When i select an action to send email, the appropriate fields are added. However when i try to select the textarea(message) section , the sortable effect comeinto play and i end up dragging the whole fieldset up and down making a mess. The only way i am able to select it is through TAB key. The sortable-rows or ui-sortable comes onto play whenever i try to click the Message box .

Please help us to help you by reading and following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  The more information you give us the better we will be able to assist you. Thank you.I am not sure I understand what you mean when you say "when I select an action to send email" or "the sortable effect come into play" or "dragging the whole fieldset" or "the sortable-rows or ui-sortable comes into play whenever i try to click the message box".I guess I am saying I don't have the foggiest idea what you are trying to do or what you are asking.

Yeah... I'm not sure what your asking either.  Answer to at least the following would be helpful:Version of osTicket?  Steps to reproduce issue?Screen shot to show us what you mean?

Ok sorry for being so hard to understand i guess.

Admin Panel > Ticket Filters > >Add new Filters > Filter Action > Select an action dropdown > Send an email.

Version of ostikicket 1.10

Basically im unable to click on the message field(textarea field)

Why? because the filter action is a sortable list. and clicking on the message field lets me drag and drop it. Hope that helps.

Click on the To field.Fill it out, hit tab.fill out the subject. hit tab.Fill out the message field.

Wait, so its not counted as a bug ? Isnt this a inconvinience of sorts

No one said that it wasn't a bug.  I did however tell you how to get around it.

Ok, thanks for the reply. Is this an existing bugreport if so can i follow it to see if its fixed in the future ?

You would have to check: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/issues to see if it is an existing bug report.If it is not then you can open one here: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/issues/new

@[deleted] Ok thank you

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