Also, It seems that recently people requested integration with ADFS

and you could not provide the right support since SSO with local AD is not what they wanted.

My extension makes the integration with ADFS possible.

Also found other SAML related threads where people got no support at all:

Here is a list of people that requested SAML SSO in this forum:

@DRivers_vlc @jdelisle @notestlab @rly_galvarez @stelaso @koenr @pcjkollmorgen @buck_rogers @jlindsay
@gkrishnad @jinesh @alosada sixtomarttin

I'm here to help the community with its SAML SSO projects.
BTW, here is a PR I sent to improve Staff Login process on osTicket:

5 months later

I implemented 2 SAML plugins for OsTicket.
- A SAML plugin for OsTicket 1.9.X
- A SAML plugin for OSTicket 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12

See attached how the Login for Clients and Staff will look like with the SAML plugin enabled.
Also, see its configuration.

It not only supports SSO, but also Just-in-time provisioning/updating and SLO.

Supports Teams, Departaments, Roles, Organizations.

It cost is 150€ and I offer commercial support if you need extra help to configure/customize it for 50€/h.
Payable with wire-transfer or Paypal.

    6 months later

    @sixtomarttin Is the plugin compatible with the latest osTicket version 1.14.1? We are currently running v1.12.2 but hoping to upgrade to 1.14 and your SAML plugin would be a great addition.

      14 days later

      kraymond I have not tested, but I plan to maintain the plugin on new releases, so feel confident that the plugin will keep working if you purchase it. I tested 1.11.X and 1.12.X

      2 months later

      @sixtomarttin Hi, it is possible to test with a free trial your plugin for saml integration and proceed to the purchase after we have verified that the plugin works?
      Also I'm wondering if you release a tax bill after the purchase.
      We want to use the last version of OS Ticket.
      Thanks in advance

        2 months later

        f_moro Sorry for the delayed reply but I missed your message.

        I can generate a Paypal Invoice with your company data and tax info. If you are not happy with the extension you can ask for a refund. It should work, and I offer support for 50€/h and can make it work with any SAML Identity Provider as well as customize the extension with your needs.

          21 days later

          I released a compatible version with 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 and 1.14

          12 days later

          I will reach out to you. It would be good to add this in the forums for newer versions.
          @ntozier keeps a list of plugins, and it would be great to see it there. Aside from different opinions about cost, I think it's great we have these tools in the ecosystem.
          In my humble opinion, $150 is not a lot when you are using osTicket to support a small business.
          Thank you.

            a month later

            Hi! I'm using osticket and i'm very interested in your SAML plugin. is it compatible with all versions (from 1.8 to 1.14.x)?
            Is there any dependency that we have to take in account prior to use the plugin?anything to prepare in the osticket server?
            How can we talk in private to make the payment and how do you send the plugin file?


              16 days later
              a month later

              Hey Six, I like this feature/plugin for osTicket. I really don't have a full technical grasp on this, but conceptually I have. Our organization is currently using GSuite as our Identify/Account Provider (or we are managing our accounts using GSuite). My question is that is it possible to integrate our GSuite accounts if we implement osTicket by using your plugin? (Will the existing GSuite users will be able to login in to osTicket using SSO SAML?)

              Thank you and hoping to hear from you.

                sixtomarttin We are in the Government School, do you provide invoices as part of our reportorial requirements, named for the school as your client?

                  5 days later
                  5 months later
                  4 months later

                  Hi can this also be used for SAML login for user accounts and not just agents?