2, 'c' => 'text/plain', 'cc' => 'text/plain', 'cpp' => 'text/plain', 'c++' => 'text/plain', 'dtd' => 'text/plain', 'h' => 'text/plain', 'log' => 'text/plain', 'rng' => 'text/plain', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'xsd' => 'text/plain', 'php' => 1, 'inc' => 1, 'avi' => 'video/avi', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'css' => 'text/css', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'html' => 'text/html', 'htmls' => 'text/html', 'ico' => 'image/x-ico', 'jpe' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'js' => 'application/x-javascript', 'midi' => 'audio/midi', 'mid' => 'audio/midi', 'mod' => 'audio/mod', 'mov' => 'movie/quicktime', 'mp3' => 'audio/mp3', 'mpg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg', 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'png' => 'image/png', 'swf' => 'application/shockwave-flash', 'tif' => 'image/tiff', 'tiff' => 'image/tiff', 'wav' => 'audio/wav', 'xbm' => 'image/xbm', 'xml' => 'text/xml', ); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); $basename = basename(__FILE__); if (!strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $basename)) { chdir(Extract_Phar::$temp); include $web; return; } $pt = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $basename) + strlen($basename)); if (!$pt || $pt == '/') { $pt = $web; header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '/' . $pt); exit; } $a = realpath(Extract_Phar::$temp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pt); if (!$a || strlen(dirname($a)) < strlen(Extract_Phar::$temp)) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); echo "\n \n File Not Found<title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <h1>404 - File ", $pt, " Not Found</h1>\n </body>\n</html>"; exit; } $b = pathinfo($a); if (!isset($b['extension'])) { header('Content-Type: text/plain'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($a)); readfile($a); exit; } if (isset($mimes[$b['extension']])) { if ($mimes[$b['extension']] === 1) { include $a; exit; } if ($mimes[$b['extension']] === 2) { highlight_file($a); exit; } header('Content-Type: ' .$mimes[$b['extension']]); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($a)); readfile($a); exit; } } class Extract_Phar { static $temp; static $origdir; const GZ = 0x1000; const BZ2 = 0x2000; const MASK = 0x3000; const START = 'index.php'; const LEN = 6685; static function go($return = false) { $fp = fopen(__FILE__, 'rb'); fseek($fp, self::LEN); $L = unpack('V', $a = (binary)fread($fp, 4)); $m = (binary)''; do { $read = 8192; if ($L[1] - strlen($m) < 8192) { $read = $L[1] - strlen($m); } $last = (binary)fread($fp, $read); $m .= $last; } while (strlen($last) && strlen($m) < $L[1]); if (strlen($m) < $L[1]) { die('ERROR: manifest length read was "' . strlen($m) .'" should be "' . $L[1] . '"'); } $info = self::_unpack($m); $f = $info['c']; if ($f & self::GZ) { if (!function_exists('gzinflate')) { die('Error: zlib extension is not enabled -' . ' gzinflate() function needed for zlib-compressed .phars'); } } if ($f & self::BZ2) { if (!function_exists('bzdecompress')) { die('Error: bzip2 extension is not enabled -' . ' bzdecompress() function needed for bz2-compressed .phars'); } } $temp = self::tmpdir(); if (!$temp || !is_writable($temp)) { $sessionpath = session_save_path(); if (strpos ($sessionpath, ";") !== false) $sessionpath = substr ($sessionpath, strpos ($sessionpath, ";")+1); if (!file_exists($sessionpath) || !is_dir($sessionpath)) { die('Could not locate temporary directory to extract phar'); } $temp = $sessionpath; } $temp .= '/pharextract/'.basename(__FILE__, '.phar'); self::$temp = $temp; self::$origdir = getcwd(); @mkdir($temp, 0777, true); $temp = realpath($temp); if (!file_exists($temp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5_file(__FILE__))) { self::_removeTmpFiles($temp, getcwd()); @mkdir($temp, 0777, true); @file_put_contents($temp . '/' . md5_file(__FILE__), ''); foreach ($info['m'] as $path => $file) { $a = !file_exists(dirname($temp . '/' . $path)); @mkdir(dirname($temp . '/' . $path), 0777, true); clearstatcache(); if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] == '/') { @mkdir($temp . '/' . $path, 0777); } else { file_put_contents($temp . '/' . $path, self::extractFile($path, $file, $fp)); @chmod($temp . '/' . $path, 0666); } } } chdir($temp); if (!$return) { include self::START; } } static function tmpdir() { if (strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') !== false) { if ($var = getenv('TMP') ? getenv('TMP') : getenv('TEMP')) { return $var; } if (is_dir('/temp') || mkdir('/temp')) { return realpath('/temp'); } return false; } if ($var = getenv('TMPDIR')) { return $var; } return realpath('/tmp'); } static function _unpack($m) { $info = unpack('V', substr($m, 0, 4)); $l = unpack('V', substr($m, 10, 4)); $m = substr($m, 14 + $l[1]); $s = unpack('V', substr($m, 0, 4)); $o = 0; $start = 4 + $s[1]; $ret['c'] = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $info[1]; $i++) { $len = unpack('V', substr($m, $start, 4)); $start += 4; $savepath = substr($m, $start, $len[1]); $start += $len[1]; $ret['m'][$savepath] = array_values(unpack('Va/Vb/Vc/Vd/Ve/Vf', substr($m, $start, 24))); $ret['m'][$savepath][3] = sprintf('%u', $ret['m'][$savepath][3] & 0xffffffff); $ret['m'][$savepath][7] = $o; $o += $ret['m'][$savepath][2]; $start += 24 + $ret['m'][$savepath][5]; $ret['c'] |= $ret['m'][$savepath][4] & self::MASK; } return $ret; } static function extractFile($path, $entry, $fp) { $data = ''; $c = $entry[2]; while ($c) { if ($c < 8192) { $data .= @fread($fp, $c); $c = 0; } else { $c -= 8192; $data .= @fread($fp, 8192); } } if ($entry[4] & self::GZ) { $data = gzinflate($data); } elseif ($entry[4] & self::BZ2) { $data = bzdecompress($data); } if (strlen($data) != $entry[0]) { die("Invalid internal .phar file (size error " . strlen($data) . " != " . $stat[7] . ")"); } if ($entry[3] != sprintf("%u", crc32((binary)$data) & 0xffffffff)) { die("Invalid internal .phar file (checksum error)"); } return $data; } static function _removeTmpFiles($temp, $origdir) { chdir($temp); foreach (glob('*') as $f) { if (file_exists($f)) { is_dir($f) ? @rmdir($f) : @unlink($f); if (file_exists($f) && is_dir($f)) { self::_removeTmpFiles($f, getcwd()); } } } @rmdir($temp); clearstatcache(); chdir($origdir); } } Extract_Phar::go(); __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>��V�������������� ���config.yaml��ThT��6Ҷ���������department.yaml;��ThT;�� 9���������email_template_group.yamlm���ThTm���/NC������ ���filter.yaml��ThT��Ҫɶ������ ���form.yamly ��ThTy ��dק������ ���group.yamlG��ThTG�����������help/����ThT�������������� ���help/tips/����ThT��������������"���help/tips/dashboard.dashboard.yaml ��ThT ��El������#���help/tips/dashboard.my_profile.yaml��ThT��pf������(���help/tips/dashboard.staff_directory.yamlQ��ThTQ��2ܶ������$���help/tips/dashboard.system_logs.yaml��ThT��x5���������help/tips/emails.banlist.yaml���ThT���wOk������ ���help/tips/emails.diagnostic.yaml��ThT��FO���������help/tips/emails.email.yaml��ThT��n:���������help/tips/emails.template.yaml��ThT��txN+���������help/tips/forms.yaml ��ThT ��YG4���������help/tips/install.yaml��ThT��ڶ������,���help/tips/knowledgebase.canned_response.yamlc��ThTc��Uֶ������%���help/tips/knowledgebase.category.yaml���ThT���v������ ���help/tips/knowledgebase.faq.yamlo��ThTo��ɀ���������help/tips/manage.api_keys.yaml3��ThT3��8\������!���help/tips/manage.custom_list.yamlQ��ThTQ��Fƶ���������help/tips/manage.filter.yaml��ThT��Xs|���������help/tips/manage.helptopic.yamlE ��ThTE ��֝���������help/tips/manage.pages.yamlN��ThTN��Q^���������help/tips/manage.sla.yamlm��ThTm��$6_���������help/tips/settings.access.yaml ��ThT ��6.���������help/tips/settings.alerts.yaml ��ThT ��U������%���help/tips/settings.autoresponder.yaml��ThT��sZ���������help/tips/settings.email.yaml��ThT��_<P���������help/tips/settings.kb.yaml��ThT��-۶���������help/tips/settings.pages.yamlV��ThTV��=GL���������help/tips/settings.system.yaml ��ThT ��\9ֶ���������help/tips/settings.ticket.yaml��ThT��I8$"���������help/tips/staff.agent.yamlX ��ThTX ��;9���������help/tips/staff.agents.yaml=��ThT=�� ���������help/tips/staff.department.yaml ��ThT ��) ������ ���help/tips/staff.departments.yamlg��ThTg��`Q׶���������help/tips/staff.groups.yaml��ThT��eH)������"���help/tips/staff.staff_members.yaml��ThT��c���������help/tips/staff.team.yaml^��ThT^��t[g���������help/tips/staff.yaml��ThT��Wi���������help/tips/tickets.queue.yaml��ThT��Y���������help_topic.yaml��ThT��XaR������ ���LC_MESSAGES/����ThT�����������������LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo.phpwj�ThTwj�%i�c������ ���list.yaml��ThT��gh������ ���MANIFEST.php���ThT���x������ ���priority.yaml��ThT��GT������ ���sequence.yamlZ���ThTZ���}Nɶ���������sla.yaml���ThT��������� ���team.yaml���ThT���[������ ���templates/����ThT�����������������templates/email/����ThT��������������#���templates/email/assigned.alert.yaml��ThT��׶������"���templates/email/message.alert.yaml��ThT��C������%���templates/email/message.autoresp.yaml��ThT��oL���������templates/email/note.alert.yamlB��ThTB��-!������+���templates/email/ticket.activity.notice.yaml#��ThT#��re������!���templates/email/ticket.alert.yamlz��ThTz��6z������%���templates/email/ticket.autoreply.yaml��ThT��M������$���templates/email/ticket.autoresp.yaml��ThT��xM������"���templates/email/ticket.notice.yaml6��ThT6��jj������#���templates/email/ticket.overdue.yaml��ThT��5������%���templates/email/ticket.overlimit.yaml��ThT��������!���templates/email/ticket.reply.yaml2��ThT2��������#���templates/email/transfer.alert.yaml3��ThT3��iK���������templates/page/����ThT�����������������templates/page/access-link.yamlm��ThTm��'������!���templates/page/banner-client.yaml6��ThT6��3AӶ������ ���templates/page/banner-staff.yaml&��ThT&��`���������templates/page/landing.yaml/��ThT/��)3J���������templates/page/offline.yaml[��ThT[��9/=������"���templates/page/pwreset-client.yamlw��ThTw��r������!���templates/page/pwreset-staff.yaml��ThT��;}������'���templates/page/registration-client.yaml��ThT��+T������(���templates/page/registration-confirm.yaml��ThT�� ֶ������&���templates/page/registration-staff.yaml��ThT��. u������'���templates/page/registration-thanks.yamlI��ThTI��Sx`���������templates/page/thank-you.yaml��ThT��Im���������templates/premade.yaml��ThT��~+8���������templates/ticket/����ThT�����������������templates/ticket/installed.yaml��ThT��Lŵ���������templates/ticket/upgraded.yaml��ThT�� .���������ticket_status.yaml_��ThT_��eu������--- core: time_format: h:i A date_format: m/d/Y datetime_format: m/d/Y g:i a daydatetime_format: D, M j Y g:ia default_timezone_id: 0 default_priority_id: 2 enable_daylight_saving: 0 reply_separator: – Odpověďte nad tento řádek – allowed_filetypes: .doc, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .xls, .docx, .xlsx, .txt isonline: 1 staff_ip_binding: 0 staff_max_logins: 4 staff_login_timeout: 2 staff_session_timeout: 30 passwd_reset_period: 0 client_max_logins: 4 client_login_timeout: 2 client_session_timeout: 30 max_page_size: 25 max_open_tickets: 0 max_file_size: 1048576 max_user_file_uploads: 1 max_staff_file_uploads: 1 autolock_minutes: 3 default_smtp_id: 0 use_email_priority: 0 enable_kb: 0 enable_premade: 1 enable_captcha: 0 enable_auto_cron: 0 enable_mail_polling: 0 send_sys_errors: 1 send_sql_errors: 1 send_login_errors: 1 save_email_headers: 1 strip_quoted_reply: 1 ticket_autoresponder: 0 message_autoresponder: 0 ticket_notice_active: 1 ticket_alert_active: 1 ticket_alert_admin: 1 ticket_alert_dept_manager: 1 ticket_alert_dept_members: 0 message_alert_active: 1 message_alert_laststaff: 1 message_alert_assigned: 1 message_alert_dept_manager: 0 note_alert_active: 0 note_alert_laststaff: 1 note_alert_assigned: 1 note_alert_dept_manager: 0 transfer_alert_active: 0 transfer_alert_assigned: 0 transfer_alert_dept_manager: 1 transfer_alert_dept_members: 0 overdue_alert_active: 1 overdue_alert_assigned: 1 overdue_alert_dept_manager: 1 overdue_alert_dept_members: 0 assigned_alert_active: 1 assigned_alert_staff: 1 assigned_alert_team_lead: 0 assigned_alert_team_members: 0 auto_claim_tickets: 1 show_related_tickets: 1 show_assigned_tickets: 1 show_answered_tickets: 0 hide_staff_name: 0 overlimit_notice_active: 0 email_attachments: 1 number_format: '######' sequence_id: 0 log_level: 2 log_graceperiod: 12 client_registration: public --- - id: 1 name: Podpora signature: Oddělení podpory ispublic: 1 group_membership: 1 - id: 2 name: Prodej signature: Prodej a udržení zákazníků ispublic: 1 sla_id: 1 group_membership: 1 - id: 3 name: Údržba signature: Oddělení údržby ispublic: 0 group_membership: 0 --- - id: 1 isactive: 1 name: osTicket výchozí šablona (HTML) notes: Výchozí osTicket šablony --- - isactive: 1 execorder: 99 reject_ticket: 1 target: Email name: SYSTEM BAN LIST notes: Interní seznam pro zakázané e-maily. Neodstraňujte rules: - isactive: 1 what: email how: equal val: test@vase-firma.cz --- - id: 1 type: U title: Kontaktní informace deletable: false fields: - type: text name: email label: E-mail required: true sort: 1 edit_mask: 15 configuration: size: 40 length: 64 validator: email - type: text name: name label: Celé jméno required: true sort: 2 edit_mask: 15 configuration: size: 40 length: 64 - type: phone name: phone label: Telefonní číslo required: false sort: 3 - type: memo name: notes label: Interní poznámky required: false private: true sort: 4 configuration: rows: 4 cols: 40 - id: 2 type: T title: Podrobnosti k požadavku instructions: Popište prosím Váš problém notes: Tento formulář bude připojen ke každému požadavku bez ohledu na jeho zdroj. Do formuláře můžete přidat jakékoli pole, které bude dostupné pro všechny požadavky a bude ho možné prohledávat pomocí pokročilého vyhledávání a filtrování. deletable: false fields: - id: 20 type: text name: subject label: Shrnutí problému required: true edit_mask: 15 sort: 1 configuration: size: 40 length: 50 - id: 21 type: thread name: message label: Podrobnosti o problému hint: Podrobnosti o důvodech pro otevření požadavku. required: true edit_mask: 15 sort: 2 - id: 22 type: priority name: priority label: Úroveň priority required: false private: true edit_mask: 3 sort: 3 - type: C title: Firemní informace instructions: Podrobnosti dostupné v šabloně e-mailu deletable: false fields: - type: text name: name label: Název firmy required: true sort: 1 edit_mask: 3 configuration: size: 40 length: 64 - type: text name: website label: Webová stránka sort: 2 configuration: size: 40 length: 64 - type: phone name: phone label: Telefonní číslo required: false sort: 3 configuration: ext: false - type: memo name: address label: Adresa required: false sort: 4 configuration: rows: 2 cols: 40 html: false length: 100 - type: O title: Informace o organizaci instructions: Podrobnosti o organizaci deletable: false fields: - type: text name: name label: Jméno required: true sort: 1 edit_mask: 15 configuration: size: 40 length: 64 - type: memo name: address label: Adresa required: false sort: 2 configuration: rows: 2 cols: 40 length: 100 html: false - type: phone name: phone label: Telefon required: false sort: 3 - type: text name: website label: Webová stránka required: false sort: 4 configuration: size: 40 length: 0 - type: memo name: notes label: Interní poznámky required: false sort: 5 configuration: rows: 4 cols: 40 --- - isactive: 1 name: Lev krotitel notes: Správci systému, kteří mají (zpočátku) plnou kontrolu nad útvary, ke kterým mají přístup. can_create_tickets: 1 can_edit_tickets: 1 can_delete_tickets: 1 can_close_tickets: 1 can_assign_tickets: 1 can_transfer_tickets: 1 can_ban_emails: 1 can_manage_premade: 1 can_manage_faq: 1 can_post_ticket_reply: 1 depts: - 1 - 2 - 3 - isactive: 1 name: Sloní chodci notes: Bílé límečky can_create_tickets: 1 can_edit_tickets: 1 can_delete_tickets: 1 can_close_tickets: 1 can_assign_tickets: 1 can_transfer_tickets: 1 can_ban_emails: 1 