
  • Jan 13, 2015
  • Joined Mar 5, 2014
  • 0 best answers
  • Hello,I have 1.9.4 osticket version.I´m using only one email so I don´t know if is possible to do what I want.As I told you I have one support email (email@domain1.com), but I added another email of other domain to give support (email@domain2.com).If a person open a ticket via web it´s possible to specify with which email is going to reply the system, because I did a test, I added the 2nd email of the other domain (email@domain2.com) and if I open a new ticket I always receive the notification of the open ticket from  email@domain1.com, but I  don´t know if I need to configure something else or if this I want to do is not possible.I did another test opening a ticket via email to my email@domain2.com and in this case I receive the notification from this email and if I reply it, the response comes from that email email@domain2.comI appreciate your help.Thank you.

  • Hello ntozierI don´t know what happened with my image, here is again the image, I hope this time you could see. Sorry for don´t give more information before, looking for a solution to my problem I found someone who had the same problem as me,  this is the post TravisTubbs wrote:http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//header-and-footer-not-loading-prevents-styles-and-scripts-from-loadingcasually I have the same host provider (media temple) and the same PHP V.x FastCGI and I made the change he applied and this fix the problem.I hope if someone has the same problem this could helps.Thanks.


  • Hello,I upgrading osticket from 1.9.2 to 1.9.4 and the upgrade was ok, without errors. I log into the Admin control panel and it displayed as you see on image1.png. I tried to install a zero installation (no upgrading)  and occurs the same.I don´t have any idea what happens.  :( Does anybody has this problem?Thank you and Happy new year 2015. 


  • Hello ntozier,Sorry for the delay to give you thank you :)  also to Chefkeks.I was offline so I couldn´t reply you.Thank you for your help have an excellent 2015. 

  • Sorry, I didn´t see that I could upload an image. I hope now you can see :)   Thanks.


  • Hello,I´m translating the end-user interface but I didn´t find where I can change some error messages when I´m opening a new ticket.You could see the image, on the link belowhttp://s283.photobucket.com/user/serena6_9/media/osticket/Img_open-php-1.png.htmlI need to translate them(all the words that are highlighted in color green) to Spanish.I opened open.php file but I didn´t find them.Hope someone could help me please.Thanks very much.Nice day!!  :)

  • Hello,Does anybody have an idea how to correct this?Thanks. :)

  • Hi,Thank you for your help ntozier.I did that and finally I could import my DBold.sql into my DBnew.sql.After

    that I went to my site --> localhost/ostickets/scp/login.php ,log in

    with my login details and all was ok.  Now I´m in this page

    localhost/ostickets/scp/system.php but I have the next error:The upgrader does NOT support upgrading from the current patch !I don´t know how to correct this.I want to tell you that I installed osticket (1.8.1), it is a fresh installation.Thanks!! :)

  • Ok, well I did all the process again2. I went to the new installation and I imported oldDB.sql into the newDB.sqlbut I have an error maybe I think is because the db username and the db password are not the same with the new db username and password.This is the error:Error

    consulta SQL:


    -- Volcado de datos para la tabla `ost_api_key`


    INSERT INTO `ost_api_key` (`id`, `isactive`, `ipaddr`, `apikey`, `updated`, `created`) VALUES

    (1, 1, '', 'siri!', '2009-08-10 14', '2009-08-10 14');

    MySQL ha dicho:

    #1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

  • 1. I only have the backup of my old DB.sql2. I go to the new installation and I imported oldDB.sql into the newDB.sql3. I go to my site --> http://localhost/ostickets/scp/login.php  but I don´t know how to run the upgrader you told me :(could you please tell me how to do that?Thanks ntozier

  • Hello,Well, I need your help. I installed the latest version of osticket (1.8.1) in a localhost, I use xaamp to have apache and mysql, but I don´t know how to load all the information that I have in a database of an old version of osticket. If you ask me what version I tell you that unfortunately I don´t remember the version. :(I tried to import the old DB into the new DB but it doesn´t work. Could you please tell me how to do it step by step.Thank you.  :)