I'm on development OSTicket v1.10, i have some problem..i have SLA on departement setting, when overdue time is match notilf mail not sent, but if i login to agent panel the notif come to email..Why just overdue notif not auto sent ??What is problem on Cron job ? Email setting ?or what else ?/Please Help me..

SLA's do not have a "on department" setting so I really have no idea what it is your are trying to say.I get overdue notices to my email at all the times, not when I am logged in.

On OSticket V1.10 we can set SLA .. and i set it there..when Overdue time is start, i not received the mail notification..but When i login to agent panel, the notification is directly sent to email...

There is no department settings in SLA.blankIt sounds to me like your problem has nothing to do with SLA's and has to do with alerts or notices.How do you have mail configured?Are you running cron? -or-Are you using Fetch on auto-cron?

Is this wrong ??Please help me for true configuration for mail..?*See attachment file




First (left) screen shot.  Yes it's wrong.Email fetching should be "Enable" if you are going to collect email.Still dont have an answer to:Are you running cron? 

so, i must enable both option that ?What the meaning cron ??How to set cron on OSTicketa ? Please guide me ...

Q: so, i must enable both option that ?A: It should look like this:blankQ: What the meaning cron ?? How to set cron on OSTicketa ? Please guide me ...A: recomended reading:http://osticket.com/wiki/Email_settings#POP3.2FIMAP_Pollinghttp://osticket.com/wiki/POP3/IMAP_Setting_Guide

So i must configure ?Recurring tasks scheduller(Cron Job) or External trigger (On your sharing article) What the different ?I still not understand what's the problem from my this issue ..hihi

Q: So i must configure ?A: Yes.Q: What the different ?A: one is called locally on the server, the other is called remotely not from the server if you can't do it locally.

I'm using Server 2003 for OSticket server, so i confused when setting "Task Schedule", can you help me ?because the configure step is different with Windows server 2008, 2012 or high..


Nope. Havent used win 2003 in a decade.

i done set schedulle task for Cron job with Command line,, ervery minute execute script..When

i try again create ticket, the same problem is found,, when overdue

time is match, alert not automate send to email.. but if i login to

agent panel alert sent to mail..*See capture


I thought that your problem was "when Overdue time is start, i not received the mail notification.."I do not think that you can create a pre-expired ticket and expect the email the overdue trigger to fire  before anyone has seen it.

my means, i set default SLA for 1hour, should since ticket is create until 1 hour ahead agent not respon or not solved the overdue notif sent to agent email..

Have you enabled it?Admin panel -> Tickets -> Settings -> Alerts and noticesSee Overdue Ticket Alert.status: enableand the check boxes.How do you have email configured?How is the department configured?

@[deleted]So your email is fetching automatically, every 1 minute without anyone being logged into the system? Can you confirm this? It should leave a log in your osTicket System Logs saying 'Cron Executed '. If not set your log level to DEBUG and wait a few minutes, then you should have a few cron entries in the System Logs.Cheers.

Q: So your email is fetching automatically, every 1 minute without anyone being logged into the system?A : Yes... and when SLA time is match the notif not alert to agent/staff for rememberThis my log, occasionally cron is found to log..Today i try create ticket on 08 a.m , after that i not look Auto cron job..



@[deleted] Since you posted a screen shot to another thread, I should point out that you are not running osTicket.  You are running osT+.  You will need to contact the author for support.  Or you can download and install osTicket from http://osticket.com/downloads and see if you still have the problem and we can attempt to assist you.  We do not support 3rd party modifications.