can_manage_premade: 1 can_manage_faq: 1 can_post_ticket_reply: 1 depts: - 1 - 2 - 3 - isactive: 1 name: Bleší Školitelé notes: Řadoví zaměstnanci can_create_tickets: 1 can_edit_tickets: 1 can_delete_tickets: 0 can_close_tickets: 1 can_assign_tickets: 1 can_transfer_tickets: 1 can_ban_emails: 0 can_manage_premade: 0 can_manage_faq: 0 can_post_ticket_reply: 1 depts: - 1 - 2 - 3 --- ticket_activity: title: Aktivita Tiketu content: 'Vyberte rozsah dat grafu a tabulky (viz <span class="doc-desc-title"> statistiky</span>) k zaměření se na všechny odpovídající údaje pro tato data. Níže uvedený graf bude vždy odrážet široký přehled dat celého systému (tj. počet obyvatel). Nicméně můžete procházet <span class="doc-desc-title"> tabulku statistiky</span> níže a zaměřit se na užší předmět zájmu (např. oddělení, témata nebo personál). Kromě toho můžete exportovat všechny aktuálně zobrazená data v tabulce <span class="doc-desc-title"> statistiky</span>.' report_timeframe: title: Zpráva časového rámce content: Vyberte počáteční datum pro vzorek požadovaných dat pomocí ovládacího prvku Výběr data. Vyberte dobu, od tohoto data a definujte koncové datum pro vzorek dat. statistics: title: Statistiky content: Chcete-li zobrazit konkrétní vzorek údajů, přejděte na předmět zájmu klepnutím na příslušnou kartu. Kruhy v tabulce představují velikost jmenovitých údajů. Tedy čím větší bude číslo v určité buňce, tím větší bude sousední kruh. opened: title: Otevřeno content: Toto představuje tikety otevřené agenty (tj, interně otevřené), nikoli klienty. assigned: title: Přiřazené content: 'The system tracks every event whereby a ticket is automatically or manually assigned to a particular Department or Agent. Automatic assignments will depend on established settings for <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topics</span> and <span class="doc-desc-title">Email Filters</span> in the Admin Panel.' overdue: title: Zpožděné content: This is the amount of tickets that have violated the SLA Plan to which they belonged. closed: title: Uzavřené content: To je množství tiketů, které byly uzavřeny. reopened: title: Znovu otevřené content: This is the amount of tickets that were reopened either by an Agent or by a Client when he/she responded while the ticket was in a Closed status. service_time: title: Service Time content: '<span class="doc-desc-title">Service time</span> is the duration of time that begins at the opening of a ticket and ends when the ticket is closed. The <span class="doc-desc-title">Service Time</span> column here measures the average Service Time per ticket, in hours, within the specified date span.' response_time: title: Reakční doba content: '<span class="doc-desc-title">Response Time</span> is a duration of time that begins with any Client’s correspondence and ends when an Agent makes a response. This measurement of time is not exclusive to a Client’s correspondence of the initial Ticket opening. This refers to every act of discourse originating with a Client.' --- contact_information: title: Kontaktní informace content: "" username: title: Uživatelské jméno content: 'Only those Agents with Admin status may change a username. If you are an Agent with Admin privileges, you may accomplish this by selecting an Agent to edit from the <span class="doc-desc-title">Staff Members</span> table.' links: - title: Change a username as an Administrator href: /scp/staff.php time_zone: title: Časové pásmo content: "" daylight_saving: title: Letní čas content: "" maximum_page_size: title: Maximum Page Size content: "" auto_refresh_rate: title: Auto Refresh Rate content: "" default_signature: title: Výchozí podpis content: "" default_paper_size: title: Default Paper Size content: "" show_assigned_tickets: title: Show Assigned Tickets content: 'Enable this to hide your name from the <span class="doc-desc-title">Open Tickets</span> queue for those tickets which you have been assigned. Upon hiding, the <span class="doc-desc-title">Department</span> name to which you belong will replace where your name would normally be displayed.' password: title: Heslo content: "" current_password: title: Aktuální heslo content: "" new_password: title: Nové heslo content: "" confirm_new_password: title: Potvrďte nové heslo content: "" signature: title: Podpis content: 'Create an optional <span class="doc-desc-title">Signature</span> that perhaps appears at the end of your Ticket Responses. Whether this <span class="doc-desc-title">Signature</span> appears, or not, depends on the <span class="doc-desc-title">Email Template</span> that will be used in a Ticket Response.' links: - title: Create Emails Templates in the Admin Panel href: /scp/templates.php --- staff_members: title: Zaměstnanci content: 'Následující tabulka zobrazuje výsledek nad ní nastaveného filtru. Pokud nejsou nastavená žádná filtrovací kritéria, tak budou zobrazeni všichni <span class="doc-desc-title">zaměstnanci </span> a budou rozděleni do stránek. Použijte sekci stránek níže k procházení více výsledků.' apply_filtering_criteria: title: Nastav filtrovací kritéria content: 'Vyberte <span class="doc-desc-title">oddělení</span> které odpovídá vašemu současnému zájmu. Můžete též provést hledání specifického agenta.' --- system_logs: title: Systémové logy content: This is where you will find any troubleshooting related logging activity (e.g., Errors, Warnings, or Bugs). links: - title: 'Customize what type of activity is logged by changing the <br /><span class="doc-desc-title">Default Log Level</span>.' href: /scp/settings.php?t=system date_span: title: Date Span content: 'Select your calendar range that you would like to view in the <span class="doc-desc-title">System Logs</span>.' type: title: Type content: 'Choose an option to narrow your focus on a specific type of activity. <span class="doc-desc-opt">Debug</span> represents the least severity, and <span class="doc-desc-opt">Error</span> represents the greatest severity.' showing_logs: title: 'Showing…Logs' content: 'Be sure to check the <span class="doc-desc-title">Page</span> section below to make sure that there are not more pages displaying available System Logs.' log_title: title: Log Title content: 'Click the <span class="doc-desc-title">Log Title</span> table header if you would like to sort the results according to the <span class="doc-desc-title">Log Title</span>.' log_type: title: Log Type content: 'Click the <span class="doc-desc-title">Log Type</span> table header if you would like to sort the results according to the <span class="doc-desc-title">Log Type</span>.' log_date: title: Log Date content: 'This is the date the log was generated by the software. If you would like to sort the results according to the <span class="doc-desc-title">Log Date</span>, simply click the <span class="doc-desc-title">Log Date</span> table header. (Use the <span class="doc-desc-title">Date Span</span> form above to narrow your calendar span of logs.)' ip_address: title: IP Address content: 'This refers to the <span class="doc-desc-title">IP</span><span class="doc-desc-title"> Address</span> of either the agent or client that was using osTicket at the time the log was generated.' --- ban_list: title: Zakázané e-mailové adresy content: E-maily přijaté od e-mailových adres uvedených na seznamu zakázaných, budou automaticky zamítnuty. --- test_outgoing_email: title: Test odchozího emailu content: The email’s delivery depends on your server settings (php.ini) and/or SMTP configuration. links: - title: Select an email to configure SMTP (Outgoing) Settings href: /scp/emails.php from: title: Od content: "" to: title: To content: "" subject: title: Subject content: "" message: title: Message content: "" --- new_ticket_help_topic: title: New Ticket Help Topic content: 'Choose a <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span> to be automatically associated with tickets created via this Email Address. <br/><br/> Forms associated with the Help Topic will be added to the ticket, but will not have any data.' links: - title: Manage Help Topics href: /scp/helptopics.php new_ticket_priority: title: Priorita nového tiketu content: 'Choose the <span class="doc-desc-title">priority</span> for new tickets created via this Email Address.' new_ticket_department: title: New Ticket Department content: 'Choose the <span class="doc-desc-title">Department</span> to which new tickets created via this Email Address will be routed.' links: - title: Manage Departments href: /scp/departments.php auto_response: title: New Ticket Auto-Response content: You may disable the Auto-Response sent to the User when a new ticket is created via this Email Address. username: title: Uživatelské jméno content: "" password: title: Heslo content: "" login_information: title: Email Login Information content: 'The <span class="doc-desc-title">Username</span> and <span class="doc-desc-title">Password</span> are required to fetch email from IMAP / POP mail boxes as well as to send email through SMTP.' mail_account: title: Fetching Email content: Fetch emails from a remote IMAP or POP mail box and convert them to tickets in your help desk. links: - title: 'Manage <span class="doc-desc-title">Email Polling</span> & <span class="doc-desc-title">AutoCron</span> settings.' href: /scp/settings.php?t=emails host_and_port: title: Remote Host content: 'Enter the <span class="doc-desc-title">hostname</span> and <span class="doc-desc-title">port</span> number for your mail server. This may be available in the documentation for your hosting account or from your email administrator.' protocol: title: Mail Box Protocol content: Select the mail box protocol supported by your remote mail server. IMAP is recommended and SSL is encouraged if at all possible. fetch_frequency: title: Fetch Frequency content: 'Enter how often, in minutes, the system will poll the mail box. <br/><br/> This will define the average delay in receiving an Auto-Response after a User sends an email to this mail box.' emails_per_fetch: title: Emails Per Fetch content: Enter the number of emails processed at one time. fetched_emails: title: Fetched Emails content: 'Decide what to do with processed emails: <br/><br/> <span class="doc-desc-opt"><b>Move to Folder</b></span>: This will backup your email from the INBOX to a folder you specify. If the folder does not yet exist on the server, the system will attempt to automatically create it. (<b>Recommended</b>) <hr> <span class="doc-desc-opt"><b>Delete Emails</b></span>: This will delete your email from the INBOX once it is processed. <hr> <span class="doc-desc-opt"><b>Do Nothing</b></span>: This will leave emails in your INBOX. The system will record the message ids of your email and attempt not to refetch it. However, this option may cause duplicate tickets to be created. (<em>Not Recommended</em>)' smtp_settings: title: SMTP Settings content: Email sent from the help desk can be sent through an SMTP server. This is recommended, if possible, as it will increase the likelyhood of email delivery and will make the emails less likely to be marked as spam. header_spoofing: title: Allow Header Spoofing content: 'Enable this to allow sending emails via this mail box from an address other that the one given in the <span class="doc-desc-title">Email Address</span> setting above. <br/><br/> This advanced setting is generally used when sending mail from aliases of this mail box.' --- email_templates: title: E-mailové šablony content: Email Template Sets are used to send Auto-Responses and Alerts for various actions that can take place during a Ticket’s lifetime. template_to_clone: title: Template to Clone content: Choose a Template Set to clone or simply start with the stock email templates. language: title: Jazyk content: 'Select desired language for the <span class="doc-desc-opt">stock</span> <span class="doc-desc-title">Email Template Set</span>. Language packs are available on osTicket.com.' links: - title: Jazykový balíček pro osTicket href: http://osticket.com/download status: title: Status content: '<span class="doc-desc-opt">Enabled</span> Template Sets are available to be associated with Departments and set to the system default. Template Sets currently in-use cannot be <span class="doc-desc-opt">Disabled</span>.' --- form_title: title: Nadpis formuláře content: This title text is shown in a gray box above the form fields form_instructions: title: Form Instructions content: You can add extra instructions which will help guide the user into the context of the form fields and possibly highlight required data. field_sort: title: Field Display Position content: Click on the up-and-down arrow icon and drag the field row to sort within this form. Sorting preference does not take effect until the form is saved. field_label: title: Field Label content: 'This label is shown as the prompt for this field. Typically, a short-answer field would be rendered like this one:<br> <strong>Label:</strong>  <input type="text">' field_type: title: Field Content Type content: This is used to define the type of input expected from the user. You can select from short and long answer, phone number, date and time, checkbox, drop-down list, or a custom list selection. links: - title: Custom Lists href: /scp/lists.php field_visibility: title: Field Visibility content: 'Choose a visibility and requirement option for this field. <table border="1" cellpadding="2px" cellspacing="0" style="margin-top:7px" ><tbody style="vertical-align:top;"> <tr><th>Setting</th> <th>Result</th></tr> <tr><td>Optional</td> <td>Agents and EndUsers can see the field, but neither is required to answer.</td></tr> <tr><td>Required</td> <td>Agents and EndUsers can see the field, and both are required to answer</td></tr> <tr><td>Required for EndUsers</td> <td>Agents and EndUsers can see the field, only EndUsers are required to answer</td></tr> <tr><td>Required for Agents</td> <td>Agents and EndUsers can see the field, only Agents are required to answer</td></tr> <tr><td>Internal, Optional</td> <td>Only Agents can see the field, but no answer is required.</td></tr> <tr><td>Internal, Required</td> <td>Only Agents can see the field, and an answer is required.</td></tr> <tr><td>For EndUsers Only</td> <td>Only EndUsers can see the field, and an answer is required.</td></tr> </tbody></table>' field_variable: title: Field Automation content: 'The field data will be available to email and page templates via the name used in this column. For instance, fields on the common ticket form are available via <code>%{ticket.variable}</code>, where <strong>variable</strong> is the name used in this column.<br> <br> <em>Company information is available via <code>%{</code><code>company.variable}</code> and user information is available via <code>%{ticket.user.variable}</code></em>' field_delete: title: Remove this Field content: 'Check and save the form to remove a field from this form.<br> <br> <em>Deleting a field does not remove previously entered data for the field on completed forms. For instance, if a previously submitted ticket has data for a field, deleting the field from this form will not remove the data on the ticket.</em>' --- helpdesk_name: title: Název helpdesku content: '<p>Název zákaznické podpory, např. Podpora firmy [Název Vaší firmy]</p>' system_email: title: Výchozí systémový e-mail content: '<p>Výchozí e-mail, např. podpora@vase-firma.cz - můžete přidat později!</p>' default_lang: title: Výchozí jazyk systému content: '<p>Výchozí data pro tento jazyk budou naistalována do databáze. Například e-mailové šablony a výchozí systémové stránky budou nainstalovány v tomto jazyce.</p>' links: - title: Jazykový balíček pro osTicket href: http://osticket.com/download?product=langs first_name: title: Jméno content: '<p>Jméno administrátora</p>' last_name: title: Příjmení content: '<p>Příjmení administrátora</p>' email: title: E-mail content: '<p>Osobní e-mail administrátora. Musí být rozdílný od výchozího systémového e-mailu.