i have 10 custom fileds and all are ok showing in body ,
i would like to add only one off them to header in pdf
this is code
i would like to show only filed id="field_73"
any help would be great
thank you all
foreach (DynamicFormEntry::forTicket($ticket->getId()) as $form) {
// Skip core fields shown earlier in the ticket view
$answers = $form->getAnswers()->exclude(Q::any(array(
'field__flags__hasbit' => DynamicFormField::FLAG_EXT_STORED,
'field__name__in' => array('subject', 'priority')
if (count($answers) == 0)
<table class="custom-data" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" border="0">
<tr><td colspan="2" class="headline flush-left"><?php echo $form->getTitle(); ?></th></tr>
<?php foreach($answers as $a) {
if (!($v = $a->display())) continue; ?>
echo $a->getField()->get('label');
echo $v;
<?php } ?>
} ?>