Version of osTcicket?Are they also getting the emails?Admin panel -> Agents -> Departments -> each department => what do you have for:Outgoing Email:andAuto-Response Email:
Q: What is the correct way to do this? Should I just create one single customer support email address for all departments? There is no "correct" way to do it. You can set this up how you want. Personally we here use one basic email address because our people are adverse to change and we didn't want them to have to remember three email addresses. That and I had no faith that they would actually use the right email address. :)Q: For example, to deal
with all three departments so that the customer only sees emails coming
from, regardless of the department that's dealing with
the issue?A: Sure. If thats what you want to do.Q: Would osTicket be able to sort all incoming replies from this single email address?A: Yes.