</p>' username: title: Uživatelské jméno content: '<p>Uživatelské jméno administrátora. Minimální délka jsou tři (3) znaky.</p>' password: title: Heslo content: '<p>Heslo administrátora. Musí být pět (5) a více znaků dlouhé.</p>' password2: title: Potvrdit heslo content: '<p>Heslo administrátora se musí shodovat. Zadejte ho prosím znovu.</p>' db_prefix: title: MySQL předpona content: '<p>osTicket vyžaduje předponu pro MySQL tabulku, aby se předešlo možnému konfliktu ve sdílené databázi.</p>' db_host: title: MySQL hostname content: | <p> Většinou se pro hostname databáze používá "localhost". V případě, že "localhost" nefunguje, kontaktujte Vašeho poskytovatele hostingu. </p> <p> Jako výchozí port se předpokládá port definovaný v souboru php.ini. Jinou hodnotu portu zadejte jako <code>název_hostname: port</code> </p> db_schema: title: MySQL databáze content: '<p>Název databáze, kterou bude používat osTicket.</p>' db_user: title: MySQL uživatel content: '<p>Uživatel MySQL databáze musí mít plný přístup k databázi.</p>' db_password: title: MySQL heslo content: '<p>Heslo do MySQL databáze přiřazené k výše uvedenému uživateli.</p>' --- canned_response: title: Canned Response content: 'Create a <span class="doc-desc-title">Canned Response</span> that can be included in a ticket response. It can also be used as a <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Auto-Response</span> setup by a <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Filter</span>.' links: - title: Setup a Ticket Filter href: /scp/filters.php canned_attachments: title: Canned Attachments content: 'Attach a file that you would like to be automatically included in the ticket response that utilizes the new <span class="doc-desc-title"> Canned Response</span>.' --- --- listing_type: title: Listing Type content: 'Choose <span class="doc-desc-opt">Public (publish)</span> if you would like this <span class="doc-desc-title"> FAQ</span> to be published on public knowledgebase if the parent category is public.' links: - title: Enable the Public Knowledgebase for the Client Portal href: /scp/settings.php?t=kb --- api_key: title: API klíč content: "API keys are used to authenticate clients submitting new tickets via the Application Programming Interface (API). API keys are used instead of passwords. Since API keys may be sent unencrypted, they are linked to each client's network IP address." links: - title: osTicket API Documentation href: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/blob/develop/setup/doc/api.md ip_addr: title: IP adresa content: "Client's network IP address. Each unique client IP address will require separate API keys" --- custom_lists: title: Custom Lists content: 'Your <span class="doc-desc-title">custom lists</span> will permit you to create dropdown boxes with predefined options from which a Client can select in your <span class="doc-desc-title">Custom Forms</span>. If you would like to use this <span class="doc-desc-title">custom list</span> as a <span class="doc-desc-title">target</span> in a <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Filter</span>, be sure to add this list to your <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Details</span> form.' name: title: Jméno content: "" plural_name: title: Plural Name content: "" sort_order: title: Sort Order content: "" list_s_initial_items: title: List’s Initial Items content: "" value: title: Value content: "" extra: title: Extra content: 'Abbreviations and such. If you happen to use internal codes for the items in this list, those codes and abbreviations can be entered in this column. If the custom list is rendered as a <span class="doc-desc-option"> TypeAhead</span>, these abbreviations can be used to search for the custom list items.' --- execution_order: title: Execution Order content: 'Enter a number that controls the priority of the filter. The lower the number, the higher the priority this filter will have in being executed over against another filter that might have higher order of execution. <br><br> If you want this filter to be the last filter applied on a match, enable <span class="doc-desc-title">Stop Processing Further On Match</span>.' target_channel: title: Channel content: |- Choose the target <span class="doc-desc-title">Channel</span> for your <span class="doc-desc-title">ticket Filter</span>. The <span class="doc-desc-title">Channel</span> is the source through which the ticket arrived into the system. <br><br> For example, if you choose <span class="doc-desc-opt">Web Forms</span>, you are saying that you want to apply the <span class="doc-desc-title">ticket Filter</span> to those tickets that originated from the Client Portal's webform. rules_matching_criteria: title: Rules Matching Criteria content: 'Choose how elastic you want the matches of your <span class="doc-desc-title">ticket Filter</span> to be. If you would like the <span class="doc-desc-title">ticket Filter</span> to match any of the rules, and then stop, choose <span class="doc-desc-opt">Match Any</span>. If you would like <em><strong>all rules</strong></em> of the <span class="doc-desc-title">ticket Filter</span> to be matched, choose <span class="doc-desc-opt">Match All</span>.' reject_ticket: title: Reject Ticket content: If this is enabled, further processing is stopped and all other choices of action below will be ignored on match. reply_to_email: title: Reply-To Email content: |- Enable this if you want your Help Desk to honor a User's email application's <span class="doc-desc-title">Reply To</span> header. This field is only relevant if the <span class="doc-desc-title">Channel</span> above includes <span class="doc-desc-opt">Email</span>. ticket_auto_response: title: Disable Ticket Auto-Response content: '<em>Note: This will override any <span class="doc-desc-title">Department</span> or <span class="doc-desc-title">Autoresponder settings</span>.</em>' canned_response: title: Canned Auto-Reply content: |- Choose a <span class="doc-desc-title">Canned Response</span> you want to be emailed to the user on <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Filter</span> match. The <span class="doc-desc-title">New Ticket Auto-Reply</span> template used depends on what <span class="doc-desc-title">template set</span> is assigned as default, or to a matching ticket's <span class="doc-desc-title">Department</span>. links: - title: Manage Canned Responses href: /scp/canned.php - title: Manage Template Sets href: /scp/templates.php - title: New Ticket Auto-Reply Template href: '/scp/templates.php?id=2&a=manage' department: title: Department content: 'Choose what <span class="doc-desc-title">Department</span> you want the matches of the <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Filter</span> to be assigned.' links: - title: Manage Departments href: /scp/departments.php priority: title: Priority content: 'Choose the <span class="doc-desc-title">Priority</span> level you want to be applied to the matches of the <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Filter</span>.<br /> <br /> <em>Note: This will override <span class="doc-desc-title">Department</span> or <span class="doc-desc-title"> Help Topic</span> settings.</em>' sla_plan: title: SLA Plan content: 'Choose the <span class="doc-desc-title">SLA Plan</span> you want to be applied to the matches of the <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Filter</span>.' links: - title: Manage SLA Plans href: /scp/slas.php auto_assign: title: Auto-Assign content: 'Choose an Agent or a Team to whom you want the matches of the <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Filter</span> to be assigned.' links: - title: Manage Agents href: /scp/staff.php - title: Manage Teams href: /scp/teams.php help_topic: title: Help Topic content: 'Choose the <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span> you want to be applied to the matches of the <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Filter</span>.' links: - title: Manage Help Topics href: /scp/helptopics.php admin_notes: title: Admin Notes content: 'These notes are only visible to those whose account type is ‘<span class="doc-desc-title">Admin</span>.’' --- help_topic_information: title: Help Topic Information content: '<span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topics</span> guide what information is gathered from Users and how tickets are routed or assigned.' topic: title: Název tématu content: Unique Help Topic name. status: title: Stav content: 'If disabled, this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span> will not be available.' type: title: Type content: 'If a <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span> is labeled as Private, it will only be available for Agents to choose when an Agent opens a new Ticket under the Staff Panel.' parent_topic: title: Parent Topic content: 'Select the Parent Topic to which this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span> will belong. The Parent Topic will appear first in the listing with this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span> listed behind the parent.' custom_form: title: Custom Form content: 'Custom Forms will help you acquire more specific information from Users that are relevant to this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span>.' links: - title: Manage Custom Forms href: /scp/forms.php priority: title: Priority content: 'Select the Priority assigned to new tickets related to this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span>. <br><br> Ticket Filters can override new ticket Priority.' department: title: Department content: Choose Department to which new tickets under this Help Topic will be routed. links: - title: Manage Departments href: /scp/departments.php sla_plan: title: SLA Plan content: |- Choose SLA plan associated with this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span>. <br><br> This selection will override any selected Department's SLA plan links: - title: Manage SLA Plans href: /scp/slas.php thank_you_page: title: Thank-You Page content: 'Choose the Thank-You Page to which a User is directed after opening a Ticket under this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span>.' links: - title: Manage Thank-You Pages href: /scp/pages.php auto_assign_to: title: Auto-assign New Tickets content: 'Optionally choose an Agent or Team to auto-assign tickets opened with this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span> <br><br> Ticket Filters can override assignment.' links: - title: Manage Staff and Teams href: /scp/staff.php ticket_auto_response: title: Ticket Auto-response content: 'If checked, the setting will disable new ticket auto-responses for this <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span>. <br><br> This overrides the autoresponder setting for the <span class="doc-desc-title">Department</span> as well as global <span class="doc-desc-title">Autoresponder settings</span>.' links: - title: Autoresponder Settings href: /scp/settings.php?t=autoresp custom_numbers: title: Custom Ticket Numbers content: 'Choose "Custom" here to override the system default ticket numbering format for tickets created in this help topic. See the help tips on the Settings / Tickets page for more details on the settings.' --- site_pages: title: Stránky content: Stránky webu mohou sloužit jako mini Content Management System (CMS). Můžete definovat více přistání, v režimu offline, a děkuji vám-stránky a nakonfigurovat je v nastavení společnosti a témata nápovědy. links: - title: Firemní nastavení href: /scp/settings.php?t=pages type: title: Typ content: '<span class="doc-desc-opt">Offline</span>stránky jsou zobrazeny na klientském portálu, pokud váš help desk je zakázáno. <span class="doc-desc-opt">Vstupní</span>stránky jsou zobrazeny na domovské stránce klientského portálu.<span class="doc-desc-opt">Thank You</span> stránky se zobrazí poté, co uživatel odešle lístek. <span class="doc-desc-opt">Ostatní</span>stránky může být použit jako jednoduchý systém pro správu obsahu (CMS).' --- name: title: Jméno content: 'Choose a discriptive name for this <span class="doc-desc-title">SLA Plan</span> that will reflect its purpose.' grace_period: title: Grace Period content: 'Determine the number of hours after a ticket is created that it will be automatically marked as overdue. <br><br> <em>Hours are counted from ticket create time.</em>' transient: title: Transient content: 'Transient SLAs are considered temporary and can be overridden by a non-transient SLA on <span class="doc-desc-opt">Department</span> transfer or when its <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topic</span> is changed.' --- password_reset: title: Zásady pro vypršení platnosti hesla content: 'Sets how often (in months) staff members will be required to change their password. If disabled (set to "No expiration"), passwords will not expire.' password_expiration_policy: title: Zásady pro vypršení platnosti hesla content: 'Zvolte, jak často musí agenti měnit své heslo. Je-li zakázáno (tedy <span class="doc-desc-opt">Ne vypršení</span>), hesla nikdy nevyprší.' allow_password_resets: title: Allow Password Resets content: 'Enable this feature if you would like to display the <span class="doc-desc-title">Forgot My Password</span> link on the <span class="doc-desc-title">Staff Log In Panel</span> after a failed log in attempt.' reset_token_expiration: title: Password Reset Window content: 'Choose the duration (in minutes) for which the <span class="doc-desc-title"> Password Reset Tokens</span> will be valid. When an Agent requests a <span class="doc-desc-title">Password Reset</span>, they are emailed a token that will permit the reset to take place.' staff_session_timeout: title: Staff Session Timeout content: 'Choose the maximum idle time (in minutes) before an Agent is required to log in again. <br><br> If you would like to disable <span class="doc-desc-title">Staff Session Timeouts</span>, enter 0.' client_session_timeout: title: User Session Timeout content: 'Choose the maximum idle time (in minutes) before a User is required to log in again. <br><br> If you would like to disable <span class="doc-desc-title">User Session Timeouts,</span> enter 0.' bind_staff_session_to_ip: title: Bind Staff Session to IP content: 'Enable this if you want Agent to be remembered by their current IP upon Log In. <br><br> This setting is not recommened for users assigned IP addreses dynamically.' registration_method: title: Registration Options content: '<span class="doc-desc-title">Registration Method</span> and <span class="doc-desc-title">Registration Required</span> are used together to configure how users register and access the web portal of your help desk. The table below summarizes how the two settings are interpreted by the system. <table border="1" cellpadding="2px" cellspacing="0" style="margin-top:7px" ><tbody style="vertical-align:top;"> <tr><th>Registration Required</th> <th>Registration Method</th> <th>Result</th></tr> <tr><td>No</td><td>Public</td> <td>Registration encouraged but not required for new tickets.