Server InformationosTicket Versionv1.10.4 (035fd0a) —  Up to dateWeb Server SoftwareApache/2.4.34 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2o PHP/7.0.31MySQL Version10.1.34PHP Version7.0.31New Ticket Alert only goes to:AdminDepartment Manager (we don't have / use)Department Members (only seems to work if members are not assigned a team)- Organization Account Manager (don't have / don't use)So I have a topic related to Application / Software RequestI have those tickets auto assigned to our software team.  There is no manager.  Just a team.Currently, the only way they get notice is by selecting Ticket Assignment Alert - Team MembersJust wondering if I am missing a configuration toggle some where, or if OSTicket doesn't support what I'm trying to do.

You are correct.If you wanted to however you could create an email on your mail server which is actually a email list (that has the team as members) and you could create a fake "manager" account in osTicket for that email address and send the alerts to that.

Interesting approach.  That could work... but ultimately, someone from the software team will claim the ticket and complete it.  I think having the assignment notice is probably where I'll keep it at.  At least I know I'm not going crazy trying to figure this out.Thank you.  :)

Very welcome.  I think that they are planning on adding more alerts in the future (circa 2.0) but haven't gotten confirmation on that yet.

That would be nice!  So long as I can set expectations for how it currently works, it will work for us for now. Thank you.  :)

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