I released a compatible version with 1.11, 1.12, 1.13 and 1.14
SSO SAML plugin for OsTicket compatible with 1.9.X and 1.10.X
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I will reach out to you. It would be good to add this in the forums for newer versions.
@ntozier keeps a list of plugins, and it would be great to see it there. Aside from different opinions about cost, I think it's great we have these tools in the ecosystem.
In my humble opinion, $150 is not a lot when you are using osTicket to support a small business.
Thank you.
MarkHoward More than happy to be listed there.
I saw your mail and replied to you.
Hi! I'm using osticket and i'm very interested in your SAML plugin. is it compatible with all versions (from 1.8 to 1.14.x)?
Is there any dependency that we have to take in account prior to use the plugin?anything to prepare in the osticket server?
How can we talk in private to make the payment and how do you send the plugin file?
I have a version compatible with old osTicket 1.9 and 1.10 and a recent version compatible with 1.11-1.14
Contact me: sixto.martin.garcia+osticket@gmail.com I send the Paypal invoice and later the code via mail.
We just completed implementing the plugin by sixtomarttin and it's awesome! We are on version 1.12 of osticket. Our Idp is Bitglass.
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Hey Six, I like this feature/plugin for osTicket. I really don't have a full technical grasp on this, but conceptually I have. Our organization is currently using GSuite as our Identify/Account Provider (or we are managing our accounts using GSuite). My question is that is it possible to integrate our GSuite accounts if we implement osTicket by using your plugin? (Will the existing GSuite users will be able to login in to osTicket using SSO SAML?)
Thank you and hoping to hear from you.
jpvalera Yes it is possible. GSuite SSO supports SAML so you can use the extension.
sixtomarttin We are in the Government School, do you provide invoices as part of our reportorial requirements, named for the school as your client?
sixtomarttin is this compatible with KeyCloak as well ?
jpvalera Yes I provide invoice
srikhere Yes, it is compatible with KeyCloak via SAML
Hi can this also be used for SAML login for user accounts and not just agents?
Dinzey Yes, you decide if enable customer, agent or customer+agent.
@sixtomarttin that is good to know... if we decide to purchase this are there any step by step manuals/installation guides? I dont have that much understanding of how SAML is implemented via the Azure portal.
sixtomarttin Hi my company is interested in this can you provide any information to proceed? would like to call if possible. we would also like to have help with installing the plugin.
There is documentation and commercial support is offered as well
I implemented a new version compatible with 1.17.X and PHP 7.X and 8.X
Hi Six, thank your for the update.
We have been running it for 2 years stable now.
I would request some help in upgrading the portal since the old OSticket doesnt seem to support Oauth mailing .
Dinzey Disclaimer: sixtomarttin is not one of our employees and not affiliated with our company nor any of our products. Proceed at your own risk.
We (the core developers of osTicket) offer installation, upgrade, and support services if you are interested. You can always contact us from our website.