osticket 1.9.12I currently have the ldap plugin installed and that is how my users authenticate. Is there a way to disable public registration without major changes to the core files of osticket?thanks for any help. 

Admin panel -> Settings -> Access

@[deleted]: Could you be a little more specific? I have been to the Admin panel -> Settings -> Access. I don't  want to guess on selection with the "require registration" and the drop down for "Registration method". I was wondering if anyone had experience doing what I am asking and give more guidance than what is obvious in the admin panel. Thanks. 

Go to Admin panel -> Settings -> AccessLook at the help for Registration Required or Registration Method by clicking on the ?.It's pretty self explanatory.

8 years later

UPDATE (For modern version of osTickets -- Applied to v1.18)

Admin panel -> Settings -> Users

Enable "Require registration and login to create ticket" under heading "Authentication Settings - Registration Required"

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