
If you don't know how to run SQL queries then you should use a database GUI like HeidiSQL (windows) or SequelAce (mac). If you can't do that then you should simply wait for the new build of plugin to be released. Or follow the above instructions from @ElbowNi to repackage so you don't have to mess with db.


    Gian2003k you can use following commands to do that:

    change for, if the plugin is a dir:
    UPDATE ost_plugin SET install_path = 'plugins/auth-oauth2', isphar = '0' WHERE install_path LIKE 'plugins/auth-oauth2%';
    change for, if the plugin is a phar file:
    UPDATE ost_plugin SET install_path = 'plugins/auth-oauth2.phar', isphar = '1' WHERE install_path LIKE 'plugins/auth-oauth2%';

    I hope, it helps you to do the task.

      jens_E I'm still getting this: array ( 'code' => 'Gone', 'message' => 'The API version \'V2\' has been deprecated.', )

      @Gian2003k Did you unpack the plugin and make the changes from #41 above?
      You have to unpack the phar and make the changes and upload the changed files

        jens_E Yeah, i edited the oauth2.php file with the changes under OAuth2AuthBackend

        jens_E I did everything and the plugin is installed but when i try to configure the authentication i get this:

          Are you logged in?
          Please look at your php error log. It seems you get a php 500 error. Look at your modified code, if you have a typing error...

            I don't know your System. So I can't say, where you can find this logs.

              jens_E I think i will wait till the updated plugin comes out... I literally can't figure out what i'm doing wrong...
              For example now i have two identical plugin to install, and one of them gets me the http error 500

              Checking in to say the fix worked for me. I used DBeaver as another use above demonstrated to make changes to the (MySQL) database, and it worked great.

              Kevin, any updates to when the updated plugin will be released? I'm also having a difficult time making the changes. I have not been successful. For now, i'm working tickets out of the mailbox itself. We would even pay support to update the plugin if possible.

                He stated in another thread next release cycle.


                We actually should have a build of the OAuth2 plugin ready much sooner than that. We are wrapping up the changes for aliases, etc. now and looking at pushing the new build to the website’s download page next week. We don’t allow PHAR uploads on this Forum for security reasons; otherwise I would’ve had a build up this whole time.

                Things to keep in mind if it’s not working:

                • Make sure the plugin folder and all files are fully extracted. If you’re using Windows switch the quotes around (single to double and vice versa) in the extraction command.
                • Check your include/ost-config.php file to make sure you are modifying the correct database.
                • As I’ve stated before in this thread there are multiple callback() functions in the plugin’s oauth2.php file so you need to replace the one for the OAuth2EmailAuthBackend backend specifically. Make sure you replace the entire function.
                • Make sure the database changes are saved properly by running SELECT queries afterwards.
                • Make sure that for each system email you login to osTicket in incognito window and when you are brought to Microsoft you login as the email itself. As stated earlier in this thread aliases, resource emails, and shared mailboxes WILL NOT WORK at this time until the new build is released.
                • Make sure you restart the web server and PHP-FPM (if you’re running it) to clear any file cache. PHAR files tend to be aggressively cached.


                  Hi KevinTheJedi ,

                  I had apply your patch 2 or 3 weeks ago, and oauth2 had working again.
                  But today, the token expired and now I have the error message "invalid_client" ...
                  I don't hunderstand why it suddundly happened ...
                  Can you help us ?

                  Tank you !