- Edited
It seems I have to have a separate POP account for each Department's incoming email. I would much prefer to have a common POP account from which emails are distributed to departments according to the To address on the email.
It seems I have to have a separate POP account for each Department's incoming email. I would much prefer to have a common POP account from which emails are distributed to departments according to the To address on the email.
How do I attach I file to an existing ticket? I can see I can add a file if I create one manually, but AFAICS, the only way to add a file to an *existing* ticket is to attach a file to an outgoing message, but I don't want to send a message, merely to attach a file to the ticket for reference. I was expecting perhaps to see the attach file button on the Post Internal Note dialog in the same way as on the Post Reply, and on the Edit Ticket dialog as per the New Ticket dialog.
I can't see what happens to attachments to incoming emails. They don't seem to appear attached to the ticket. Is this supposed to work, or are attachments just being discarded on arrival? (If the latter, that's a complete showstopper to using this system from my POV).
I'd like to be able to assign certain users to more than one department, so that they see tickets from all those departments. What I am going to have to do for now is make separate logins for the same real person in order that they can service different departments (which we only need to use in order to have different addresses on the outgoing emails, but is also useful to hide from the people who aren't concerned with those other departments).