
  • Aug 22, 2017
  • Joined Jun 24, 2014
  • 0 best answers
  • yes yes, I know I know.But regardless of the version I'm running, I don't believe there has been any recent changes to the client side ticket view or how it works?I did have a look at that discussion and some others, but they all seem to be about the staff-side ticket view, not the client side.

  • I have gotten several requests from end users asking if I could add the Help Topic to the Client side ticket view. This because users can see all the organizations tickets and would like to learn from/help with those tickets. But at this time they can't easily see which device the tickets are for, making it a hassle to find the interesting ones. Adding help topic to the overview would solve this.Here is what I am trying to do:blankI have been looking at \include\client\tickets.inc.php. I can figure out how to add a column, but I cannot figure out how to properly populate it.Anyone willing to help me with this?As for the versions I'm running, I am running the Custom-Queues branch.Server InformationosTicket Version1.8-git (?)  Upgrade— 901e5ea is availableWeb Server SoftwareApache/2.4.17 (Win32) PHP/5.5.37MySQL Version10.1.13PHP Version5.5.37Cheers!

  • iPhone iOS 10.0.2 with built in Safari and also Chrome version 54.0.2840.66

  • Thank Kevin! I did test this out but it did not work. What did work was to also remove "content="width=device-width," from the lineMaking the final product:<meta name="viewport" initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"> 

  • I have an issue with my dashboard where the graph seems to be working as it should but the statistics is empty aside from the "Service Time". Same for Department, Topics and Agent. blankI tried looking in to dashboard.inc.php but my understanding of the variables and how it gets the data from the database is not enough to figure out why it isn't working. I'm running the develop-next branch as it has a feature I wanted. I'm not sure if that might have something to do with this. Here's how dashboard.inc.php looks:<?php$first = true;foreach ($groups as $g=>$desc) {    $data = $report->getTabularData($g); ?>    <div class="tab_content <?php echo (!$first) ? 'hidden' : ''; ?>" id="<?php echo Format:($g); ?>">    <table class="dashboard-stats table"><tbody><tr><?php    foreach ($data as $j=>$c) { ?>        <th <?php if ($j === 0) echo 'width="30%" class="flush-left"'; ?>><?php echo Format:($c); ?></th><?php    } ?>    </tr></tbody>    <tbody><?php    foreach ($data as $i=>$row) {        echo '<tr>';        foreach ($row as $j=>$td) {            if ($j === 0) { ?>                <th class="flush-left"><?php echo Format:($td); ?></th><?php       }            else { ?>                <td><?php echo Format:($td);                if ($td) { // TODO Add head map                }                echo '</td>';            }        }        echo '</tr>';    }    $first = false; ?>    </tbody></table>    <div style="margin-top: 5px"><button type="submit" class="link button" name="export"        value="<?php echo Format:($g); ?>">        <i class="icon-download"></i>        <?php echo __('Export'); ?></a></div>    </div><?php}?></form>

  • Oh wait, I have a lead. Coffee does wonders in the morning :)When checking the source code using the browser, I found that there is a Viewport meta data tag with this setting. Removing that whole line seems to solve my problem! It can be found in these 3 files:https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=meta+name%3D%22viewport%22This piece of code should not affect anything else, correct? <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">

  • Interesting, Now that I think about it, I did install the develop-next branch in order to (If I remeber correctly) get the "ticket views" feature, where agents can select ticket views from drop-downs in order to filter the tickets easily. One thing i forgot to write is that this is only an issue on the "user" side, not on the staff side, although "zooming" is also disabled on the staff login page.I have tested on iOS (iPhone and iPad) with both Chrome and Safari, and on a Samsung Android (built in browser and Chrome). Same on all of them.If it would help I could DM you a link to the site?

  • Could someone please point me towards the file and piece of code that decides that "zooming out" on mobile devices is impossible? I have searched the forums google and the usual suspect files but am unable to find it.I am running osticket 1.10 rc3 on an xampp server and zooming doesn't work on iOS nor android.Also, what is the point of this setting? I find it nothing more than annoying.Thanks!-Jim

  • Hi,First things first:osTicket Versionv1.10-rc.2 (231f11e) —  Up to dateWeb Server SoftwareApache/2.4.17 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2d PHP/5.6.15MySQL Version10.1.10PHP Version5.6.15I'm trying to see if I could make it possible to drag and drop attachments directly from an outlook e-mail to the ticket. Based on googling it seems this is not possible at the moment, but it would be nice if it was. Attached a screenshot of the error when a user tries to do it.So instead of getting that working, I would like to edit the "Drop files here or chose them" text in the reply box to also say (drag and drop from an e-mail doesn't work) or something along those lines, but for the life of me I can't find where that piece of text is. Thanks in advance,Jim

    attach from email.jpg

  • Sorry to revive an ancient post, but is there a mod/function available for this? 

  • And also, will another way allow the support personnel themselves to chose which tickets they can see?-Jim

  • Ok, Thank you.Would you be able to help me figure out the best way of setting this up? Here is how I have it currently setup:User submits tickets to one of three support departments chosen using help topics. Linked to these three help topics are custom forms as the different support departments require very different information. One thing that is chosen from the form is which medical instrument the ticket is related to.Using Ticket filters (and this fix: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/pull/1184/files) the tickets are then assigned to the correct team (each support department consists of smaller "teams", 1 team per instrument) based on the help topic and also medical instrument (from custom form).All support people are assigned to the teams of the instrument that they support.This way the team related to a specific medical instrument will see only the tickets related to that instrument (or more if that person is a part of multiple teams). Would it then be better to have one department and one group per instrument? But can one person be assigned to/have access to multiple groups or departments?And if I may ask, what is then the point of having teams?-Jim

  • Hi,First things first:osTicket Versionv1.9.3 (bba9ccc)Server SoftwareApache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)PHP Version5.5.9-1ubuntu4.4MySQL Version5.5.40So, is there a way to let staff members choose their own teams? In the environment we are trying to build we would like the opportunity to take over, continue and check tickets that other teams are/have been working on if the other teams are away. As far as I can see, this would be possible by simply checking the team box for those users that would like access but I don't want to have to include an admin to the process just to check one box. As I have it set up now (still in development phase) all tickets are automatically assigned to the team it relates to using filters, and the idea is that all members of that team can see the ticket, and whoever responds first gets ownership. But if that person or even whole team (small teams) then goes awol we need others to be able to take over.Help is much appreciated! -Jim

  • Thank you for the reply!Unfortunately this solution will not work for us as many of our users in the field I believe do not have AD. There are also some sub-contractors, meaning different companies, that I would like to be able to access this.

  • Hi,Is it possible to make the knowledgebase only be accessible when clients are logged in? I have looked for a setting/solution but no luck so far.I realise that I could remove the links from the client pages but I guess that would not be secure at all.In our case all users (employees) will have to log in in order to create and view tickets and since the knowledgebase might include some information we would like to not be public knowledge it has to be accessible only to employees.The version I am currently running (still in testing/setup phase) is 1.9.1.-Jim