I cannot unable to integration with zabbix and can't raise a ticket in osticket , anyone done it please tell me the process for it.

What exactly are you trying to do?

If you want Zabbix issues to opened tickets then all you need to do is send emails from Zabbix to your osTicket email address.

    I'm trying to connect (zabbix with osticket or osticket with zabbbix), In zabbix we are mointoring the different host(like: swtich,server,windows,etc) ,In host the error occur i need to raise a ticket or email in the osticket automatically .

      sabarish So you just need to setup trigger actions in Zabbix to send emails to your osTicket email address.

      And i try one method for connecting with OSticket:
      1.In mediatypes i had created email and i test, its shows like login denied,
      2.And aslo i created another one in script and i test , its shows like permission denied but i checked it had permisson.

      shall i share the screenshot of media types n zabbix.


        It looks like Gmail isn't allowing you to relay for some reason. In this case it appears you will need to set SMTP server port to 587, set Connection security to either STARTTLS or SSL/TLS, set Authentication to Username and password, input your email's username and password, and retest. This is not an osTicket issue so I'd highly recommend reaching out to Hosting/Zabbix provider for further assistance.



          We do not have any 3rd party integrations. The only way you can accomplish this is if Zabbix can send an email to an email address you configure in osTicket and then fetch that mail to create Tickets. Or utilize the API and have Zabbix send an API request with data to create Tickets. The caveat is with API you cannot update existing Tickets only create new ones so it’d be best for email integration.

          We have guides below that can help you with this:

          If you need further assistance contact us for support options:


          14 days later

          Through existing email we can create or raise a ticket ??


          You can’t use Private IP addresses.You must either use a valid Domain with HTTPS -or- use localhost over HTTP.


            6 days later