

    Thank you in advance!

    • Hello,

      Can I prevent a ticket from being automatically created for someone who is in CC (E-Mail) ? Currently, if someone sends an email to the Helpdesk to create a ticket and includes someone else in CC, that person also gets notified about the newly created ticket.

      Is there a way to prevent this so that only the person who creates the ticket via email gets access to it?

      • Setting Up Automatic Ticket Fetching on Windows Server

        This guide will walk you through setting up a scheduled task in Windows Server to automatically run a PHP script that fetches tickets from your ticketing system.

        1. Open Task Scheduler

          • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
          • Type taskschd.msc and press Enter to open the Task Scheduler -or- simply click the windows button and search for "Task Scheduler"
        2. Create a New Task

          • In Task Scheduler, click on Create Task in the right-hand Actions panel.

          • Name the task (e.g., MyTicketsTask) and provide a description if desired.

        3. Configure Triggers

          • Go to the Triggers tab.

          • Click New to create a new trigger.

          • Set the trigger to Daily.

          • Specify the start date and time.

          • Check the box for Repeat task every and set it to 5 minutes.

          • Ensure the Enable box is checked.

          • Click OK to save the trigger.

        4. Configure Actions

          • Go to the Actions tab.

          • Click New to create a new action.

          • Set Action to Start a program.

          • In the Program/script field, browse to the path of php-cli.exe. Typically, this is located at C:\php\php.exe or similar.

          • In the Add arguments (optional) field, enter the path to your PHP script. For example: C:\yourtickets_website\api\cron.php.

          • Click OK to save the action.

        5. Check Other Settings (Optional)

          Conditions: Adjust any conditions that are necessary for your environment (e.g., only run when on AC power).
          Settings: Review and adjust settings like Allow task to be run on demand and If the task fails, restart every if needed.

        6. Confirm Cron Job Settings

          • Log in to your ticketing system's Admin Panel.

          • Navigate to Email > Settings.

          • Go to Autofetch and ensure that the cron job is deactivated if you're running the script manually through Task Scheduler.

        Important Notes

        Ensure the cron job is not active in the ticketing system’s settings to avoid conflicts with the Windows scheduled task.
        Permissions: Ensure that the user account running the scheduled task has appropriate permissions to access the PHP executable and the script file.

        By following these steps, you will have set up an automated task to regularly run your PHP script and fetch tickets from your ticketing system

        • Hello,
          I have 2 administrators with all permissions but we can't see each other's stats, we can see the graphs but no stats. Can someone help me fix this?

          • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
          • Eiltesir

            It appears you are using a heavily modified osTicket install. Are you perhaps using the “German version”? If so, this is not the core codebase but rather a modded osTicket. You would need to contact the modelers directly for further support.


          • I had a similar problem. I just checked the MIME type in the attachment settings. I'm sure it could be the probelem, but I've just sorted it out with the MIME type declaration.

            • Thanks to all of you. I solved the problem by simply doing a PHP upgarde and removing and resetting all permissions. I don't think it had anything to do with PHP, but a clean permissions distribution might help. Anyway, if anyone get the same case in the future need to clean all permissions and set them clear again. Please check if the php.ini setup is as following as well:

              Check as well if the web server still does not have write access to the temp directory. Simply upload a PHP file to the web server and display the (temp_dir)

              Then write the following code in the file:

              echo 'upload_tmp_dir = ' . ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') . "\n";_

              The temp directory used path should then be displayed as following:

              This is a default directory. If you want you can as well set your own folder.

            • Update: I even changed to this folder where the folder has all the necessary permissions. Still does not work. I submit that it does not work

              • Is this a correct setting? Should I specify a path? If so, how?
                Here is my folder: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\it-helpdesk
                I have created a folder for file attachments myself. Should I create a new folder?

              • Hey Kevin,

                I looked in the browser console and found the following error. I didn't find any other error, I mean there are no other errors in the logs.

                • Hello everyone,

                  We have a big problem that we cannot upload attachments. The following errors occur.

                  Here the PHP setting:

                  Parameter in php.ini:


                  Then i used as well File attachement plugin:
                  Still not working:

                  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
                  • Thanks to all of you. I solved the problem by simply doing a PHP upgarde and removing and resetting all permissions. I don't think it had anything to do with PHP, but a clean permissions distribution might help. Anyway, if anyone get the same case in the future need to clean all permissions and set them clear again. Please check if the php.ini setup is as following as well:

                    Check as well if the web server still does not have write access to the temp directory. Simply upload a PHP file to the web server and display the (temp_dir)

                    Then write the following code in the file:

                    echo 'upload_tmp_dir = ' . ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') . "\n";_

                    The temp directory used path should then be displayed as following:

                    This is a default directory. If you want you can as well set your own folder.

                  • Hello Everyone,

                    We have noticed that some colleagues frequently set an out-of-office notice in Outlook. When we work on their tickets, we receive these absence notices, which can be disruptive. Is there a way in osTicket to prevent these absence notice emails from being sent?
                    I have created an Outlook rule:

                    Thank you in advance.

                    • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
                    • Eiltesir

                      Exactly that, create an inbox rule to move the out of office emails out of the inbox or configured fetch folder.

                      Otherwise, in osTicket, you can create a Ticket Filter to match on whatever criteria and set the action to reject ticket.


                    • Thank you Kevin. i got my answer. I close this now.

                    • Hello everyone,
                      Is it actually possible to automatically merge an email with a ticket? It's like someone responding to their ticket by replying to confirmation email.

                      • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
                      • Eiltesir

                        Emails will always thread through existing Tickets if it contains the appropriate information. Just like typical mail providers, we look for specific Headers that reference an existing thread/email. In order to thread, the incoming email must contain a valid In-Reply-To and/or References header. If not, we look at the message-id to see if we can decode it and if it was created by our system we will be able to match it accordingly. Lastly, we check for the Ticket Number in the Subject of the email.

                        If the mail doesn't contain any of this information there is no way the system can know what the email was intended for and therefore creates a new Ticket.


                      • Hello dear community,
                        my OsTicket was working fine and suddenly I am no longer receiving tickets, which means that Os Ticket cannot retrieve e-mails from the mailbox.
                        I have checked all the settings but have not found anything. I also have no error in the log. The only error is "Mail Error whch has been already fixed.
                        Auto cron is enabled as well and the file is located in right place.
                        Can anyone help me?

                        • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
                        • Eiltesir

                          You are not using core osTicket. You are using a heavily modified version done by a 3rd party. You’ll need to reach out to the modders directly for further support.


                        • Thank you Kevin, i had a backup of DB so everything is runnig now. I sign this ticket as closed.