Hello! We recently spun up a v1.10 on-prem instance of OSTicket. We're trying to automate the creation of tasks using ticket filters. Up until now, I have been unable to do the following;

We have a new hire process where human resources (HR) submits a new-hire request via a form. They select which accounts need to be created for a new user. We'd like to automatically create tasks on the ticket and assign them to the correct departments/teams based on the option(s) our HR employees select. Due to JSOX policy, we need a index-able log of when these tasks are requested, and completed.

The closest functionality/form/topic I've been able to dig up is this: https://forum.osticket.com/d/87595-tickettask-templates-or-filters/5 (however it seems pretty dated)

That being said does anyone know if this sort of thing is possible with the on-prem v1.10 system? If not, is it available with the cloud/hosted version?


There was talk of this sort of thing, but I do not think that it is possible in 1.10.x at this time.
I have not played around with the beta (1.11rc1) to see if it is something that was added to that.

I think that this is something that you should be able to do using ticket filters, but it definitely is not in 1.10.x (I just checked).

You might be able to achieve something similar if you wanted to edit the core source files, and customize your installation, but I do not know how you would go about doing that.

    ntozier Thanks for the reply. That's a pretty big bummer. We're looking to leave Zendesk due to the outrageous price, but having to manually create tasks would add quite a bit of extra work to our team.

    Here's to hoping someone in the OSTicket community has/is looking for something like this.

    When tasks were first introduced they said that they were hoping to do things like that, but I haven't heard anything about it since.

    a year later

    is 1.14 including some" tasks auto-creation" on ticket creation/assignment feature?

    No. This is not a feature in osTicket at this time.

    Killing zombie thread with a head shot.

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