I have gotten several requests from end users asking if I could add the Help Topic to the Client side ticket view. This because users can see all the organizations tickets and would like to learn from/help with those tickets. But at this time they can't easily see which device the tickets are for, making it a hassle to find the interesting ones. Adding help topic to the overview would solve this.Here is what I am trying to do:blankI have been looking at \include\client\tickets.inc.php. I can figure out how to add a column, but I cannot figure out how to properly populate it.Anyone willing to help me with this?As for the versions I'm running, I am running the Custom-Queues branch.Server InformationosTicket Version1.8-git (?)  Upgrade— 901e5ea is availableWeb Server SoftwareApache/2.4.17 (Win32) PHP/5.5.37MySQL Version10.1.13PHP Version5.5.37Cheers!

This: 1.8-git (?)  is not a version.

This: 901e5ea tells me that you are not running 1.10. Please upgrade to 1.10 stable.  You should not be using DPR or RC versions in production environments. Have you seen this?http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//a-better-ticket-list

yes yes, I know I know.But regardless of the version I'm running, I don't believe there has been any recent changes to the client side ticket view or how it works?I did have a look at that discussion and some others, but they all seem to be about the staff-side ticket view, not the client side.

The link that @[deleted] provided talks about modifying the ticket list on the staff-side, by modifying \include\staff\tickets.inc.phpDid you think to try applying the same information by modifying include\client\tickets.inc.php?

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