</td></tr> <tr><td>Yes</td><td>Public</td> <td>Registration and login are required for new tickets</td></tr> <tr><td>No</td><td>Private</td> <td>Anyone can create a ticket, but only agents can register accounts</td></tr> <tr><td>Yes</td><td>Private</td> <td>User access is by invitation only</td></tr> <tr><td>No</td><td>Disabled</td> <td>No one can register for an account, but anyone can create a ticket. <em>This was how osTicket functioned prior to 1.9</em></td></tr> <tr><td>Yes</td><td>Disabled</td> <td>Disable new tickets via web portal</td></tr> </tbody></table>' client_verify_email: title: Require Email Verification content: 'Disable this option to give your users immediate access to tickets via the "Check Ticket Status" login page in the client portal. If enabled, (which is the default), users will be required to receive an email and follow a link in the email to view the ticket. <br><br> Disabling email verification might allow third-parties (e.g. ticket collaborators) to impersonate the ticket owner.' --- page_title: title: Výstrahy a upozornění content: Alerts and Notices are automated email notifications sent to Agents when various ticket events are triggered. ticket_alert: title: Upozornění na nový tiket content: '<p> Alert sent out to Agents when a new ticket is created. </p><p class="info-banner"> <i class="icon-info-sign"></i> This alert is not sent out if the ticket is auto-assigned via a Ticket Filter or Help Topic. </p>' links: - title: Default New Ticket Alert Template href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.alert message_alert: title: Upozornění na novou zprávu content: Alert sent out to Agents when a new message from the User is appended to an existing ticket. links: - title: Default New Message Alert Template href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=message.alert internal_note_alert: title: Upozornění na novou interní poznámku content: 'Alert sent out to Agents when a new <span class="doc-desc-title">Internal Note</span> is appended to a ticket.' links: - title: Default Ticket Activity Template href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=note.alert assignment_alert: title: Ticket Assignment Alert content: Alert sent out to Agents on ticket assignment. links: - title: Default Ticket Assignment Alert Template href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=assigned.alert transfer_alert: title: Upozornění o převodu content: Alert sent out to Agents on ticket transfer between Departments. links: - title: Výchozí šablona pro upozornění na převod požadavku href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=transfer.alert overdue_alert: title: Overdue Ticket Alert content: Alert sent out to Agents when a ticket becomes overdue based on SLA or Due Date. links: - title: Default Stale Ticket Alert Template href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.overdue - title: Manage SLAs href: /scp/slas.php system_alerts: title: System Alerts content: 'Significant system events that are sent out to the Administrator (%{config.admin_email}). Depending on the configured <span class="doc-desc-title">Log Level</span>, the events are also made available in the <span class="doc-desc-title">System Logs</span>' links: - title: View System Logs href: /scp/logs.php - title: Change Admin Email href: /scp/settings.php?t=emails --- new_ticket: title: Nový požadavek content: Enable this if you want an autoresponse to be sent to the User on new ticket. links: - title: New Ticket Autoresponse Template href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.autoresp new_ticket_by_staff: title: New Ticket by Staff content: 'Notice sent when an Agent creates a ticket on behalf of the User. <em>Agent can override this when creating new tickets.</em>' links: - title: New Ticket Notice Template href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.notice new_message_for_submitter: title: New Message Confirmation content: Confirmation notice sent when a new message is appended to an existing ticket. links: - title: New Message Confirmation Template href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=message.autoresp new_message_for_participants: title: New Message Notice content: Broadcast messages received from message submitter to all other participants on the ticket. links: - title: New Activity Notice Template href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.activity.notice overlimit_notice: title: Oznámení o překročení limitu content: 'Ticket denied notice sent to User on <span class="doc-desc-title">Maximum Open Tickets</span> violation.' links: - title: Overlimit Notice Template href: /scp/templates.php?default_for=ticket.overlimit - title: 'Set <em>Maximum Open Tickets</em>' href: /scp/settings?t=tickets --- default_email_templates: title: Default Email Template Set content: 'Select <span class="doc-desc-title">Email Template Set</span> used to send <span class="doc-desc-title">Auto-Responses</span> and <span class="doc-desc-title">Alerts</span> for various actions that can take place during a Ticket’s lifetime. <br><br> Departments can be assigned a specific Email Template Set.' links: - title: Manage Email Template Sets href: /scp/templates.php default_system_email: title: Výchozí odchozí Email content: 'Choose an email address from which outgoing emails are sent. <br><br> <span class="doc-desc-title">Department</span> can set its own <span class="doc-desc-title">email address</span> which will override what is set here.' links: - title: Manage Email Addresses href: /scp/emails.php default_alert_email: title: Výchozí e-mail pro upozornění content: 'Choose an email address from which <span class="doc-desc-title">Alerts & Notices</span> are sent to Agents.' links: - title: Manage Email Addresses href: /scp/emails.php admins_email_address: title: Admin’s Email Address content: |- Enter an adminstrator's email address to which <span class="doc-desc-title">System Errors</span> and <span class="doc-desc-title">New Ticket Alerts</span> (if enabled) are sent. links: - title: 'Manage Alerts & Notices' href: /scp/settings.php?t=alerts email_fetching: title: Email Fetching content: 'Allow IMAP/POP polling for configured and enabled <span class="doc-desc-title">Mail Boxes</span>.' links: - title: Manage Mail Boxes href: /scp/emails.php enable_autocron_fetch: title: Fetch Emails using Auto-cron content: "Enables periodic email fetching using an internal task manager triggered by Agents' activity. <br><br> Please note that emails will not be fetched if no one is logged in to Staff Control Panel. External task scheduler is highly recommended for predictable fetch intervals." links: - title: Using External Task Scheduler href: http://osticket.com/wiki/POP3/IMAP_Setting_Guide strip_quoted_reply: title: Strip Quoted Reply content: 'If enabled, this will remove preceding correspondence between email communications. <br><br> This feature is relationally dependent on the <span class="doc-desc-title">Reply Separator Tag</span> below.' reply_separator_tag: title: Reply Separator Tag content: 'This is a token indicating to the User to reply above the line. <br><br> <strong>Note:</strong> this is only relevant if <span class="doc-desc-title">Strip Quoted Reply</span> is enabled above.' emailed_tickets_priority: title: Emailed Tickets Priority content: |- Choose whether you would like the priority/importance option of the User's email (e.g. OutLook) to dictate the new ticket’s priority. <br><br> This setting can be overridden by a <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Filter</span>. links: - title: 'Create & Manage Ticket Filters' href: /scp/filters.php accept_all_emails: title: Accept All Emails content: 'Accept emails from unknown Users. <br><br> Unchecking this setting will result in tickets getting rejected.' accept_email_collaborators: title: Accept Email Collaborators content: 'Add email participants included in the <code><strong>To</strong></code> and <code><strong>CC</strong></code> fields as ticket collaborators. <br /><br /> <em>Collaborators can always be added manually by Agents when viewing a ticket.</em>' default_mta: title: Default MTA content: '<span class="doc-desc-title">Default MTA</span> takes care of email delivery process for outgoing emails without SMTP setting.' --- knowledge_base_settings: title: Nastavení vědomostní báze content: "" knowledge_base_status: title: Status znalostní báze content: 'Enable this setting to allow your users self-service access to your public knowledge base articles. <br><br> Knowledge base categories and FAQs can be made internal (viewable only by Agents).' links: - title: Manage Knowledge Base href: /scp/kb.php canned_responses: title: Canned Responses content: 'Enable this setting to allow Agents to use <span class="doc-desc-title">Canned Responses</span> when replying to tickets.' links: - title: Manage Canned Responses href: /scp/canned.php --- company_information: title: Informace o společnosti content: This refers to the company or organization that will benefit from osTicket’s software and its support staff. The information here will appear in email signatures (i.e., the footer) when tickets are responded to by agents. links: - title: Company Information Form href: /scp/forms.php?type=C landing_page: title: Landing Page content: 'The <span class="doc-desc-title">Landing Page</span> is displayed on the front page of your support site.' offline_page: title: Offline Page content: 'The <span class="doc-desc-title">Offline Page</span> is displayed in the support site when the help desk is offline, see Admin Panel -> Setting -> System -> Helpdesk Status.' default_thank_you_page: title: Default Thank-You Page content: 'The <span class="doc-desc-title">thank-you page</span> is displayed to the customer when a <span class="doc-desc-title">Client</span> submits a new ticket. <br/><br/> <span class="doc-desc-title">Thank you</span> pages can be associated with help topics.' logos: title: Logos content: 'You may customize the <span class="doc-desc-title">Logo</span> that will be displayed to the Client in the Client Portal (i.e., your Support Site).' upload_a_new_logo: title: Upload a new logo content: 'Choose an image in the .gif, .jpg or .png formats. We will proportionally resize the display of your image. We will not, however, resize the image’s data. Therefore, to speed load times, it is recommended that you keep your image close to the default image size (817px × 170px).' --- helpdesk_status: title: Status Helpdesku content: 'If the status is changed to <span class="doc-desc-opt">Offline</span>, the client interface will be disabled. This does not however affect any normal Agent interaction with the Agent Panel.' helpdesk_url: title: URL Helpdesku content: Tento URL odkaz je základní pro osTicket instalaci. Používá se v e-mailové komunikaci pro směrování koncových uživatelů zpět na Helpdesk. helpdesk_name_title: title: Helpdesk jméno/název content: Název zobrazení v kartě prohlížeče. Pokud je Váš help-desk v záložkách, bude tento název zobrazen jako jméno stránky. default_department: title: Výchozí oddělení content: 'Choose a default <span class="doc-desc-title">department</span> for tickets that are not automatically routed to a department. <br/><br/> Ticket can be routed base on help topic, incoming email and ticket filter settings.' default_page_size: title: Výchozí velikost stránky content: 'Choose the number of items shown per page in the Ticket Queues in the Staff Panel. Each Agent can also customize this number for their own account under <span class="doc-desc-title">My Preferences</span>.' default_log_level: title: Výchozí úroveň logu content: 'Determine the minimum level of issues which will be recorded in the <span class="doc-desc-title">system log</span>. <span class="doc-desc-opt">Debug</span> represents the least severity, and <span class="doc-desc-opt">Error</span> represents the greatest severity. For example, if you want to see all issues in the <span class="doc-desc-title">System Logs</span>, choose <span class="doc-desc-opt">Debug</span>.' purge_logs: title: Mazání logu content: 'Determine how long you would like to keep <span class="doc-desc-title">System Logs</span> before they are deleted.' default_name_formatting: title: Default Name Formatting content: Choose a format for names throughout the system. Email templates will use it for names if no other format is specified in the variable. links: - title: Supported Email Template Variables href: http://osticket.com/wiki/Email_templates date_time_options: title: 'Date & Time Options' content: 'The following settings define the Date & Time settings for Clients. You can change how these appear by following the PHP date format characters. The dates shown below simply illustrate the result of their corresponding values.' links: - title: See the PHP Date Formatting Table href: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php --- number_format: title: Formát čísla tiketu content: 'This setting is used to generate ticket numbers. Use hash signs (`#`) where digits are to be placed. Any other text in the number format will be preserved. <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Topics</span> can define custom number formats. <br/><br/> For example, for six-digit numbers, use <code>######</code>.' sequence_id: title: Ticket Number Sequence content: 'Choose a sequence from which to derive new ticket numbers. The system has a incrementing sequence and a random sequence by default. You may create as many sequences as you wish. Use various sequences in the <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Number Format</span> configuration for help topics.' default_ticket_status: title: Default Status for new Tickets content: Choose a status as the default for new tickets. This can be defined for each help topic, if desired. It can also be overridden by a ticket filter. links: - title: Manage Ticket Statuses href: /scp/lists.php?type=ticket-status default_sla: title: Výchozí SLA content: Choose the default Service Level Agreement to manage how long a ticket can remain Open before it is rendered Overdue. links: - title: Create more SLA Plans href: /scp/slas.php default_priority: title: Default Priority content: 'Choose a default <span class="doc-desc-title">priority</span> for tickets not assigned a priority automatically. <br/><br/> Priority can be assigned via the help topic, routed department, or ticket filter settings.' maximum_open_tickets: title: Maximum Open Tickets content: 'Enter the maximum <em>number</em> of tickets a User is permitted to have <strong>open</strong> in your help desk. <br><br> Enter <span class="doc-desc-opt">0 </span> if you prefer to disable this limitation.' agent_collision_avoidance: title: Agent Collision Avoidance content: 'Enter the maximum length of time an Agent is allowed to hold a lock on a ticket without any activity. <br><br> Enter <span class="doc-desc-opt">0</span> to disable the lockout feature.' email_ticket_priority: title: Email Ticket Priority content: Use email priority assigned by addressee’s mail service show_related_tickets: title: Show Related Tickets content: 'Show all related tickets on user login - otherwise access is restricted to one ticket view per login' human_verification: title: Verifikace člověka content: 'Zapne CAPTCHA v Klientském portálu pro ověření jestli je příchozí tiket výsledkem lidské aktivity.<br><br>Vyžaduje GDLib knihovnu' claim_tickets: title: Claim Tickets on Response content: 'Enable this to auto-assign unassigned tickets to the responding Agent. <br><br> Reopened tickets are always assigned to the last respondent.' assigned_tickets: title: Assigned Tickets content: 'Enable this feature to exclude assigned tickets from the <span class="doc-desc-title">Open Tickets Queue</span>.' answered_tickets: title: Answered Tickets content: 'Enable this feature to show answered tickets in the <span class="doc-desc-title">Answered Tickets Queue</span>. Otherwise, it will be included in the <span class="doc-desc-title">Open Tickets Queue</span>.' staff_identity_masking: title: Staff Identity Masking content: If enabled, this will hide the Agent’s name from the Client during any communication. enable_html_ticket_thread: title: Enable HTML Ticket Thread content: If enabled, this will permit the use of rich text formatting between Clients and Agents. ticket_attachment_settings: title: Ticket Thread Attachments content: 'Configure settings for files attached to the <span class="doc-desc-title">issue details</span> field. These settings are used for all new tickets and new messages regardless of the source channel (web portal, email, api, etc.).' max_file_size: title: Maximum File Size content: Choose a maximum file size for attachments uploaded by agents. This includes canned attachments, knowledge base articles, and attachments to ticket replies. ticket_response_files: title: Ticket Response Files content: If enabled, any attachments an Agent may attach to a ticket response will be also included in the email to the User. --- add_new_agent: title: Přidat nového agenta content: "" agent_staff_information: title: Agent (Staff) Information content: "" username: title: Uživatelské jméno content: 'Please choose an Agent <span class="doc-desc-title">username</span> that is unique to your <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Desk</span>.' email_address: title: E-mail content: |- Enter Agent's email that will receive <span class="doc-desc-title">Alerts & Notices</span> from the <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Desk</span>. 