Hello,Well, I need your help. I installed the latest version of osticket (1.8.1) in a localhost, I use xaamp to have apache and mysql, but I don´t know how to load all the information that I have in a database of an old version of osticket. If you ask me what version I tell you that unfortunately I don´t remember the version. :(I tried to import the old DB into the new DB but it doesn´t work. Could you please tell me how to do it step by step.Thank you.  :)

1. go to old server. export sql for database.2. go to new server. import sql for database.3. open your site in a browser. run the upgrader and pray.this also sorta assumes that your using the same db username and db password.

1. I only have the backup of my old DB.sql2. I go to the new installation and I imported oldDB.sql into the newDB.sql3. I go to my site --> http://localhost/ostickets/scp/login.php  but I don´t know how to run the upgrader you told me :(could you please tell me how to do that?Thanks ntozier

It should run automatically when you go to newsite/scp.

Ok, well I did all the process again2. I went to the new installation and I imported oldDB.sql into the newDB.sqlbut I have an error maybe I think is because the db username and the db password are not the same with the new db username and password.This is the error:Error

consulta SQL:


-- Volcado de datos para la tabla `ost_api_key`


INSERT INTO `ost_api_key` (`id`, `isactive`, `ipaddr`, `apikey`, `updated`, `created`) VALUES

(1, 1, '', 'siri!', '2009-08-10 14', '2009-08-10 14');

MySQL ha dicho:

#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

Are you using an API key for anything?If not then you can ignore it (or remove that part of the sql file).

Hi,Thank you for your help ntozier.I did that and finally I could import my DBold.sql into my DBnew.sql.After

that I went to my site --> localhost/ostickets/scp/login.php ,log in

with my login details and all was ok.  Now I´m in this page

localhost/ostickets/scp/system.php but I have the next error:The upgrader does NOT support upgrading from the current patch !I don´t know how to correct this.I want to tell you that I installed osticket (1.8.1), it is a fresh installation.Thanks!! :)

Hello,Does anybody have an idea how to correct this?Thanks. :)

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