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osTicket 1.17.x (Stable)
osTicket v1.17 Discussions
Change owner of ticket based on body of email
How Can Customer who raised ticket can export the ticket
SMTP server response: 503 This mail server requires authentication
End User (User logs in but still redirects to Login on some activities)
New Tickets not displaying content. Shows "deleted by username"
Outgoing tickets
Composer dependencies - assistance
S3 Plugin to different providers (wasabi)
Ticket chain does not preserve email chain.
Email Fetching doesn't work for some email.
Ticket number duplication
Sent mail
Quotes in qoutes in quotes - unable to use
Question regarding Gmail Workspace and Tickets
token expired with OAuth2
Email Setup for Gmail. Anyone who can help?? Please
Mailer error
Blank page and error on the log file when the offilne model is on
2FA error
AD display names with " , PhD " in them show PhD as first name
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