Hi,i have installed the plugin in osTicket 1.10.After install i only get blank pages and the osTicket does not work anymore.Any idea to fix or is the plugin not compatible with osTicket 1.10 ?

21 days later

Its compatible .... sorry for the late response but I dont get emails when the forum post is updated. Let me know if you still need help getting it to work.

5 months later

Great work jphilbert!I would like to know 2 things:1. do I need both LDAP plugins...yours and original or I can use only yours?2. how do I exactly incorporate value mapping from LDAP to osticket? Lets say I want add office number in user info. Same way like you have on latest screenshot in this thread.

Hello!Great work with this plugin! I just would like to know if this will work with osTicket 1.10.1? I'm having issues with error 500 when trying to syncronize users.Thank you!

7 days later

@TicketManiak 1. You only need one ... I dont think both can work at the same time anyway..2. All you have to do is create it i the user info and map the LDAP value that it represents.

@jaristigueta Show me the log file.... seems like a common issue with some servers. working on a fix

@[deleted]I am having real trouble getting your plugin to work at all and I am not sure why, I have attached some screenshots if you wouldn't mind taking a look and pointing me in the right direction. 



@[deleted] what is the acctual problem... Will it not authenticate?

@[deleted],Nothing seems to happen at all, idealy I want to sync all my users.  I have turned on the verbose logging but when I check the logs they dont even seem to exist.

jphilbert2. All you have to do is create it i the user info and map the LDAP value that it represents....could you be a little more specific about this? Where I can find this "user info"?

a month later

So I'm still having some issues getting your plugin to work. I'll try to describe what I'm seeing.

I'm receiving errors on the sync. It looks like agents work but not my ldap users.

Sync executed on (February 14 2018 2 pm) next execution in (February 14 2018 2 pm)Total ldapusers: (0) Total agents: (3) Total Updated Users: (0) Execute Time: (0.009)

To help in my testing I have three ldap users set up in OsTicket.

Here is my search filter which works because I did an AD query with it and it returned all my users.


Authentication mode is set to staff and client.

Ldap attributes: cn,telephonenumber,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,mail

sync map: name, phone,office,email

ldap sync filter: (&(sAMAccountType=805306368)(mail=*))

Also no one who is part of ldap can login. It just says access denied.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

2 months later
7 months later
10 months later

Man, I am very grateful to your plugin, I am configuring it, but I am unable to bring you the data of for example the department, I am using the following line:
LDAP Attributes:
Sync Map:
name: cn, phone: telephonenumber, ldap_office: streetAddress, ldap_department: department

The mail and the full name brings them to me from the ldap, but the other 2 fields that I want to show me no. Could you help me?

Same here. The authentification and userlookup with v1.21 and osticket 1.11 ist working. Only the synchro doesnt. The log says every time 1 user updated. But nothing happens. V1.22 of the plugin for me doesnt work with osticket 1.11 at all. No authentification or lookup is possible.

osTicket 1.11 is no longer supported. You should upgrade.

The plugin repo says that it was written and tested with:
version 1.10 to 1.11-rc1.

It does not look like they are maintaining it or upgraded it to work with 1.11, 1.12, 1.12.1, or 1.12.2

Thx. Is there an other possibility to sync user automatically with LDAP for 1.11+?

The LDAP plugins do not really sync users. It allows auth for an existing usr to be LDAP.

There is the core Authentication::LDAP and AD plugin from osticket.com/download

If you want to Sync your users so you do not have to create them then there is a paid adSync plugin from software-mods. But you still need to have the LDAP plugin for them to authenticate against AD/LDAP. It autopmates the process of creating your users for you.

If you need to have multiple different domains authing against LDAP/AD then you would need to get this one that you are talking about working.

There is an auto-cron AD-Sync option in the Multi-LDAP Plugin and it worked with 1.10. The core provided LDAP plugin is for auth only, yes.
Seems like for now there is no other option except Scott's adSync plugin (Already have the reporting plugin) .

Well, what a bummer. I just found this plugin and was in the middle up configuring it only to see at the end of this thread that it no longer works for syncing AD to osTicket. Is the paid adSync plugin our only option now?