
  • Apr 20, 2017
  • Joined Feb 18, 2017
  • 0 best answers
  • f*** me .

    I had a custom field mobileno which when accounted for works just fine.

    basically i had to

    email1@no-reply.de, Tom Reagan, 0123456789, 2212123123,Testnote1

    email2@no-reply.de , Johnny Caspar, 0123456790, 1231231231,Testnote2

    My excuse: the placeholder is misleading :(

  • PS: What i imported was

    john wick, keanu@matrix.com

    dexter morgan, killer@showtime.com

    the error i got was : john wick: Unable to map header to the object field

  • It seems to be a known issue in 1.10rc2 but hasent been fixed. https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/issues/2450

    1.10 ostversion

    php 5.6.8

    mysql 5.6

    Bulk import doesnt seem to work. i get the exact same error as the screenshot in the link.

    to reproduce go to staffpanel -> Users -> Import -> import popup form -> enter data in copy paste section.

  • Yeah. after a bit of trial and error, i got the hang of it. Anyway thanks for the reply. Might aswell close this

  • Say if i want to use one of the open source mail templates to customize auto-responses and replies. I would like to know if its possible to do so and if yes, can it be applied to canned responses aswell?

    ost 1.10

  • *incorrect accesslink is mailed*

  • When Authentication Token is unchecked and Client Quick access is checked then incorrect

    E.g http://localhost/ostlatest/upload/view.php?

    OST version 1.10 latest stable

    Admin -> Settings -> Users

  • PS: make sure you dont miss out editing the yaml files as well as ajax.content.php

  • Update :

    Changing the context from ticket to complaints did the job for me.

    Changes in files from class.variables.php, class.filter-action.php,class.templates and a couple other files are required. Look for the function getVarScope(), make appropriate modifications.

    Hopefully this might help someone in the future.

  • @[deleted] Ok thank you

  • Ok, thanks for the reply. Is this an existing bugreport if so can i follow it to see if its fixed in the future ?

  • Wait, so its not counted as a bug ? Isnt this a inconvinience of sorts

  • Ok sorry for being so hard to understand i guess.

    Admin Panel > Ticket Filters > >Add new Filters > Filter Action > Select an action dropdown > Send an email.

    Version of ostikicket 1.10

    Basically im unable to click on the message field(textarea field)

    Why? because the filter action is a sortable list. and clicking on the message field lets me drag and drop it. Hope that helps.

  • When i select an action to send email, the appropriate fields are added. However when i try to select the textarea(message) section , the sortable effect comeinto play and i end up dragging the whole fieldset up and down making a mess. The only way i am able to select it is through TAB key. The sortable-rows or ui-sortable comes onto play whenever i try to click the Message box .

  • Update in include\class.ticket.php , Line, replaced 'ticket' with 'complaints'. This seems make it so that %{complaints.number} etc. are same as %{ticket.number} etc.

    However when typed %{ , the suggestion(in templates and canned responses) still shows ticket.

  • @[deleted] Thanks for your response. As much as i'd like to do that, i have already renamed all instances of "tickets" to "complaints" in the entire source code.. it would seem rather inconsistent if the template variables referred to complaints as tickets.

    @[deleted] Yes, the code does seem hard to follow and im not very experienced with php either. I just need to figure out where the base variables are converted then i might just be able to do it. Although i might have to do a few things such as editing $contextTypes on line265 in class.varaible.php as a follow up, it'll still be a good learning experience i suppose. Any pointers would be appriciated.

    PS: Thank you very much for your response.

  • I would like to gain tips on changing variable names. E.g %{ticket.number} to %{complaint.number}. For the life of me, I couldnt figure it out.. so help me senpais