0: '<br><br>' 1: Staff can sign in into the staff control panel with either username or email address. welcome_email: title: Welcome Email content: Send the new Agent an account access link from which the Agent will be able to set thier own password. If unchecked, you will need to set password and communicate the log-in information to the new staff. account_password: title: Account Password content: 'As an <span class="doc-desc-title">administrator</span>, you may change an Agent’s password.' forced_password_change: title: Forced Password Change content: Enable this if you would like to force the new Agent to change their own password upon next log-in. agents_signature: title: Agent’s Signature content: Create a signature for the Agent which can be selected when replying to a ticket. account_status: title: Account Status content: |- If the Agent's status is <span class="doc-desc-opt">Locked</span>, they will not be able to sign in to the help desk. assigned_group: title: Assigned Group content: 'The <span class="doc-desc-title">Group</span> that you choose for this Agent to belong will determine what permissions the Agent has within the <span class="doc-desc-title">Help Desk</span>.' links: - title: Manage Groups href: /scp/groups.php primary_department: title: Primary Department content: 'Choose the primary <span class="doc-desc-title">department</span> to which this Agent belongs.' links: - title: Manage Departments href: /scp/departments.php daylight_saving: title: Letní čas content: Enable this feature if you would like Daylight Saving to automatically come into play for this Agent’s time zone. limited_access: title: Limited Access content: If enabled, the Agent will only have access to tickets assigned directly or via the Team. directory_listing: title: Directory Listing content: 'Enable this if you would like to list this Agent in the <span class="doc-desc-title">Staff Directory</span>.' links: - title: Visit the Staff Directory href: /scp/directory.php vacation_mode: title: Vacation Mode content: 'If you change the Agent’s status to <span class="doc-desc-opt">Vacation Mode</span>, the Agent will not receive any <span class="doc-desc-title">Alerts & Notices</span> nor be available for tickets assignment.' --- add_new_agent: title: Přidat nového agenta content: "" agents: title: Agents content: "" name: title: Jméno content: "" username: title: Uživatelské jméno content: "" status: title: Status content: "" created: title: Created content: "" last_login: title: Last Login content: "" --- type: title: Typ content: 'Select <span class="doc-desc-opt">Private</span> if you wish to mask assignments to this Department in the Client Portal. Additionally, when labeled as <span class="doc-desc-opt">Private</span>, the <span class="doc-desc-title">Department Signature</span> will not be displayed in email replies. <br/><br/> At least one department must be <span class="doc-desc-opt">Public</span>' email: title: E-mail content: Email Address used when responses are sent to Users when Agents post Responses to Tickets. template: title: Template Set content: 'Email <span class="doc-desc-title">Template Set</span> used for Auto-Responses and Alerts & Notices for tickets routed to this Department.' links: - title: Manage Templates href: /scp/templates.php sla: title: SLA content: Service Level Agreement for tickets routed to this Department. links: - title: Manage SLA Plans href: /scp/slaplans.php manager: title: Department Manager content: 'Select a <span class="doc-desc-title">Manager</span> for this department. <br/><br/> Managers can be configured to receive special alerts and also have the right to unassign tickets.' links: - title: 'Manage Alerts & Notices' href: /scp/settings.php?t=alerts group_membership: title: 'Alerts & Notices Recipients' content: 'Select the recipients of configured <span class="doc-desc-title">Alerts & Notices</span>.' links: - title: 'Configure Alerts & Notices' href: /scp/settings.php?t=alerts sandboxing: title: Ticket Assignment Restrictions content: 'Enable this to restrict ticket assignement to only include members of this Department. Department access can be extended to Groups, if <span class="doc-desc-title">Group Membership</span> is also enabled.' auto_response_settings: title: Autoresponder Settings content: This allows you to override the global Autoresponder settings for this Department. new_ticket: title: New Ticket Auto-Response content: You may disable the Auto-Response sent to the User when a new ticket is created and routed to this Department. new_message: title: New Message Auto-Response content: You may disable the Auto-Response sent to the User to confirm a newly posted message for tickets in this Department. auto_response_email: title: Auto Response Email content: Select an email address from which Auto-Responses are sent for this Department. department_access: title: Group Access content: "Allow Agents of other Departments access to this Deparmtent's tickets." department_signature: title: Department Signature content: 'Signature is made available as a choice, for <span class="doc-desc-opt">Public</span> Departments, on Agent Responses.' --- department: title: Oddělení content: "" name: title: Jméno content: "" type: title: Typ content: If the Department’s Type is Private, then the Department Signature will not be available on response nor will the department assignment show from the Client Portal. users: title: Users content: "" email_address: title: E-mail content: "" dept_manager: title: Department Manager content: 'You may choose an Agent as a Department Manager to receive Alerts & Notices for tickets in departments.' 0: Agents do not have to be members of the Department to be the Manager of the Department --- groups: title: Skupiny content: "Groups are used to define an Agent's permissions in the help desk. Groups can also grant access to Departments other than an Agent's primary Department." status: title: Stav content: 'If <span class="doc-desc-opt">Disabled</span>, Agents assigned to this Group cannot sign in and will not receive Department Alerts & Notices.' department_access: title: Department Access content: Check all departments to which the Group members are allowed access. --- staff_members: title: Zaměstnanci content: 'The following table displays the results of the filter above. If not filter settings are chosen, then all <span class="doc-desc-title">Agent</span> (Staff) <span class="doc-desc-title">Members</span> are displayed, and broken up by pages. See the pages section below to navigate through more results.' status: title: Stav content: 'This will display whether the <span class="doc-desc-title">Agent</span> is Locked, Active, or Active (Vacation).' --- teams: title: Týmy content: Teams are one or more Agents teamed together for the purpose of ticket assignment. Team membership can span across Department boundaries. status: title: Stav content: 'If <span class="doc-desc-opt">Disabled</span>, this Team will not be available for ticket assignments nor receive Alerts & Notices on previous assignments.' lead: title: Team Lead content: 'A <span class="doc-desc-title">Team</span> can have an appointed leader who can receive <span class="doc-desc-title">Alerts & Notices</span> separate from the members.' links: - title: 'Configure Alerts & Notices' href: /scp/settings.php?t=alerts assignment_alert: title: Assignment Alert content: 'You may disable the <span class="doc-desc-title">Ticket Assignment Alert</span> for tickets assigned to this Team.' links: - title: 'Configure Alerts & Notices' href: /scp/settings.php?t=alerts members: title: Team Members content: Team membership is configured via the Agent profile. links: - title: Manage Staff href: /scp/staff.php --- signature: title: Podpis zaměstnance content: | Create staff’s signature for response to tickets. This signature will appear as an option at the bottom of a ticket response type: title: Typ účtu content: | Admins have the privilege of accessing the Admin Panel. Staff only have access to manage tickets and the knowledge base group: title: Assigned Group content: | Group membership defines the staff’s role in the system. Visit the group management page to define what access this staff has to the help desk notes: title: Internal Notes content: | Place internal notes regarding staff; notes are only visible to staff whose account type is Admin --- search_field: title: Vyhledávání content: "" advanced: title: Rozšířené content: 'Zde můžete zúžit parametry hledání. Jakmile vyberete pokročilá kritéria hledání a spustíte vyhledání, získaná data můžete <span class="doc-desc-title">exportovat </span> pomocí odkazu ve spodní části stránky požadavků.' open_tickets_table: title: Seznam Otevřených Tiketů content: Všechny otevřené tikety kterým je potřeba se věnovat ticket: title: Tiket content: "" date: title: Datum content: "" subject: title: Předmět content: "" from: title: Od content: "" priority: title: Priorita content: "" assigned_to: title: Přiděleno content: "" export: title: Exportovat content: Exportovat právě zobrazená data do CSV souboru. CSV soubory lze otevřít v jakémkoliv tabulkovém procesoru (např. Microsoft Excel, Apple Pages, OpenOffice a další). advanced_search_dialog: title: Rozšířené hledání content: "" adv_keyword: title: Klíčové slovo content: Find hits based on the subject and message bodies of the ticket thread as well as all textual content associated with custom fields for the users and the tickets. adv_date_range: title: Hledat dle období content: Definition here --- - topic_id: 1 isactive: 1 ispublic: 1 dept_id: 1 priority_id: 2 topic: Obecný dotaz notes: Otázky týkající se produktů nebo služeb - isactive: 1 ispublic: 1 dept_id: 1 priority_id: 1 topic: Zpětná vazba notes: Požadavky se týkají především prodeje a fakturace - topic_id: 10 isactive: 1 ispublic: 1 dept_id: 1 priority_id: 2 topic: Nahlásit problém notes: Produkt, služba nebo problém související se zařízením - topic_pid: 10 isactive: 1 ispublic: 1 dept_id: 1 sla_id: 1 priority_id: 3 topic: Problém s přístupem notes: Nahlásit nemožnost přístupu k fyzickému nebo virtuálnímu majetku <?php return array ('' => '', 'Incomplete client information' => 'Informace o klientu nejsou kompletní', 'New password is required' => 'Je vyžadováno nové heslo', 'Passwords do not match' => 'Zadaná hesla nesouhlasí', 'Email already registered. Would you like to %1$s sign in %2$s?' => 'Email je již zaregistrován. Přejete si se %1$s přihlásit %2$s?', 'Unable to register account. See messages below' => 'Registrace se nezdařila. Více informací níže', 'Unable to create local account. See messages below' => 'Vytvoření místního účtu se nezdařilo. Více informací níže', 'Internal error. Unable to create new account' => 'Interní chyba. Účet nelze vytvořit', 'Errors configuring your profile. See messages below' => 'Chyby při konfiguraci tvého profilu. Více informací níže', 'Unknown or invalid file' => 'Neznámý nebo chybný soubor', 'Password change required to continue' => 'Pro pokračování je nutné změnit heslo', 'Welcome to the Support Center' => 'Vítejte v centru podpory', 'Open a New Ticket' => 'Vytvořit nový požadavek', 'Please provide as much detail as possible so we can best assist you. To update a previously submitted ticket, please login.' => 'Uveďte co nejvíce podrobností, abychom vám mohli pomoci co nejlépe. Chcete-li aktualizovat dříve odeslané požadavky, přihlaste se.', 'Check Ticket Status' => 'Zkontrolovat stav požadavku', 'We provide archives and history of all your current and past support requests complete with responses.' => 'Poskytujeme archív a historii všech vašich současných i minulých požadavků, společně se všemi odpověďmi.', 'Be sure to browse our %s before opening a ticket' => 'Před otevřením požadavku se prosím ujistěte, že jste prohledali naší databázi znalostí - %s', 'Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)' => 'Často kladené dotazy (FAQ)', 'Invalid URL' => 'Chybná URL', 'URL link not authorized' => 'URL odkaz není autorizován', 'Valid username or email address is required' => 'Zadejte prosím plané uživatelské jméno nebo e-mail', 'Access Denied. Contact your help desk administrator to have an account registered for you' => 'Přístup odepřen. Kontaktujte správce help desku, aby Vám vytvořil účet', 'Invalid username or password - try again!' => 'Chybné jméno či heslo - zkuste to znovu!', 'Valid email address and ticket number required' => 'Je požadována platná emailová adresa a číslo lístku', '%s - access link sent to your email!' => '%s - přístupový odkaz odeslán na Váš email!', 'Invalid email or ticket number - try again!' => 'Chybný email či číslo lístku - zkuste to znovu!', 'Unable to load config info from DB. Get tech support.' => 'Nepodařila se načíst konfigurace z databáze. Kontaktujte podporu.', 'Support Ticket System Offline' => 'Systém podpory je nedostupný', 'Enter text shown on the image' => 'Zadejte text zobrazený na obrázku', 'Invalid - try again!' => 'Chybné - zkuste to znovu!', 'Support ticket request created' => 'Support ticket request created', 'Unable to create a ticket. Please correct errors below and try again!' => 'Lístek se nepodařilo vytvořit. Prosím, opravte problémy níže a zkuste to znovu!', 'Valid CSRF Token Required' => 'Je požadován platný CSRF token', 'Password reset is not enabled for your account. Contact your administrator' => 'Resetování hesla není na Vašem účtu povoleno. Kontaktujte správce', 'Unable to send reset email. Internal error' => 'Resetovací email se nepodařilo odeslat. Interní chyba', 'Unable to verify username: %s' => 'Uživatelské jméno nelze ověřit: %s', 'Re-enter your username or email' => 'Zadejte znovu uživatelské jméno nebo email', 'Enter your username or email address below' => 'Níže zadejte své uživatelské jméno nebo e-mail', 'Password resets are disabled' => 'Obnovení hesla je vypnuto', 'Unknown or invalid ticket ID.' => 'Neznámé nebo špatné čislo tiketu.', 'Access Denied. Possibly invalid ticket ID' => 'Přístup odepřen. Možná neplatné číslo tiketu', 'Access Denied. Client updates are currently disabled' => 'Přístup odepřen. Aktualizace klienta jsou v současné době zakázané', 'Ticket details updated' => 'Detaily tiketu upraveny', 'Ticket details were updated by client %s <%s>' => 'Detaily tiketu bylby upraveny klientem %s <%s>', 'Message required' => 'Vyžadována zpráva', 'Message Posted Successfully' => 'Zpráva úspěšně odeslána', 'Unable to post the message. Try again' => 'Nelze odeslat zprávu. Zkuste to znovu', 'Error(s) occurred. Please try again' => 'Nastala chyba. Prosím zkuste to znovu', 'Unknown action' => 'Naznáma akce', 'cron.php only supports local cron calls - use http -> api/tasks/cron' => 'cron.php jenom podporuje lokální cron volání - použíjte http -> api/tasks/cron', 'pipe.php only supports local piping - use http -> api/tickets.email' => 'pipe.php pozue podporuje lokální piping - použijte http -> api/tickets.email', 'Log Date' => 'Log Date', 'IP Address' => 'IP adresa', 'Error' => 