Hello,All my agents is in the same department and i separate them by team. If i checked "Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets" only open tickets show up on their account. After they closed it it will hide from their view. Is there any mod to do this?osTicket v 1.10Thanks!

I think that if you change how you have things setup you will find this a lot easier and not have to mod anything. Specifically don't use teams and use departments. Agents can see closed tickets that are in their department.

I set up teams so i can extract data every group of support team. I just adopt the osticket environment of agents. We have diff. departments and under depts we have teams. I try to login the agent account into user page and all tickets they have assigned was there. But it is impossible to them to closed the ticket so they need to go in /scp to be able to closed the ticket.Q 1: How is it possible to view all the tickets open/closed in user area?Q 2: Is it possibl to make this in admin area?Thanks!

Departments are a grouping of agents that work together on a single queue (or more than one queue of tickets).  A Team is a grouping of Agents that are not part of the same Department that need to work on the same tickets even though they are might not normally need access to the departmental queues of the departments that they usually work.Q 1: How is it possible to view all the tickets open/closed in user area?You cannot get to the User open / closed ticket view on the Agent panel. (Actually you can, but only if you go to User menu and click on the User and then click on the (#) by their name.  You would then be able to see all the tickets that the user has opened and closed, presuming they are in a department that your agent account has access to.)Agents log in (to /scp) and see the Agent Open ticket queue by default. For an Agent to see every single open and closed ticket they would need to have access to every single department in the system.  They would still only be able to see the tickets for the status that they were checking. The default is open, you can change that by clicking on Answered (if you use this), Closed, or using an Advanced Search.Q 2: Is it possibl to make this in admin area?I feel like my answer to Q 1 already answered that.

14 days later

Hi,I register a demo agent, and then a also register the same account as user/client. After i assigned the ticket to demo agent he do the job and closed the ticket by changing the status. After closing the ticket it is now not present in demo agents account. So we try to login as client using the same account we recently registered. After login the closed ticket was their in client ui.This is my question, how come that the demo account for both agent and user using same email and password (during registration/login) see all tickets in user panel but not in agent panel?demo_user@sample.com => Agentdemo_user@sample.com=>ClientThanks! 

They are two separate and distinct accounts.The agent doesn't see the ticket when it is closed either because it is not in a department that the Agent has access to, or because you have limited agent access.The User account sees the ticket because that ticket belongs to that user.

12 days later

I used up same details of account but in two levels.. Agent and Client, the same email mike@uni.io and i checked Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets to prevent him to access others ticket. All tickets assigned to his account was there also when he login as client.

This "i checked Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets"Since closed tickets are not assigned to a person.... and you limited the agents access, you made it so they cannot see them.

2 months later

Yes i did that. But after applying that changes agent will not be able to see closed or tickets that been assigned to them. Is it possible to let them see their closed tickets at not all tickets in the system. I mean only the tickets have been assigned to them?Thanks!

Yes.  Ensure that tickets are assigned to a department that the Agent is a member of, and uncheck the check box.

8 months later

For osTicket (v1.11.0-rc1) you can change the following file: include/class.staff.php
method: getTicketsVisibility()

$visibility = Q::any(new Q(array('status__state'=>'open', $assigned)));
$visibility = Q::any(new Q(array('status__state__in'=>array('open', 'closed'), $assigned)));
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