in: Administrator panel -> Manage -> Forms -> variable, I put email but I can't get it for other people to stay as collaborators, I need the users to do this type of procedure, every day many tickets are generated and it makes it difficult for users technicians keep adding to each ticket the person responsible for validating that some type of procedure can be done.

    Collaborators are added by:

    Opening the ticket via email and CCing people (who become collaborators).
    When viewing a ticket click on Collaborators over the Reply-To and Response.

    When an Agent opens a ticket by adding CC's

      The issue is to be able to add the collaborators from the creation of the ticket, that the client indicates from that moment who will participate as they comment EltonAlmeida, I try to do it but it does not add them to collaborators so that when I publish an answer it also reaches them, I have to be adding them manually

      Users can only add Collaborators to a ticket when opening a ticket via Email currently.

      6 days later
      5 days later


      In that post, @ntozier was mentioning the CC field in the New Ticket Form and above the reply box for Agents. Real CC used to not be a thing at all believe it or not. We will eventually look into adding the CC field for Users at some point in the future. Please stay tuned.


      18 days later
      2 months later

      Hello, I am also curious what the timeline is. We have begun using the webform over email to reduce the duplication of files in inbox, sent items, and OS Ticket. However, one area of push back from our departments is the lack of CC.

      Our work around is: Open Ticket > New Ticket Email Sent > User replies to ticket CC in user and says "adding ___ to ticket."

      Seems fine in practice but when it is over 300 users opening the tickets, there is some understandable frustration.

      Understanding the scope of OSTicket and grateful for everyone's work on it! A timeline will just help use decide our path forward.

      3 months later

      We would also be very happy about this feature coming to osTicket. We told our employees to 'CC' their supervisor when opening a ticket.

      btw we've worked out some workaround where:

      • we have a field in the form and using a regex condition we can only accept email formats separated by semi-colon
      • then modified the code to use the info held in that field to add those emails as collaborators in the db the same way they're added when cc'ed in an email

      ah thank you, we may use this as a workaround. But it still would be a nice feature (Aswell as a custom profile picture uploaded for agents 🙂 )

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