'Chyba', '%s: Unknown or invalid ID.' => '%s: neznámé nebo neplatné ID.', 'log entry' => 'Položka protokolu', 'Ticket Variables' => 'Lístek proměnné', 'Please note that non-base variables depend on the context of use. Visit osTicket Wiki for up to date documentation.' => 'Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že bez základní proměnné závisí na kontextu používání. Navštivte Wiki osTicket pro aktuální dokumentaci.', 'Base Variables' => 'Základní proměnné', 'Other Variables' => 'Jiné proměnné', 'Ticket ID' => 'ID požadavku', 'internal ID' => 'interní ID', 'Ticket number' => 'Číslo požadavku', 'external ID' => 'externí ID', 'Email address' => 'E-mailová adresa', 'Full name' => 'Celé jméno', 'see name expansion' => 'viz název rozšíření', 'Subject' => 'Předmět', 'Phone number | ext' => 'Telefonní číslo', 'Status' => 'Stav', 'Priority' => 'Priorita', 'Assigned agent and/or team' => 'Přidělen agent a/nebo tým', 'Date created' => 'Datum vytvoření', 'Due date' => 'Do data', 'Date closed' => 'Datum uzavření', 'Auth. token used for auto-login' => 'Auth. token pro automatické přihlášení', 'Client\'s ticket view link' => 'Odkaz na zobrazení požadavku klienta', 'Agent\'s ticket view link' => 'Agent\'s ticket view link', 'Expandable Variables (See Wiki)' => 'Expandable Variables (See Wiki)', 'Help topic' => 'Téma nápovědy', 'Department' => 'Oddělení', 'Assigned/closing agent' => 'Přidělení/zavření agenta', 'Assigned/closing team' => 'Přidělení/zavření týmu', 'Incoming message' => 'Příchozí zpráva', 'Outgoing response' => 'Odchozí odpověď', 'Assign/transfer comments' => 'Přiřazení/přenesení komentáře', 'Internal note <em>(expandable)</em>' => 'Interní poznámka <em>(rozšiřitelné)</em>', 'Assigned agent/team' => 'Přidělení agenta/týmu', 'Agent assigning the ticket' => 'Agent assigning the ticket', 'osTicket\'s base url (FQDN)' => 'osTicket\'s base url (FQDN)', 'Reset link used by the password reset feature' => 'Reset link used by the password reset feature', 'Name Expansion' => 'Název rozšíření', 'First Name' => 'Jméno', 'Middle Name(s)' => 'Prostřední jméno', 'Last Name' => 'Příjmení', 'First Last' => 'Křestní jméno', 'First M. Last' => 'Jméno Příjmení', 'First L.' => 'Jméno P.', 'Mr. Last' => 'Mr. Last', 'F. Last' => 'F. Last', 'Last, First' => 'Poslední, První', 'Canned Responses' => 'Připravená odpověď', 'FAQ Articles' => 'FAQ Articles', 'Email Templates' => 'E-mailové šablony', 'Logos' => 'Loga', 'Pages' => 'Stránky', 'Last updated %s' => 'Poslední update %s', 'View' => 'View', 'Attachments (%d)' => 'Attachments (%d)', 'Edit' => 'Upravit', 'Update %s' => 'Upraveno %s', 'Add User' => 'Přidat uživatele', 'Unknown user selected' => 'Vybrán neznámý uživatel', 'Error adding user - try again!' => 'Chyba vložení uživatele - zkuste to znovu!', 'Unable to add user to the organization - try again' => 'Není možné přidat uživatele do organizace - zkuste to znovu', 'User already belongs to this organization!' => 'Uživatel již patří do organizace!', 'Are you sure you want to change the user\'s organization?' => 'Jste si jisti, že chcete uživateli změnit organizaci?', 'Import Users' => 'Importovat uživatele', 'Error adding organization - try again!' => 'Chyba při přidávání organizace - zkuste to znovu!', 'Add New Organization' => 'Přidat novou organizaci', 'Select Organization' => 'Vybrat organizaci', 'Organization Lookup' => 'Vyhledání organizace', 'Topics' => 'Témata', 'Agent' => 'Agent', 'Help Topic' => 'Téma nápovědy', 'Opened' => 'Otevřené', 'Assigned' => 'Přiřazené', 'Overdue' => 'Zpožděné', 'Closed' => 'Uzavřené', 'Reopened' => 'Znovu otevřené', 'Service Time' => 'Čas servisu', 'Response Time' => 'Čas odezvy', 'Search criteria matched %s' => '%s vyhovujících kritériím vyhledávání', 'plural "%d tickets' => '2] "%d tiketů', 'view' => 'zobrazit', 'No tickets found matching your search criteria.' => 'Nebyly nalezeny žádné tikety vyhovující Vašim kritériím vyhledávání.', 'Lock denied!' => 'Uzamčení Odepřeno!', 'Unable to acquire lock.' => 'Není možné získat uzamčení.', 'No such ticket' => 'Žádný takový tiket', 'Unable to find user in directory' => 'Uživatele nelze v adresáři nalézt', 'Ticket owner, %s, is a collaborator by default!' => 'Vlastník tiketu, %s, je spolupracovníkem ve výchozím nastavení!', '%s <%s> added as a collaborator' => '%s <%s> přidán jako spolupracovník', 'New Collaborator Added' => 'Byl přidán nový spolupracovník', '%s added as a collaborator' => '%s přidán jako spolupracovník', 'Unable to add collaborator. Internal error' => 'Nelze přidat spolupracovníka. Vnitřní chyba', 'Ticket #%s: Add a collaborator' => 'Tiket #%s: Přidat spolupracovníka', 'Ticket #%s: %s' => 'Tiket #%s: %s', 'Change user for ticket #%s' => 'Změnit uživatele u tiketu #%s', 'Unknown or invalid' => 'Neznámý nebo neplatný', 'status' => 'stav', 'Ticket already set to %s status' => 'Tiket již přepnutý do stavu %s', 'You do not have permission %s.' => 'Nemáte oprávnění %s.', 'to reopen tickets' => 'pro znovu otevření tiketů', 'to resolve/close tickets' => 'pro vyřešení/uzavření tiketů', 'to archive/delete tickets' => 'pro archivaci/smazání tiketů', 'Ticket #%s' => 'Tiket #%s', 'deleted sucessfully' => 'úspěšně smazán', '%s status changed to %s' => '%s stav změněn na %s', 'Ticket' => 'Tiket', 'Error updating ticket status' => 'Chyba při aktualizaci stavu tiketu', 'to mass manage tickets' => 'pro hromadnou správu tiketů', 'Contact admin for such access' => 'Pro takový přístup kontaktujte správce', 'You must select at least %s.' => 'Musíte vybrat alespoň %s.', 'one ticket' => 'jeden tiket', 'Unable to change status for %s' => 'Nelze směnit stav pro %s', 'plural "any of the selected tickets' => '2] "vybraných tiketů', 'Successfully deleted %s.' => 'úspěšně smazáno %s.', 'plural "selected tickets' => '2] "vybraných tiketů', 'Successfully changed status of %1$s to %2$s' => 'Stav úspěšně změněn z %1$s na %2$s', '%1$d of %2$d selected tickets' => '%1$d z %2$d vybraných tiketů', '%1$d of %2$d %3$s status changed to %4$s' => '%1$d z %2$d %3$s stav změněn na %4$s', '%1$s Tickets — %2$d selected' => '%1$s Tiketů — %2$d vybráno', 'Are you sure you want to DELETE %s?' => 'Určitě chcete SMAZAT %s?', 'Deleted tickets CANNOT be recovered, including any associated attachments.' => 'Smazané tikety NEMOHOU být obnoveny, včetně přiřazených příloh.', 'Optional reason for deleting %s' => 'Volitelný důvod smazání %s', '%1$s Ticket #%2$s' => '%1$s Tiket #%2$s', 'this ticket' => 'tento tiket', 'We have a problem ... wait a sec.' => 'Máme problém ... počkejte chvilku.', 'Upgraded to %s ... post-upgrade checks!' => 'Upgraded to %s ... post-upgrade checks!', 'Upgrade Failed: Invalid or wrong hash [%s]' => 'Upgrade se nezdařil: Neplatný nebo nesprávný hash [%s]', 'We\'re done!' => 'Jsme hotovi!', 'Query argument is required' => 'Query argument is required', 'User already registered' => 'User already registered', 'Unable to register user - try again!' => 'Unable to register user - try again!', 'Unable to update account - try again!' => 'Unable to update account - try again!', 'You do not have permission to delete a user with tickets!' => 'You do not have permission to delete a user with tickets!', 'You cannot delete a user with tickets!' => 'You cannot delete a user with tickets!', 'Unable to delete user - try again!' => 'Unable to delete user - try again!', 'plural "end users' => '2] "end users', 'Add New User' => 'Přidání nového uživatele', 'Import Remote User' => 'Import Remote User', 'Select User' => 'Select User', 'Lookup or create a user' => 'Vyhledání nebo vytvoření nového uživatele', 'Organization for %s' => 'Organization for %s', 'Unknown organization selected' => 'Unknown organization selected', 'Unable to create organization.' => 'Unable to create organization.', 'Correct error(s) below and try again.' => 'Correct error(s) below and try again.', 'Unable to add user to organization.' => 'Unable to add user to organization.', '%s — Organization' => '%s — Organization', 'Are you sure you want to change user\'s organization?' => 'Are you sure you want to change user\'s organization?', 'API key not authorized' => 'API key not authorized', 'Cron Job' => 'Cron Job', 'Cron job executed' => 'Cron job executed', 'Unexpected or invalid data received' => 'Unexpected or invalid data received', '%s: Poorly encoded base64 data' => '%s: Poorly encoded base64 data', 'Unable to create new ticket: unknown error' => 'Unable to create new ticket: unknown error', 'Ticket denied' => 'Ticket denied', 'Unable to create new ticket: validation errors' => 'Unable to create new ticket: validation errors', 'Request failed - retry again!' => 'Request failed - retry again!', 'Access Denied. IP %s' => 'Access Denied. IP %s', 'Valid IP is required' => 'Valid IP is required', 'Unable to update %s.' => 'Unable to update %s.', 'this API key' => 'this API key', 'Internal error occurred' => 'Internal error occurred', 'Unable to add %s. Correct error(s) below and try again.' => 'Unable to add %s. Correct error(s) below and try again.', 'Valid API key required' => 'Valid API key required', 'API key not found/active or source IP not authorized' => 'API key not found/active or source IP not authorized', 'Unable to read request body' => 'Nelze číst tělo požadavku', 'XML extension not supported' => 'Přípona XML není podporována', 'Unsupported data format' => 'Nepodporovaný formát data', '%s: Unexpected data received in API request' => '%s: V API požadavku byla přijata neočekávaná data', 'API Unexpected Data' => 'Neočekávaná data API', 'API Error' => 'Chyba API', 'Access denied' => 'Přístup odepřen', 'Unknown user' => 'Neznámý uživatel', 'Agent login' => 'Agent login', '%s logged in [%s], via %s' => '%s logged in [%s], via %s', 'Agent logout' => 'Agent logout', '%s logged out [%s]' => '%s logged out [%s]', 'Account confirmation required' => 'Vyžadováno potvrzení účtu', 'Account is administratively locked' => 'Účet je administrativně uzamčen', '%1$s (%2$s) logged in [%3$s]' => '%1$s (%2$s) přihlášen [%3$s]', 'User login' => 'Přihlášení uživatele', 'User logout' => 'Odhlášení uživatele', 'Sign in with %s' => 'Sign in with %s', 'Maximum failed login attempts reached' => 'Maximum failed login attempts reached', 'Excessive login attempts by an agent?' => 'Excessive login attempts by an agent?', 'Username' => 'Uživatelské jméno', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Time' => 'Čas', 'Attempts' => 'Pokusy', 'Timeout' => 'Časový limit', 'plural "%d minutes' => '2] "%d minut', 'Excessive login attempts (%s)' => 'Excessive login attempts (%s)', 'Forgot your login info? Contact Admin.' => 'Forgot your login info? Contact Admin.', 'Failed agent login attempt (%s)' => 'Failed agent login attempt (%s)', 'You\'ve reached maximum failed login attempts allowed.' => 'You\'ve reached maximum failed login attempts allowed.', 'Excessive login attempts by a user.' => 'Excessive login attempts by a user.', 'Excessive login attempts (user)' => 'Excessive login attempts (user)', 'Access Denied' => 'Access Denied', 'Failed login attempt (user)' => 'Failed login attempt (user)', 'Invalid user-id given' => 'Invalid user-id given', 'Invalid reset token' => 'Invalid reset token', 'Unable to reset password' => 'Unable to reset password', 'Internal list for email banning. Do not remove' => 'Interní seznam pro zakázané e-maily. Neodstraňujte', 'Internal error. Try again' => 'Internal error. Try again', 'Title required' => 'Title required', 'Title is too short. 3 chars minimum' => 'Title is too short. 3 chars minimum', 'Title already exists' => 'Title already exists', 'Response text is required' => 'Response text is required', 'this canned response' => 'this canned response', 'Unable to create %s.' => 'Unable to create %s.', 'Category name is required' => 'Category name is required', 'Name is too short. 3 chars minimum' => 'Name is too short. 3 chars minimum', 'Category already exists' => 'Category already exists', 'Category description is required' => 'Category description is required', 'this FAQ category' => 'this FAQ category', 'Password must be at least 6 characters' => 'Password must be at least 6 characters', 'Invalid reset token. Logout and try again' => 'Invalid reset token. Logout and try again', 'Current password is required' => 'Current password is required', 'Invalid current password!' => 'Invalid current password!', 'New password MUST be different from the current password!' => 'New password MUST be different from the current password!', 'Time zone selection is required' => 'Time zone selection is required', 'Invalid or missing information' => 'Invalid or missing information', '%s is already a collaborator' => '%s is already a collaborator', 'Alphabetically' => 'Alphabetically', 'Manually' => 'Manually', 'Unknown setting option. Get technical support.' => 'Unknown setting option. Get technical support.', 'Helpdesk URL is required' => 'Helpdesk URL is required', 'Helpdesk title is required' => 'Helpdesk title is required', 'Default Department is required' => 'Default Department is required', 'Time format is required' => 'Time format is required', 'Date format is required' => 'Date format is required', 'Datetime format is required' => 'Datetime format is required', 'Day, Datetime format is required' => 'Day, Datetime format is required', 'Default Timezone is required' => 'Default Timezone is required', 'Valid password reset window required' => 'Valid password reset window required', 'Selection required' => 'Selection required', 'Enter valid numeric value' => 'Enter valid numeric value', 'Enter lock time in minutes' => 'Enter lock time in minutes', 'The GD extension is required' => 'The GD extension is required', 'PNG support is required for Image Captcha' => 'PNG support is required for Image Captcha', 'Default help topic must be set to active' => 'Default help topic must be set to active', 'You must select template' => 'You must select template', 'Default email is required' => 'Default email is required', 'System admin email is required' => 'System admin email is required', 'Reply separator is required to strip quoted reply.' => 'Reply separator is required to strip quoted reply.', 'Email already setup as system email' => 'Email already setup as system email', 'Unable to upload logo image: %s' => 'Unable to upload logo image: %s', 'Select recipient(s)' => 'Select recipient(s)', 'Missing or invalid Dept ID (internal error).' => 'Missing or invalid Dept ID (internal error).', 'Name required' => 'Name required', 'Name is too short.' => 'Name is too short.', 'Department already exists' => 'Department already exists', 'System default department cannot be private' => 'System default department cannot be private', 'this department' => 'this department', 'URL not supported' => 'URL not supported', 'Dispatcher compile error. Function not callable' => 'Dispatcher compile error. Function not callable', '%s: Call to non-existing function' => '%s: Call to non-existing function', 'User Data' => 'User Data', 'User' => 'User', 'Ticket Data' => 'Ticket Data', 'Optional' => 'Volitelné', 'Required' => 'Required', 'Required for EndUsers' => 'Required for EndUsers', 'Required for Agents' => 'Required for Agents', 'Internal, Optional' => 'Interní, volitelné', 'Internal, Required' => 'Internal, Required', 'For EndUsers Only' => 'For EndUsers Only', 'Label is required for custom form fields' => 'Label is required for custom form fields', 'Variable name is required for required fields' => 'Variable name is required for required fields', 'Invalid character in variable name. Please use letters and numbers only.' => 'Invalid character in variable name. Please use letters and numbers only.', 'Select a value from the list' => 'Select a value from the list', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Drop Down' => 'Drop Down', 'Typeahead' => 'Typeahead', 'Typeahead will work better for large lists' => 'Typeahead will work better for large lists', 'Multiselect' => 