
  • Dec 12, 2024
  • Joined Jun 14, 2016
  • 8 best answers
  • Plugin will allow status change of a ticket on new reply by user.

    E.g. you may have two Open status "Open" and "Awaiting Client Response". This plugin can be configured to automatically change the status from "Awaiting Client Response" to "Open" when a reply is received.


    I couldn't find this functionality by default. osTicket allows status change from a closed to open status, but not open to open.

    Feedback welcome

    • You would also want to post the PHP error that you get so someone can narrow down what is wrong.

    • My question was already asked sorry about that, but I consider it as really important : Help topics in multiple combos.

      I found several discussions about the Help Topics, including this one (105 messages).
      The discusison is quite old and the custom solutions concern old versions, so I am not confortable at all to test them.

      I wondering if there is some update regarding this need and if not, if it is something that we can expect in a later version ?
      Thank you for your answer.

    • Hi Everyone,

      I'm new to these forums but I have been using OSTicket at my various sites that I work at (I'm an IT support technician) for many years.

      While I've been very happy with the functionality of OSTicket over the years, I can't believe how difficult it is to find a free responsive theme! (I looked , that's what started me off down the road of making my own!) As I have a lot of customers / staff using iPads and their phones who were getting frustrated with the process of trying to open a ticket with a non-responsive design, I have started a little "side project" trying to make a responsive theme for OSTicket v1.12.2 :-)

      I am by no means a Pro with this sort of HTML/CSS web coding stuff, but it's working out quite well so far. Here are some screenshots of my current progress. I've done the majority of the client-side and will hopefully start looking at doing the same to the Admin side of things too.

      If I get it good enough, i'll put the files up here and would be happy to share 🙂

      I look forward to receiving some constructive feedback 😃

        1. I agree
        2. I use INCLUDE. Yes, on every osTicket upgrade I need paste one line in source code.
          You need only one variable: $thisstaff. Because as you say: "let Agents manage other website".
        3. Role for others websites is better manage in another database. You will not be limited.

        I use similar "plugin".

        If authorised staff is logged in, can see the link. Not authorised staff see nothing.

        • Hi,

          What is the correct way to add custom code to OST without losing it during updates or upgrades? Something like a child theme in WordPress?
