- Edited
Hey there,
I've set the following filter:
Rules, Match All
- Organization name | Equal | XYZ
- Topic ID | Not Equal | 16
Actions: Assign Team: ABC
So basically I want all tickets that are opened by users from Organization XYZ to be assigned to Team ABC, except when the concerned topic is of ID 16.
Tickets can be both opened via web or email (sent to topic dedicated email).
So I tested this, and when I open a ticket via web (selecting topic ID 16), the team assignment will successfully be skipped.
However when, as a user from Organization XYZ, I open the ticket via email (ie. sent to topic-16@email.com, which automatically assigns to topic ID 16), the team will be assigned... thought it shouldn't as it concerns the excepted topic..
Is it possible that the topic assignment happens after the filter rules leading to this topic-linked rule being "ignored"?