How do I attach I file to an existing ticket? I can see I can add a file if I create one manually, but AFAICS, the only way to add a file to an *existing* ticket is to attach a file to an outgoing message, but I don't want to send a message, merely to attach a file to the ticket for reference. I was expecting perhaps to see the attach file button on the Post Internal Note dialog in the same way as on the Post Reply, and on the Edit Ticket dialog as per the New Ticket dialog.

2 months later

I also find myself regularly needing to attach a file to an internal note, so it's visible to support staff but not the customer. Anyone found a way to do this yet?

Admin Panel -> Settings -> Attachments

check allow attachments (if not already checked)

I do not believe that you can post attachments as internal only, but if you make sure you un-check "Email attachments to the user " it won't send them the attachment to them at least.

You would probably have to modify the source to get the behavior that you're talking about.

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