Or should I deleted some gettext files? Some of them from v1.7 are not in new version. Likegettext.incgettext-conf.phpgettext.phpI tryed change en to cs or delete then but no change ...I tryed install other language, but still just help bubles are translated. All other is in english.Is messages.po handle different way then other .yaml??Something stuck from 1.7 version?

You should download the language pack from www.osticket.com/download and use the .phar file instead of the source files from i18n.osticket.com

Maybe that helps ;)

PHP script to "convert PO to PHP array"

<?php$file = 'C:\\CS\\messages.po';$translations = array();$po = file($file);$current = null;foreach ($po as $line) {    if (substr($line,0,5) == 'msgid') {        $current = trim(substr(trim(substr($line,5)),1,-1));    }    if (substr($line,0,6) == 'msgstr') {        $translations = trim(substr(trim(substr($line,6)),1,-1));    }}$final_file = "<?php\n\n".'return array (';foreach ($translations as $msgid => $msgstr) {    $msgid = str_replace ("'","\'",$msgid);    $msgstr = str_replace ("'","\'",$msgstr);        $final_file .= "'". $msgid . "' => '" .$msgstr . "',\n";}$final_file .= ")\n?".">";function save_txt_file ($data, $filename) {  $file = fopen($filename, 'w');  fwrite($file, $data);     fclose($file);}save_txt_file($final_file,"messages.mo.php");?>


<?php return array (  'Build-Date' => 'Mon, 16 Nov 14 16 -0100',  'Build-Version' => 'v1.9.4',  'Language' => 'cs_CS',  'Id' => 'lang',  'Last-Revision' => '2014-11-16 12-0100',  'Version' => 141455,);

While I'm glad that you appear to have fixed your issue, people should probably wait for the official version from the web site.

Yes I understand. Please just delete post with .phar if needed. I just needed czech translation and it looks like it will not be released soon as its on 25% done. So I just add main parts translation and make own .phar. Maybe if you can create official phar from all languages regulary, like every month, even if the language is not completely translated yet .. 0:-)

You could join the project and suggest the translations that you put into your version.  :)

6 days later

I did all translation on http://i18n.osticket.com and then downloaded it and create .phar I mean you - osticket.com should make some section in download like "unfinished/unclomplete translations" and let people download .phar archive for languege even not completed translations yet :)

2 months later

While I'm glad that you appear to have fixed your issue, people should probably wait for the official version from the web site.

2 months later

Hey, I just wanted to pop in here and add a couple details. Thanks again for all the translation assistance.The software can be translated in place, without downloading and monkey-patching the translation files. Just visit http://jipt.i18n.osticket.com/. Log into the Crowdin dialog with your Crowdin credentials and into osTicket with username and password "demo" and "demouser" respectively, (without the quotes). This would be the recommended approach since it allows for collaboration, and uses your time effectively.Please send @[deleted] messages via Crowdin for other translation related issues, including requests to publish language packs or add new target languages.To convert the messages.po to message.po.php, run the include/class.translation.php directly (this is documented at https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/blob/develop/setup/doc/i18n.md (setup/doc/i18n.md in the software codebase):php include/class.translation.php message.mo > message.mo.phpSorry, as of yet, we still don't have a utility to unpack the PHAR files.Cheers,Jared

a month later

Possibility to change the translation within the admin would be great.

5 months later

Hi!I've downloaded es_ES to use the spanish version but it isn't working, I've also read some other posts and I understand german (de_DE) is working, but somehow Translations aren't working, I don't know if it is the hosting, the php.ini or some other configuration. that I'm Missing...Steps I've followed: 1.- Download phar file (es_ES) 2.- upload to my server (Using filezilla) 3.- Place phar file into  folder4.- Verified that the spain (and/or german) flag is active, clicked but not working on user or admin pages.4a.- Verified in the profile (scp/profile.php) page the language I'm trying to use is selected / active4b.- I've even renamed the (us directory) Any Ideas or suggestions?Note: I'm ultimately trying to use es_MX file but it hasn't been approved yet, (and yes, I've contributed to translation and suggestions in the crowdin translation site) but as test, I can live with the spain version now. 

@[deleted] you haven't stated the version of osTicket that you are running.  Also this thread is from Nov 2014... you should probably start your own thread.

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