Hello,I´m translating the end-user interface but I didn´t find where I can change some error messages when I´m opening a new ticket.You could see the image, on the link belowhttp://s283.photobucket.com/user/serena6_9/media/osticket/Img_open-php-1.png.htmlI need to translate them(all the words that are highlighted in color green) to Spanish.I opened open.php file but I didn´t find them.Hope someone could help me please.Thanks very much.Nice day!!  :)

Images are too small to read. I'd recommend using the search feature.

Sorry, I didn´t see that I could upload an image. I hope now you can see :)   Thanks.


"is a required field" is located in: \include\class.forms.php on line 234"Missing or invalid data" is located in several places:\include\class.thread.php on lines 1125, 1194, 1244\include\class.ticket.php on lines 1990, 2339\scp\tickets.php on line 193All of these I found with Search.

Beside that, if you want to help translating osTicket, I suggest to looking at www.i18n.osticket.com and www.jipt.i18n.osticket.com.

There is osTicket translation currently in progress for a lot of languages (German, English UK, Spanish, French, etc.) and iirc and read the announcement correctly, it is planned to release a multi-language version of osTicket in the next time...

6 months later

Hello ntozier,Sorry for the delay to give you thank you :)  also to Chefkeks.I was offline so I couldn´t reply you.Thank you for your help have an excellent 2015. 

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