'Multiselect', 'Allow multiple selections' => 'Allow multiple selections', 'Prompt' => 'Prompt', 'Leading text shown before a value is selected' => 'Leading text shown before a value is selected', 'Default' => 'Default', 'Select a Default' => 'Select a Default', '(retired)' => '(retired)', 'Internal error. Get technical help.' => 'Internal error. Get technical help.', 'Valid email required' => 'Valid email required', 'Email already exists' => 'Email already exists', 'Email already used as admin email!' => 'Email already used as admin email!', 'Email in use by an agent' => 'Email in use by an agent', 'Email name required' => 'Email name required', 'Username missing' => 'Username missing', 'Password required' => 'Password required', 'Unable to encrypt password - get technical support' => 'Unable to encrypt password - get technical support', 'IMAP doesn\'t exist. PHP must be compiled with IMAP enabled.' => 'IMAP doesn\'t exist. PHP must be compiled with IMAP enabled.', 'Host name required' => 'Host name required', 'Port required' => 'Port required', 'Select protocol' => 'Select protocol', 'Fetch interval required' => 'Fetch interval required', 'Maximum emails required' => 'Maximum emails required', 'Indicate what to do with fetched emails' => 'Indicate what to do with fetched emails', 'Valid folder required' => 'Valid folder required', 'Host/userid combination already in use.' => 'Host/userid combination already in use.', 'Invalid login. Check %s settings' => 'Invalid login. Check %s settings', 'Invalid or unknown mail folder! >> %s' => 'Invalid or unknown mail folder! >> %s', 'Invalid or unknown archive folder!' => 'Invalid or unknown archive folder!', 'Unable to log in. Check SMTP settings.' => 'Unable to log in. Check SMTP settings.', 'this email' => 'this email', 'Unable to add %s.' => 'Unable to add %s.', 'Letter' => 'Letter', 'Legal' => 'Legal', 'Ticket Number' => 'Číslo požadavku', 'Date' => 'Datum', 'From' => 'Od', 'From Email' => 'From Email', 'Source' => 'Zdroj', 'Current Status' => 'Current Status', 'Last Updated' => 'Poslední aktualizace', 'Due Date' => 'Termín', 'Answered' => 'Odpovezené', 'Assigned To' => 'Přiděleno', 'Agent Assigned' => 'Agent Assigned', 'Team Assigned' => 'Team Assigned', 'Thread Count' => 'Thread Count', 'Attachment Count' => 'Attachment Count', 'Name' => 'Jméno', 'Organization' => 'Organization', 'Email' => 'Email', '%s: Cannot export table with no fields\n' => '%s: Cannot export table with no fields\n', 'Question required' => 'Question required', 'Question already exists' => 'Question already exists', 'Category is required' => 'Category is required', 'FAQ answer is required' => 'FAQ answer is required', 'this FAQ article' => 'this FAQ article', 'Invalid image file type' => 'Invalid image file type', 'Image is too square. Upload a wider image' => 'Image is too square. Upload a wider image', 'User Information' => 'Informace o uživateli', 'Email Meta-Data' => 'Email Meta-Data', 'Reply-To Email' => 'Odpovědní email', 'Reply-To Name' => 'Reply-To Name', 'Addressee (To and Cc)' => 'Addressee (To and Cc)', 'Equal' => 'Equal', 'Not Equal' => 'Not Equal', 'Contains' => 'Contains', 'Does Not Contain' => 'Does Not Contain', 'Starts With' => 'Starts With', 'Ends With' => 'Ends With', 'Matches Regex' => 'Matches Regex', 'Does Not Match Regex' => 'Does Not Match Regex', 'Any' => 'Any', 'Web Forms' => 'Web Forms', 'API Calls' => 'API Calls', 'Emails' => 'Emails', 'Invalid match selection' => 'Invalid match selection', 'Invalid match type selection' => 'Invalid match type selection', 'Value required' => 'Value required', 'Valid email required for the match type' => 'Valid email required for the match type', 'Regex compile error: (#%s)' => 'Regex compile error: (#%s)', 'Incomplete selection' => 'Incomplete selection', 'You must set at least one rule.' => 'You must set at least one rule.', 'Order required' => 'Order required', 'Must be numeric value' => 'Must be numeric value', 'Name already in use' => 'Name already in use', 'Unable to validate rules as entered' => 'Unable to validate rules as entered', 'Target required' => 'Target required', 'Unknown or invalid target' => 'Unknown or invalid target', 'this ticket filter' => 'this ticket filter', 'Parent filter ID required' => 'Parent filter ID required', 'Basic Fields' => 'Basic Fields', 'Short Answer' => 'Short Answer', 'Long Answer' => 'Long Answer', 'Thread Entry' => 'Thread Entry', 'Date and Time' => 'Date and Time', 'Phone Number' => 'Telefonní číslo', 'Checkbox' => 'Checkbox', 'Choices' => 'Choices', 'File Upload' => 'File Upload', 'Section Break' => 'Section Break', 'Information' => 'Information', '%s is a required field' => '%s je povinné pole', '%s: Call to undefined function' => '%s: Call to undefined function', 'Widget not defined for this field' => 'Widget not defined for this field', 'Size' => 'Size', 'Max Length' => 'Max Length', 'Validator' => 'Validator', 'Email Address' => 'Emailová adresa', 'Number' => 'Number', 'Custom (Regular Expression)' => 'Custom (Regular Expression)', 'None' => 'žádné', 'Regular Expression' => 'Regular Expression', 'Cannot compile this regular expression' => 'Cannot compile this regular expression', 'Validation Error' => 'Validation Error', 'Message shown to user if the input does not match the validator' => 'Message shown to user if the input does not match the validator', 'Placeholder' => 'Placeholder', 'Text shown in before any input from the user' => 'Text shown in before any input from the user', 'Enter a valid email address' => 'Zadejte platnou e-mailovou adresu', 'Enter a valid phone number' => 'Zadejte správné telefonní číslo', 'Enter a valid IP address' => 'Enter a valid IP address', 'Enter a number' => 'Enter a number', 'Value does not match required pattern' => 'Value does not match required pattern', 'Width' => 'Width', '(chars)' => '(chars)', 'Height' => 'Height', '(rows)' => '(rows)', 'HTML' => 'HTML', 'Allow HTML input in this box' => 'Allow HTML input in this box', 'Extension' => 'Klapka', 'Add a separate field for the extension' => 'Add a separate field for the extension', 'Minimum length' => 'Minimum length', 'Fewest digits allowed in a valid phone number' => 'Fewest digits allowed in a valid phone number', 'Display format' => 'Display format', 'Unformatted' => 'Unformatted', 'United States' => 'United States', 'Enter a valid phone extension' => 'Enter a valid phone extension', 'Enter a phone number for the extension' => 'Enter a phone number for the extension', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Text shown inline with the widget' => 'Text shown inline with the widget', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'No' => 'No', 'List choices, one per line. To protect against spelling changes, specify key:value names to preserve entries if the list item names change' => 'List choices, one per line. To protect against spelling changes, specify key:value names to preserve entries if the list item names change', '(Enter a key). Value selected from the list initially' => '(Enter a key). Value selected from the list initially', 'Show time selection with date picker' => 'Show time selection with date picker', 'Timezone Aware' => 'Timezone Aware', 'Show date/time relative to user\'s timezone' => 'Show date/time relative to user\'s timezone', 'Earliest' => 'Earliest', 'Earliest date selectable' => 'Earliest date selectable', 'Latest' => 'Latest', 'Latest date selectable' => 'Latest date selectable', 'Allow Future Dates' => 'Allow Future Dates', 'Allow entries into the future' => 'Allow entries into the future', 'Selected date is earlier than permitted' => 'Selected date is earlier than permitted', 'Selected date is later than permitted' => 'Selected date is later than permitted', 'Enter a valid date' => 'Enter a valid date', 'Enable Attachments' => 'Enable Attachments', 'Enables attachments on tickets, regardless of channel' => 'Enables attachments on tickets, regardless of channel', 'The \"file_uploads\" directive is disabled in php.ini' => 'The \"file_uploads\" directive is disabled in php.ini', 'Dynamic Fields' => 'Dynamic Fields', 'Priority Level' => 'Priority Level', 'Open' => 'Otevřít', 'Close' => 'Close', 'Archived' => 'Archivované', 'Archive' => 'Archive', 'Deleted' => 'Smazáno', 'Delete' => 'Smazat', 'Small' => 'Small', 'Maximum File Size' => 'Maximum File Size', 'Choose maximum size of a single file uploaded to this field' => 'Choose maximum size of a single file uploaded to this field', 'Restrict by File Type' => 'Restrict by File Type', 'Optionally, choose acceptable file types.' => 'Optionally, choose acceptable file types.', 'No restrictions' => 'No restrictions', 'Additional File Type Filters' => 'Additional File Type Filters', 'Optionally, enter comma-separated list of additional file types, by extension. (e.g .doc, .pdf).' => 'Optionally, enter comma-separated list of additional file types, by extension. (e.g .doc, .pdf).', 'Maximum Files' => 'Maximum Files', 'Users cannot upload more than this many files.' => 'Users cannot upload more than this many files.', 'No limit' => 'No limit', 'File type is not allowed' => 'File type is not allowed', 'File size is too large' => 'File size is too large', 'Unable to save file' => 'Unable to save file', 'Ext' => 'Ext', 'Select' => 'Označit', 'Drop files here or %s choose them %s' => 'Sem přesuňte soubory nebo %s je vyberte %s', 'Content' => 'Content', 'Free text shown in the form, such as a disclaimer' => 'Free text shown in the form, such as a disclaimer', 'Missing or invalid group ID' => 'Missing or invalid group ID', 'Group name required' => 'Group name required', 'Group name must be at least 3 chars.' => 'Group name must be at least 3 chars.', 'Group name already exists' => 'Group name already exists', 'this group' => 'this group', 'No errors' => 'No errors', 'Maximum stack depth exceeded' => 'Maximum stack depth exceeded', 'Underflow or the modes mismatch' => 'Underflow or the modes mismatch', 'Unexpected control character found' => 'Unexpected control character found', 'Syntax error, malformed JSON' => 'Syntax error, malformed JSON', 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded' => 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded', 'Unknown error' => 'Unknown error', 'Unknown JSON parsing error' => 'Unknown JSON parsing error', 'Title is required' => 'Title is required', 'Alphabetical' => 'Alphabetical', 'Alphabetical (Reversed)' => 'Alphabetical (Reversed)', 'Manually Sorted' => 'Manually Sorted', '%s is required' => '%s is required', 'Custom Lists' => 'Vlastní seznam', 'System Default' => 'Výchozí nastavení', 'Allow Reopen' => 'Allow Reopen', 'Allow tickets on this status to be reopened by end users' => 'Allow tickets on this status to be reopened by end users', 'Reopen Status' => 'Reopen Status', 'Unknown or invalid flag' => 'Unknown or invalid flag', 'Unknown or invalid flag format' => 'Unknown or invalid flag format', 'Unknown or invalid state' => 'Unknown or invalid state', 'Unable to email via SMTP:%1$s:%2$d [%3$s]\n\n%4$s\n' => 'Unable to email via SMTP:%1$s:%2$d [%3$s]\n\n%4$s\n', 'Mailer Error' => 'Mailer Error', 'Email (%s)' => 'Email (%s)', 'image' => 'image', 'Banned email — %s' => 'Blokovaný email — %s', 'Mail Processing Exception' => 'Mail Processing Exception', 'Mailbox: %s | Error(s): %s' => 'Mailbox: %s | Error(s): %s', 'Excessive errors processing emails for %1$s/%2$s. Please manually check the inbox.' => 'Excessive errors processing emails for %1$s/%2$s. Please manually check the inbox.', 'Mail Fetcher' => 'Mail Fetcher', 'osTicket requires PHP IMAP extension enabled for IMAP/POP3 email fetch to work!' => 'osTicket requires PHP IMAP extension enabled for IMAP/POP3 email fetch to work!', 'Mail Fetch Error' => 'Mail Fetch Error', 'osTicket is having trouble fetching emails from the following mail account' => 'osTicket is having trouble fetching emails from the following mail account', 'Host' => 'Host', '%1$d consecutive errors. Maximum of %2$d allowed' => '%1$d consecutive errors. Maximum of %2$d allowed', 'This could be connection issues related to the mail server. Next delayed login attempt in aprox. %d minutes' => 'This could be connection issues related to the mail server. Next delayed login attempt in aprox. %d minutes', 'Mail Fetch Failure Alert' => 'Mail Fetch Failure Alert', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'Agent Dashboard' => 'Agent Dashboard', 'Users' => 'Uživatelé', 'User Directory' => 'Adresář uživatelů', 'Tickets' => 'Tickety', 'Ticket Queue' => 'Ticket Queue', 'Knowledgebase' => 'Databáze znalostí', 'Applications' => 'Applications', 'My Tickets' => 'Moje tickety', 'New Ticket' => 'Nový požadavek', 'Agent Directory' => 'Agent Directory', 'My Profile' => 'My Profile', 'Organizations' => 'Organizace', 'FAQs' => 'Nejčastější dotazy', 'Categories' => 'Kategorie', 'Admin Dashboard' => 'Admin Dashboard', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'System Settings' => 'System Settings', 'Manage' => 'Manage', 'Manage Options' => 'Manage Options', 'Email Settings' => 'Email Settings', 'Agents' => 'Agents', 'Manage Agents' => 'Manage Agents', 'System Logs' => 'Systémové logy', 'Company' => 'Company', 'System' => 'System', 'Access' => 'Access', 'Autoresponder' => 'Autoresponder', 'Alerts and Notices' => 'Výstrahy a upozornění', 'Help Topics' => 'Téma podpory', 'Ticket Filters' => 'Ticket Filters', 'SLA Plans' => 'SLA Plans', 'API Keys' => 'API Keys', 'Forms' => 'Forms', 'Lists' => 'Lists', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'Email Addresses' => 'Emailová adresa', 'Banlist' => 'Banlist', 'Banned Emails' => 'Blokované emaly', 'Templates' => 'Templates', 'Diagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'Email Diagnostic' => 'Email Diagnostic', 'Teams' => 'Týmy', 'Groups' => 'Skupiny', 'Departments' => 'Departments', 'Support Center Home' => 'Centrum podpory', 'Tickets (%d)' => 'Tickets (%d)', 'Show all tickets' => 'Show all tickets', 'View Ticket Thread' => 'Zobrazit vlákno ticketu', 'View ticket status' => 'View ticket status', '%s Note' => '%s Note', 'Organization with the same name already exists' => 'Organization with the same name already exists', 'Enter a valid email domain, like domain.com' => 'Enter a valid email domain, like domain.com', 'Select an agent or team from the list' => 'Select an agent or team from the list', 'Organization Data' => 'Organization Data', '%s: %s: Field not defined' => '%s: %s: Field not defined', 'Expecting NULL or instance of %s' => 'Expecting NULL or instance of %s', 'Model does not define meta.table' => 'Model does not define meta.table', '%s: Reverse does not specify any constraints' => '%s: Reverse does not specify any constraints', 'QuerySet is read-only' => 'QuerySet is read-only', '%s is read-only' => '%s is read-only', 'Attempting to add invalid object to list' => 'Attempting to add invalid object to list', 'Parameter count does not match query' => 'Parameter count does not match query', 'Invalid CSRF token [%1$s] on %2$s' => 'Invalid CSRF token [%1$s] on %2$s', 'Invalid CSRF Token' => 'Invalid CSRF Token', 'osTicket Alerts' => 'osTicket Alerts', '(root)' => '(root)', 'Backtrace' => 'Backtrace', 'A page currently in-use CANNOT be disabled!' => 'A page currently in-use CANNOT be disabled!', 'Page is in-use!' => 'Page is in-use!', 'Type is required' => 'Type is required', 'Name is required' => 'Name is required', 'Name already exists' => 'Name already exists', 'Page body is required' => 'Page body is required', 'this site page' => 'this site page', 'Showing' => 'Stránky', '%1$d - %2$d of %3$d' => '%1$d - %2$d z %3$d', 'Ticket #%1$s printed by %2$s on %3$s' => 'Ticket č. %1$s vytištěn %2$s dne %3$s', 'Page %d' => 'Page %d', 'Phone' => 'Telefon', 'Create Date' => 'Datum vytvoření', 'unknown' => 'unknown', 'Closed By' => 'Closed By', 'SLA Plan' => 'Typ SLA', 'Last Response' => 'Poslední odpověď', 'Close Date' => 'Close