
A not found in the browser at that point usually means that you do not have rewrite enabled on your webserver.

Hi All,

I am running the new 1.17 OSTicket fresh install on Debian 11 and I have Microsoft 365 for my support@ email used with customers to create tickets.

I have the settings in oauth2 all setup and been working on it for days each change I make produces an error similar to ones others posted on here. See my screenshots for my current settings but im looking to see if anyone can tell me if I have something wrong? Im new to all this and just want to get it working...

    Okay so I've got everything lined up to the very detail on that document between the azure and oauth2 settings in my os ticket I am getting a new error -

    On the support email settings I am requiring to select a protocol and the other settings so I do so like this and hit save is when I get that AUTHENTICATE Failed -

    But when I check config and view the token it looks like everything should be fine -

    I need to setup the email fetching and SMTP next so I can get emails to tickets then reply to them on the same support email. I feel this is the last error stopping me. Any suggestions?

    Also the SMTP settings I just tried has an error as well -


      You will need to ensure IMAP is enabled for that address. Then you will need to post a screenshot of your email config censoring any sensitive info.


        So I logged into the support email using Outlook Webapp at https://outlook.office365.com in a separate browser and went into "Settings" and found this to already be turned on -

        I believe this should also mean imap is on?

        I also just found in the Microsoft 365 admin port for the user the allowed apps for Support@ and I found all of this already eenabled:

        Sorry for the multiple edits I found these login errors for the support@ email user in the admin portal which I find confusing from AAD portal the admin consent and "delegated" was followed and at somepoint in setting this up it allowed me on the Microsoft sign in redirect after clicking submit to Consent the app as the user successfully -


          The token is expired so you must click submit in the popup to reauthorize and get a new token. Then you should be able to attempt saving changes with IMAP enabled.



            After I click the submit in the popup to reauthorize and get a new token I get this error next -

            Any ideas where this part is breaking?

            Thanks again


              That means the Redirect URI from osTicket is not what you configured for the Registered App in Azure. You need to add the Redirect URI we generate in osTicket to the Redirect URI in the Registered App I believe it’s in the Authentication tab but don’t quote me on that; off the top of my head.



                Kevin you're amazing, thanks for everything so far I think I am at a home strech so I fixed the URL on Azure AD Application URI and its now successfully logging in and I was able to enable "Fetching / SMTP" no errors but I am getting support emails that are coming in now and some in the inbox already total of 5 and 2 of them new unread.

                They are not being made into tickets so I am unsure if fetching is completely working? I set it to 5 minutes but its been well over that -

                I also want to setup the ability for Agents to login using their Microsoft 365 login so for my account I have it using the backend for the instance I made at the plugin "Microsoft 365 Agent Login"

                Below screen shots are the settings I have for that instance -

                When I set this instance up it shows successful is all I get it doesn't feel like it validated anything-

                But when I login at /scp I'll use the Microsoft 365 Button from the Instance label is this one -

                It allowed me to login on our Microsoft Portal page but then it re-directed me back to the customer facing portal side but didn't actually login at all or bring me back to /scp -

                So basically, acts like its signing in on the Microsoft page login then seems all successful no errors there then redirected to here in that last screen shot.

                Hopefully we can figure out these last 2 issues and Im home free.


                  For fetching you need a cron job:

                  Once you have Email Fetching enabled under Admin Panel > Emails > Settings and you have a working cron job setup the rest of your emails should be processed automatically.

                  As for the OAuth2 Authentication (SSO) you have wrong info. See OAuth2 Authentication docs here:


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