Hi to Everyone!I have problem with New Ticket Alert for Agent.When new ticket is created for Topic1 the ticket is assigned to Team A. All members should have e-mail notification that such ticket was opened and assigned to Team A. Problem is that only one agent receives e-mail. When I send a test mail to other agents messages are delivered successful. Below You can find configuration about alerts for those agents, department and team. Can You help me with that? I have no idea how to fix it. New ticket option:Department: SupportAuto-assign To: Team AAssigned Teams: Team A and Alerts box is checkedUpdate departmentUser1 All access and Alerts are greyed out and checkedUser2 Expanded Access and Alerts box is  checked, Users Primary Department: Projects and Extended Acess has got Support with Expanded Access and alert box checkedUser3 Expanded Access and Alerts box is checked, Users Primary Department: Projects and Extended Acess has got Support with Expanded Access and alert box checkedUpdate Department - SupportMembers:User1 All access and Alert box grey out and checkedUser2 Expanded access and Alert box checkedUser3 Expanded access and Alert box checkedUpdate Team - TeamAMembersUser1 Alerts box is uncheckedUser2 Alerts box is checkedUser3 Alerts box is checkedUser1 get e-mails with notification about new ticketUsuer2 and User3 don't get notification email.

"When new ticket is created for Topic1 the ticket is assigned to Team A."alerts aren't sent if its assigned to a team or agent.  Don't assign it to a team and your problem should be alleviated.

I have changed settings in Topic 1. Now it is not assigned to anyone. But still User 1 gets e-mails and user 2 and user 3 doesn't.The only differences between user 1 and others is that user1 has main department Support (Topic1 is dedicated to Support Department) and others has got Support department as Extended Access.Or maybe it will be easier if You tell me how it should be configured:Department Support > Topic 1, Topic 2, Topic 3 etc. I need only Topic1 in Support to be able to resolve by User1 User2 and User3. User2 and User3 will have besic department as Project. So it is possible to give them access to Support>Topic1 and alert e-mails will receved by all of users?thx

Assign Topic 1, 2, 3 to a department.Put those users servicing the tickets in that department.

User 2 and User 3 are as agents with extended access to that department. Alerts are checked and e-mails doesn't come. 

10 days later

I have fix it.In Settings > Tickets > Alerts and notifications tab there is checkbox for department members to get alerts and notification. I have checked it and all agents get e-mails when new ticket is generated. Thanks 

Great glad to hear that.  I had assumed that you had already enabled department notifications.

2 years later

i have the same problem but i have already enabled notifications as indicated - osTicket v1.14.3 (f4f5bc6)

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Killing zombie thread with a head shot.

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