Hi there!We have been trying out several (free and paid) solutions for our IT and our infrastructure helpdesks. Of all the ones we tried (it had to be on-site servers), we liked osTicket the best by far when it came to setting it up and using it. So first, I want to say that this is an awesome piece of software.The question, or suggestion, I have is the following: Especially for our IT department, there is often a predetermined workflow (or set of statuses in osTicket I guess) dependent on the request. For example, if I want to order a new hard drive, the first step for IT would be to order it and set the ticket to a waiting state, then when it arrives format it, install the system and ship it to the developer. This is always the same for every hard drive order and obviously vastly different from workflows in other requests (like getting an IP and DNS entry or something).Currently, the way I see it, there is no possibility in osTicket to apply different sets of statuses e.g. to different departments or groups. I think this would be a nice feature for many business flows, since it sets apart ticketing systems from issue trackers and could be applied in many companies.I guess this could maybe be doable with some automatic task generation in the upcoming 1.10 release, but I am not sure. I will definitely give this a swing and maybe contribute to the bugfixing in RC2 in the next days. But I wanted to leave this suggestion here to maybe see if it gains some traction and if other people have been wondering the same thing.Anyways, thanks for a great software and best wishes from Germany,Floh

"Currently, the way I see it, there is no possibility in osTicket to

apply different sets of statuses e.g. to different departments or

groups."Correct.  Statuses are system wide.

Thanks for the quick reply, that helps a lot since I will not be searching any further. :-) I will update the thread if I find a way to make it work in 1.10RC2... And maybe find a bug or two along the way.

3 years later

Hi Floh,
Were able to find a solution. I am also looking for a similar solution

@slenzer this thread is from 2016.
Please start your own thread after reading the posting guidelines.
Please do not be a necromancer.
Killing zombie thread with a head shot.

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