In AD, we append their "Display Name" with ", PhD". So, their Display Name value in AD would be, "Bob Smith, PhD".
When the user logs a ticket (and auto-registers their AD account the first time), OSTicket interprets that value to be, "PhD Bob Smith". "PhD" doesn't appear anywhere else in their AD account. Their first name is their first name, their last name is their last name...we only add, ", PhD" to their "Display Name" so Exchange (M365), teams, etc. show them as, "Bob Smith, PhD" as those platforms pull the "Display Name" value.
The default setting in the OST Admin Panel, is to display, "First Last", but it appears it is actually pulling the "Display Name" value from AD and interpreting that string in a way it thinks "PhD" is their first name, "Bob", is their middle name, and "Smith" is their last name (in the hypothetical user "Bob Smith, PhD").
If I try to edit the user's name directly in OSTicket and type, "Bob Smith" and drop the ", PhD" it displays as "Bob Smith". If I edit the username back to, "Bob Smith, PhD" it formats it the same way as described as above.
Apologies if it's clear as mud.