First of all, let me start by saying, I know what I am doing is not standard.

OST 1.10.4 and 1.11.x

I have a host of organizations I need to import form an old system. OsTicket does not have an import feature for these, so I have resorted to inserting these via a SQL script directly. Does anyone know which tables I should be inserting into for Organization data? By experimentation, I have figured out the following ones:

Are there others?

What's the deal with CDATA tables? I read on another post these are automatically dropped and recreated when need be. When/how does this happen? Should I leave the CDATA tables alone?

Should I be inserting anything into ost__search, or does this also auto-populate?

I appreciate any insight into this, thank you in advance.

Q: What's the deal with CDATA tables?
A: they are temporary tables used to speed up performance.

Q: When/how does this happen?
A: if I remember correctly it has a 1 in 30 chance on staff activity when the system thinks it is needed.

Q: Should I leave the CDATA tables alone?
A: you should not write any data to these tables.

Q: Should I be inserting anything into ost__search, or does this also auto-populate?
A: I think that is used to speed up (ticket specific) search results

    ntozier Thanks for the reply! Aside from the cdata table, do the rest look correct for organization data or did I miss any?

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