- Edited
mremersaro I'm interested in the code to change the background according to the priority. I see that you have that mod.
Edit: I got it thanks
mremersaro I'm interested in the code to change the background according to the priority. I see that you have that mod.
Edit: I got it thanks
Hola Lewis, aca te pego la captura traducida:
Espero me puedas dar una mano con esto.
Added Above.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean here... I use the standard OST Priority Fields....
I have only customized the name in the database and added a new priority in ost_ticket_priority
LewisHackfath woooow!!!!
LewisHackfath no entiendo para que es ese link?
The link i posted has copy of the OST1.11 with the columns already widened.
LewisHackfath Consulta, para hacer esta modificacion del lado del usuario sabrias que archivo y filas hay que modificar?
Sorry no I have not ever touched the user side code.
We have a custom mod that changed that for us.
LewisHackfath mod pago o podras compartirlo_?
o tal vez me lo puedas recomendar, para contratarlo?
This was a paid mod.
It is not yet available for 1.11
LewisHackfath cual es el modo pago que utilizan?
@ntozier I think this topic can now be closed.
I think everyone now understands how to widen the ticket page.