Good morning all ! It's been almost two weeks I can not customize Cron task. My host is O2Switch, so I customized the SMTP and IMAP email addresses!I would like Cron job to run automatically I checked this box! But when a user sends an email to the support address! He receives the acknowledgment VERY VERY LATE on the automatically generated ticket. Please can someone help me I searched where the RCron.php folder is located but I did not find this! I installed Os-ticket in a sub-folder as follows:

thank you, I'm counting on you

    imranbot t's been almost two weeks I can not customize Cron task. My host is O2Switch

    Then you will need to either have a staff logged in constantly so email will flow, or you will have to utilize a third party cron style solution or schedule and use the rcron.php (which will need editing).

    Execute Cron Job
    Cron job can be executed, remotely, by making a post to POST /api/tasks/cron. See scripts/rcron.php

      ntozier Yes, you are right when I am on the Os-ticket dashboard! the mails enter normally.But when I log out I don't get a new open ticket alert and neither does the user!I am not a computer developer please can help me by telling me where the cron file is located and how do I get mails to enter even if I'm offline. Thank you

      ntozier Here is the correct Cron ? I find on google

      `#!/usr/bin/php -q
      PHP script used for remote cron calls.
      To make this work, setup an API key for localhost with ip:
      Put this script in the root of your webserver, then call it
      remotely like:

      wget -q http://server.tld/rcron.php?key=YOURKEY -O/dev/null
      If your install is in a subdirectory, like https://server/support/
      Then you'll need to add it below before /api
      Peter Rotich <>
      Copyright (c)  2006-2013 osTicket
      Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
      See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:


      Configuration: Enter the url and key. That is it.

      url => URL to api/task/cron e.g

      key => API's Key (see admin panel on how to generate a key)


      #Ensure only we can trigger this
      $config = array(
      'key'=> $_GET['key']

      function_exists('curl_version') or die('CURL support required');

      #set timeout

      #curl post
      $ch = curl_init();
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $config['url']);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, '');
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'osTicket API Client v1.7');
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Expect:', 'X-API-Key: '.$config['key']));
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, FALSE);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);

      if(preg_match('/HTTP\/.* ([0-9]+) .*/', $result, $status) && $status[1] == 200)

      echo $result;

      The rcron.php file is in the download archive that you downloaded to get osTicket.

      Docs are

      and there are some comments in the file. Additional comments can be found using search such as in these threads:

        ntozier Hello ! I didn't download os-ticket! I rather install it directly through my Cpanel dashboard.Because Os-ticket is available on my O2Switch host, now I have to uninstall and download os-ticket from your site?Because I installed os-ticket twice but I still can't find the rcon.php file! Now I would like to know should I download os-ticket directly from its official website?

          ntozier Hello, I have fixed everything but so far it does not work! Can you help me please

          imranbot Now I would like to know should I download os-ticket directly from its official website?

          You used some third party installer to install the software. We have no means of know what they did (if anything) to the product. I always recommend that people install themselves.

          Yes you would either need to contact the installer about where the missing file is, or download the distribution archive to get the file.

            ntozier I downloaded os-ticket from their official website! more than five times but I have not found satisfaction.I personalized all my emails but it doesn't work! while when I do free hosting on all the mails are working.for example: the bottom when I configure my IMAP and SMTP servers it works normally.but if I go back to my site to try it I realize nothing works! and when I activate the Cron! this only works if an agent is still online.I can't stay sleepless to check the emails anyway. so please help me even if it pays i can pay

            You downloaded the archive files from, took the rcron.php file out of the archive, installed it on your system, edited it for your use, and setup a third party remote cron schedule?

              ntozier Thanks I tried and it works. now how to customize the email templates in several languages. i.e. if we create a ticket in English the email will be sent to him in English and if he created in Arabic the email you will be sent in Arabic

              Go to Admin panel -> Emails -> Templates
              Click Add New Template.
              name it.
              Select the language.
              Click Add Template.

              This should create a template for that language.
              You can then customize said template however you want.

                ntozier Thank you ! how to remove the default signature which is at the foot of the page! copyright signature powered by Os-ticket! I would like to delete that! how to proceed thanks

                You can alter your email templates however you want.

                go to Admin panel -> Emails -> Templates
                Click on the template that you want to alter.
                Click on each template and edit them.

                  ntozier I'm not talking about email templates but I'm talking about the signature at the foot of the page.
                  and why the cron files are automatically created on my server! Whenever if the cron task is executed it automatically creates files like this (cron.1, cron.5 and so on in my ftp server) please how to fix this situation thank you

                    imranbot 'm not talking about email templates but I'm talking about the signature at the foot of the page.

                    Client side UI

                    Agent side UI

                    imranbot and why the cron files are automatically created on my server! Whenever if the cron task is executed it automatically creates files like this (cron.1, cron.5 and so on in my ftp server) please how to fix this situation thank you

                    The stock cron.php does not create files.

                    So either your scheduler is set to dump results to a file, or you have something else going on and should ask your host.

                      ntozier I don't see where I need to replace the footer logo! I would like to replace the logo of Os-ticket which is at the foot of

                      The client side is on line 6.
                      The agent side does not have an image in the footer.

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