I am having a weird problem that I'm not sure how to solve:Let's assume I have one "Customer Service" group with two departments :  Sales and BillingWhen an agent in Sales receives a ticket meant for Billing, they transfer it to Billing.But now, the ticket is still visible to the Sales agent and the Billing agent.  Is this the way it's supposed to work? If I want the ticket to dissapear from my Sales panel and show ONLY in the receiving department, what do I need to do?I've already checked this option in each department:" Restrict ticket assignment to department members"What else should I look for?Thanks!

Make sure the group permissions are correct and the correct group is assigned to the agents:Admin Panel > Agents > GroupsAdmin Panel > Agents > Agents

Also make sure that the ticket isn't assigned to agent.The transferring agent would still see if unless they are assigned to it no matter what department it is in.

@[deleted] I've checked the Permissions. Right now I only have one "Customer Service" group and every department  is in that same group. Maybe I should create a separate group for each Department?  Right now my three departments are all in the  same "Customer Service"  Group. In the Agents -> Groups -> Department Access section, I have unchecked all departments because I don't want every department to have access to other departments.I'm really not sure on what the function of groups, teams and departments are yet. @[deleted] How is the ticket assignment done? Let's say for example that a Sales Department agent receives a ticket meant for the Billing Department. When is ticket assignment done:-Once he opens the ticket?-Once he replies to the ticket? If the agent replies to the customer with "Request received, transferring your request to the proper department." is the ticket assigned to this agent AND to the receiving agent?Thanks for your help!

With out knowing how you set things up, I cannot easily answer that.It depends on the version of osticket that you are running and options that you have select.Admin panel -> settings -> TicketsClaim on response?Admin panel -> Manage -> Help TopicsAuto-assign To:?Admin panel -> Manage -> Ticket FiltersAuto-assign To:?

Assuming you don't have any of those auto assign to functions enabled....Most likely it is claim on response.  So if the agent replies they get assigned.  Q -Once he opens the ticket?NO this will not assign the ticketQ -Once he replies to the ticket? Yes, IF, claim on response is enabled.Otherwise the ticket is being assigned via auto assignment under Help Topic or Ticket Filters

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