It might be helpful to take a look at this guide a community member posted:
Please note that sometime after v1.17 stable is released we will release guides (and possibly videos) on our docs site to show you how to configure.
It might be helpful to take a look at this guide a community member posted:
Please note that sometime after v1.17 stable is released we will release guides (and possibly videos) on our docs site to show you how to configure.
Hi Kevin,
I've successfully configure the OAuth2. But when ever I'm trying to enable the email fetching it give me connection close error
Please find the Screen shot below.
Sounds like the outlook server didn't respond correctly or you're having network issues or something. Maybe reach out to your hosting provider/system's administrator and/or MS for further assistance?
Also, what URLs and Scopes are you using?
Hi Kevin,
the connection close issue was gone. Now I'm getting AUTHENTICATE failed error attaching screenshot below.
The Outgoing SMTP configuration has same issue Authentication unsuccessful.
Also find my scope configuration below.
Scope configuration:
You are using the Graph Resource Details Endpoint and scopes without defining the API. You will need to use the v2.0 outlook Resource Details Endpoint (ie.
) as well as the outlook scopes (ie. offline_access
@jerer I'm having the same problem you documented (Email Mismatch: Expecting Authorization for not <blank> ).
I'm trying to implement your solution but I can't get the plugins to 'rehydrate'. Any tips or can you post your compiled .phar file? I'm getting errors related to Psr/Http and http-factory not found.
...2 hours later
Got it working. I was never able to successfully build the plugins so I just decompiled the .phar file, made the edits that you suggested and recompiled:
'attr_username' => 'EmailAddress', // This was "mail" before
'attr_email' => 'EmailAddress', // This was "mail" before
Confirmed working / able to fetch mail now. Thank you for sharing your solution!
gibbsjj Fantastic! Can you share your .phar file so we can test?
The retrieval of e-mails from Office365 also stopped working for us yesterday. The error message points to the problem with the authentication. I installed 1.17 rc2 today, but it dies (white screen) in class osTicketSession, function __construct at the line if ((!defined('MAJOR_VERSION') || $checkdbversion) ...
I have PHP 8.1.7 and MariaDB 10.5.16, is that sufficient?
Only PHP will supported
We are releasing RC3 and a new build of the plugin today. This new version will allow the ability to edit the email attribute as well as fix some re-authorization issues and other miscellaneous bugs.
I managed to modify the php file with the 'emailaddress' and repack it to a usable .phar that I added as a plugin to osticketv1.17-rc2. Everything from here went smooth, no 'Email mismatch' nor 'invalid_client' messages. It successfully activated OAuth2 for microsoft. I manage to setup correctly 'Outgoing (SMTP)', based on 'Remote Mailbox'. It works as expected when I use the 'Diagnostic' tool to send mails.
But, even though I set 'Email Fetching' to 'enable', every 5 minutes (or 1), with the order to 'delete fetched emails'. It simply does not create tickets, nor delete the emails in the configured mailbox.
Anyone else having this issue ? Am I missing a setting somewhere else ?
Did you setup a cron job? Did you enable email fetching in admin panel > Emails > Settings? Mail will not simply just appear without being polled by a cron job or scheduled task.
I did not setup a cron job. But I can assure you that I enabled email fetching in admin panel > Emails > Settings.
Following your indication, I just enabled 'Fetch Emails using Auto-cron'.
Is there something else I am supposed to do next ?
Uncheck auto-cron and follow below steps:
It works like a charm, thank you very much !
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the good Work finally with RC3 my Email fetching works again.
But I have one last Issue.
My SMTP doesnt work, maybe you have some solution for me.
MY Scopes are: offline_access
When I change to Basic auth i got the following Error.
Thanks for your help in advance.
I've sucessfully installed RC3 and updated plugin, I have generated a token. but when I try to enable the service it fails with no error message.
am I missing something?
Hello Andy_B
Here are my settings
I am using In Azure AD Apps / Authentication the any Organization entry
Still my SMTP problem exists.
Hope I can help you.
Hi Kevin,
I've installed RC3. Now I'm getting Invalid Email Attribute error.
Please find the screen shot below.