Date', 'Last Message' => 'Poslední zpráva', 'Files Attached: [%s]' => 'Files Attached: [%s]', 'Verified by %s' => 'Verified by %s', 'Verified' => 'Verified', 'Registered' => 'Registered', 'The originator of this extension cannot be verified' => 'The originator of this extension cannot be verified', 'osTicket %s' => 'osTicket %s', 'Error accessing SQL file %s' => 'Error accessing SQL file %s', 'Error parsing SQL schema' => 'Error parsing SQL schema', 'Invalid object: %s: Expected class' => 'Invalid object: %s: Expected class', 'Invalid check function: Must be callable' => 'Invalid check function: Must be callable', '%s (%d hours - %s)' => '%s (%d hodin - %s)', 'Active' => 'Aktivní', 'Disabled' => 'Zakázaný', 'Grace period required' => 'Grace period required', 'Numeric value required (in hours)' => 'Numeric value required (in hours)', 'this SLA plan' => 'this SLA plan', 'First name is required' => 'First name is required', 'Last name is required' => 'Last name is required', 'Valid email is required' => 'Valid email is required', 'Already in-use as system email' => 'Already in-use as system email', 'Email already in-use by another agent' => 'Email already in-use by another agent', 'Valid phone number is required' => 'Je vyžadováno platné telefonní číslo', 'You don\'t have a signature' => 'Nemáte žádný podpis', 'Unable to retrieve password reset email template' => 'Unable to retrieve password reset email template', 'Agent Password Reset' => 'Agent Password Reset', 'Password reset was attempted for agent: %1$s<br><br>\n Requested-User-Id: %2$s<br>\n Source-Ip: %3$s<br>\n Email-Sent-To: %4$s<br>\n Email-Sent-Via: %5$s' => 'Password reset was attempted for agent: %1$s<br><br>\n Requested-User-Id: %2$s<br>\n Source-Ip: %3$s<br>\n Email-Sent-To: %4$s<br>\n Email-Sent-Via: %5$s', 'Internal Error' => 'Internal Error', 'First name required' => 'First name required', 'Last name required' => 'Last name required', 'Username is required' => 'Username is required', 'Username already in use' => 'Username already in use', 'Already in use system email' => 'Already in use system email', 'Email already in use by another agent' => 'Email already in use by another agent', 'Temporary password is required' => 'Temporary password is required', 'Department is required' => 'Department is required', 'Group is required' => 'Group is required', 'this agent' => 'this agent', 'Missing or invalid team' => 'Missing or invalid team', 'Team name is required' => 'Team name is required', 'Team name must be at least 3 chars.' => 'Team name must be at least 3 chars.', 'Team name already exists' => 'Team name already exists', 'this team' => 'this team', 'System Management Templates' => 'System Management Templates', 'End-User Email Templates' => 'End-User Email Templates', 'Agent Email Templates' => 'Agent Email Templates', 'New Ticket Auto-response' => 'New Ticket Auto-response', 'Autoresponse sent to user, if enabled, on new ticket.' => 'Autoresponse sent to user, if enabled, on new ticket.', 'New Ticket Auto-reply' => 'New Ticket Auto-reply', 'Canned Auto-reply sent to user on new ticket, based on filter matches. Overwrites \"normal\" auto-response.' => 'Canned Auto-reply sent to user on new ticket, based on filter matches. Overwrites \"normal\" auto-response.', 'New Message Auto-response' => 'New Message Auto-response', 'Confirmation sent to user when a new message is appended to an existing ticket.' => 'Confirmation sent to user when a new message is appended to an existing ticket.', 'New Ticket Notice' => 'New Ticket Notice', 'Notice sent to user, if enabled, on new ticket created by an agent on their behalf (e.g phone calls).' => 'Notice sent to user, if enabled, on new ticket created by an agent on their behalf (e.g phone calls).', 'Over Limit Notice' => 'Over Limit Notice', 'A one-time notice sent, if enabled, when user has reached the maximum allowed open tickets.' => 'A one-time notice sent, if enabled, when user has reached the maximum allowed open tickets.', 'Response/Reply Template' => 'Response/Reply Template', 'Template used on ticket response/reply' => 'Template used on ticket response/reply', 'New Activity Notice' => 'New Activity Notice', 'Template used to notify collaborators on ticket activity (e.g CC on reply)' => 'Template used to notify collaborators on ticket activity (e.g CC on reply)', 'New Ticket Alert' => 'Upozornění na nový požadavek', 'Alert sent to agents, if enabled, on new ticket.' => 'Alert sent to agents, if enabled, on new ticket.', 'New Message Alert' => 'Upozornění na novou zprávu', 'Alert sent to agents, if enabled, when user replies to an existing ticket.' => 'Alert sent to agents, if enabled, when user replies to an existing ticket.', 'Internal Note Alert' => 'Internal Note Alert', 'Alert sent to selected agents, if enabled, on new internal note.' => 'Alert sent to selected agents, if enabled, on new internal note.', 'Ticket Assignment Alert' => 'Ticket Assignment Alert', 'Alert sent to agents on ticket assignment.' => 'Alert sent to agents on ticket assignment.', 'Ticket Transfer Alert' => 'Upozornění o převodu', 'Alert sent to agents on ticket transfer.' => 'Alert sent to agents on ticket transfer.', 'Overdue Ticket Alert' => 'Overdue Ticket Alert', 'Alert sent to agents on stale or overdue tickets.' => 'Alert sent to agents on stale or overdue tickets.', 'Template Fetch Error' => 'Template Fetch Error', 'Unable to fetch \"%1$s\" template - id #%d' => 'Unable to fetch \"%1$s\" template - id #%d', 'In-use template set cannot be disabled!' => 'In-use template set cannot be disabled!', 'Template name already exists' => 'Template name already exists', 'Invalid template set specified' => 'Invalid template set specified', 'this template set' => 'this template set', 'Email templates must define both \"subject\" and \"body\" parts of the template' => 'Email templates must define both \"subject\" and \"body\" parts of the template', 'Unable to upload file - %s' => 'Unable to upload file - %s', 'File Upload Error' => 'File Upload Error', 'Unable to import attachment - %s' => 'Unable to import attachment - %s', 'File Import Error' => 'File Import Error', 'SYSTEM' => 'SYSTÉM', 'Email loop detected' => 'Email loop detected', 'It appears as though <%s> is being used as a forwarded or fetched email account and is also being used as a user / system account. Please correct the loop or seek technical assistance.' => 'It appears as though <%s> is being used as a forwarded or fetched email account and is also being used as a user / system account. Please correct the loop or seek technical assistance.', 'Missing or invalid data' => 'Missing or invalid data', 'Message content is required' => 'Telo zprávy je vyžadováno', 'Response content is required' => 'Response content is required', 'Note content is required' => 'Note content is required', '(truncated)' => '(truncated)', 'Collaborators Removed' => 'Collaborators Removed', 'Status changed from %s to %s by %s' => 'Stav iticketu změněn z %s na %s, %s', 'Status Changed' => 'Stav změněn', 'Maximum open tickets (%1$d) reached for %2$s' => 'Maximum open tickets (%1$d) reached for %2$s', 'Maximum Open Tickets Limit (%s)' => 'Maximum Open Tickets Limit (%s)', 'Maximum open tickets reached for %s.' => 'Maximum open tickets reached for %s.', 'Open tickets: %d' => 'Open tickets: %d', 'Max allowed: %d' => 'Max allowed: %d', 'Notice sent to the user.' => 'Notice sent to the user.', 'Overlimit Notice' => 'Oznámení o překročení limitu', 'A collaborator' => 'A collaborator', 'Ticket assignment' => 'Ticket assignment', 'SYSTEM (Auto Assignment)' => 'SYSTEM (Auto Assignment)', 'Ticket Assigned to %s' => 'Ticket přiřazen %s', 'Ticket transferred from %1$s to %2$s' => 'Ticket transferred from %1$s to %2$s', '%s changed ticket ownership to %s' => '%s changed ticket ownership to %s', '(removed as collaborator)' => '(removed as collaborator)', 'via %s' => 'via %s', 'Collaborators added by end user' => 'Collaborators added by end user', 'End User' => 'End User', 'SYSTEM (Canned Reply)' => 'SYSTEM (Canned Reply)', 'Ticket #%1$s deleted by %2$s' => 'Ticket #%1$s deleted by %2$s', 'Ticket #%s deleted' => 'Ticket #%s deleted', 'Help topic selection is required' => 'Help topic selection is required', 'Select a valid SLA' => 'Select a valid SLA', 'Invalid date format - must be MM/DD/YY' => 'Invalid date format - must be MM/DD/YY', 'A reason for the update is required' => 'A reason for the update is required', 'Invalid user-id' => 'Invalid user-id', 'Missing or invalid data - check the errors and try again' => 'Missing or invalid data - check the errors and try again', 'Due date can NOT be set on a closed ticket' => 'Due date can NOT be set on a closed ticket', 'Select a time from the list' => 'Select a time from the list', 'Invalid due date' => 'Invalid due date', 'Due date must be in the future' => 'Due date must be in the future', 'Ticket details updated by %s' => 'Ticket details updated by %s', 'Ticket Updated' => 'Ticket Updated', 'This help desk is for use by authorized users only' => 'This help desk is for use by authorized users only', 'Ticket Denied' => 'Ticket Denied', 'Banned email - %s' => 'Blokovaný email - %s', 'You\'ve reached the maximum open tickets allowed.' => 'You\'ve reached the maximum open tickets allowed.', 'Ticket denied - %s' => 'Ticket denied - %s', 'Max open tickets (%1$d) reached for %2$s' => 'Max open tickets (%1$d) reached for %2$s', 'Ticket rejected (%s) by filter \"%s\"' => 'Ticket rejected (%s) by filter \"%s\"', 'Select a help topic' => 'Select a help topic', 'Department selection is required' => 'Department selection is required', 'Indicate ticket source' => 'Indicate ticket source', 'Unknown system email' => 'Unknown system email', 'Invalid ticket origin given' => 'Invalid ticket origin given', 'Ticket rejected (%s) (unregistered client)' => 'Ticket rejected (%s) (unregistered client)', 'Collaborators for %s organization added' => 'Collaborators for %s organization added', 'Auto Assignment' => 'Automaticky přiřazeno', 'Invalid source given - %s' => 'Invalid source given - %s', 'Valid email address is required' => 'Valid email address is required', 'New Ticket by Agent' => 'New Ticket by Agent', 'Ticket created by agent - %s' => 'Ticket created by agent - %s', 'Ticket Marked Overdue' => 'Ticket označen jako prošlý', 'Ticket flagged as overdue by the system.' => 'Ticket flagged as overdue by the system.', '(disabled)' => '(disabled)', 'Help topic name is required' => 'Help topic name is required', 'Topic is too short. Five characters minimum' => 'Topic is too short. Five characters minimum', 'Topic already exists' => 'Topic already exists', 'this help topic' => 'this help topic', 'Upgrader Error' => 'Upgrader Error', '(Latest)' => '(Latest)', 'Upgrade osTicket to %s' => 'Upgrade osTicket to %s', 'Upgrade to %s' => 'Upgrade to %s', 'Upgrader - %s (task pending).' => 'Upgrader - %s (task pending).', 'The %s task reports there is work to do' => 'The %s task reports there is work to do', 'Patch %s applied successfully' => 'Patch %s applied successfully', 'Upgrader - %s applied' => 'Upgrader - %s applied', 'Upgrader - %s cleanup' => 'Upgrader - %s cleanup', 'Applied cleanup script %s' => 'Applied cleanup script %s', 'Upgrader' => 'Upgrader', '%s: Unable to process cleanup file' => '%s: Unable to process cleanup file', 'Email is assigned to another user' => 'Email je již použit jiným uživatelem', 'Guest' => 'Host', 'Full Name' => 'Celé jméno', 'Whoops. Perhaps you meant to send some CSV records' => 'Whoops. Perhaps you meant to send some CSV records', '%s: Field must have `variable` set to be imported' => '%s: Field must have `variable` set to be imported', '%s: Unable to map header to a user field' => '%s: Unable to map header to a user field', 'CSV file must include `name` and `email` columns' => 'CSV file must include `name` and `email` columns', 'Bad data. Expected: %s' => 'Bad data. Expected: %s', '%1$s: Invalid data: %2$s' => '%1$s: Invalid data: %2$s', 'Unable to import user: %s' => 'Unable to import user: %s', 'Unable to parse submitted users' => 'Unable to parse submitted users', 'First' => 'First', 'Last' => 'Last', 'Mr. First M. Last Sr.' => 'Mr. First M. Last Sr.', '-- As Entered --' => '-- As Entered --', '%s: Unable to retrieve template' => '%s: Unable to retrieve template', 'Must be at least 6 characters' => 'Must be at least 6 characters', 'Users can always sign in with their email address' => 'Users can always sign in with their email address', 'Locked (Administrative)' => 'Locked (Administrative)', 'Locked (Pending Activation)' => 'Locked (Pending Activation)', 'Active (Registered)' => 'Aktivní (registrovaný)', 'Invalid input' => 'Invalid input', 'No fields set up' => 'No fields set up', '(Five characters min)' => '(Five characters min)', '(type not set)' => '(type not set)', 'Username must have at least two (2) characters' => 'Username must have at least two (2) characters', 'Username contains invalid characters' => 'Username contains invalid characters', 'Unknown object for \"%s\" tag' => 'Unknown object for \"%s\" tag', 'XML error: %1$s at line %2$d:%3$d' => 'XML error: %1$s at line %2$d:%3$d', 'Email Access Link' => 'Vyžádat přístupový odkaz', 'View Ticket' => 'View Ticket', 'Please provide your email address and a ticket number.' => 'Prosím zadejte e-mailovou adresu a číslo požadavku.', 'An access link will be emailed to you.' => 'Přístupový odkaz vám bude poslán e-mailem.', 'This will sign you in to view your ticket.' => 'This will sign you in to view your ticket.', 'E-Mail Address' => 'E-mailová adresa', 'e.g. john.doe@osticket.com' => 'například jan.novak@osticket.com', 'e.g. 051243' => 'například 051243', 'Have an account with us?' => 'Máte již uživatelský účet?', 'Sign In' => 'Přihlásit se', 'or %s register for an account %s to access all your tickets.' => 'nebo %s zaregistrovat nový účet %s pro přístup ke všem vašim požadavkům.', 'If this is your first time contacting us or you\'ve lost the ticket number, please %s open a new ticket %s' => 'Pokud nás kontaktujete poprvé nebo jste ztratili číslo požadavku, založte prosím %s nový požadavek %s', 'Editing Ticket #%s' => 'Editing Ticket #%s', 'Frequently Asked Questions' => 'Nejčastěji kladené otázky', 'Go Back' => 'Go Back', 'This category does not have any FAQs.' => 'This category does not have any FAQs.', 'Back To Index' => 'Back To Index', 'All Categories' => 'Všechny kategorie', 'Attachments' => 'Přílohy', 'Last updated' => 'Last updated', 'Helpdesk software - powered by osTicket' => 'Helpdesk software - powered by osTicket', 'Please Wait!' => 'Prosím čekejte!', 'Please wait... it will take a second!' => 'Prosím čekejte... bude to trvat vteřinu!', 'Support Ticket System' => 'Support Ticket System', 'Support Center' => 'Centrum podpory', 'Profile' => 'Profile', 'Tickets <b>(%d)</b>' => 'Tickets <b>(%d)</b>', 'Sign Out' => 'Sign Out', 'Guest User' => 'Nepřihlášený uživatel', 'Search' => 'Hledej', 'All Help Topics' => 'Všechna témata nápovědy', 'Search Results' => 'Search Results', '%d FAQs matched your search criteria.' => '%d FAQs matched your search criteria.', 'Published' => 'Published', 'Internal' => 'Internal', 'The search did not match any FAQs.' => 'The search did not match any FAQs.', 'Click on the category to browse FAQs.' => 'Klikněte na kategorii pro procházení otázek.', 'NO FAQs found' => 'NO FAQs found', 'To better serve you, we encourage our clients to register for an account and verify the email address we have on record.' => 'To better serve you, we encourage our clients to register for an account and verify the email address we have on record.', 'Email or Username' => 'Uživatelské jméno nebo e-mail', 'Password' => 'Heslo', 'Forgot My Password' => 'Obnova zapomenutého hesla', 'Not yet registered?' => 'Ještě nemám registraci?', 'Create an account' => 'Založit účet', 'I\'m an agent' => 'Jsem agent', 'sign in here' => 'Přihlaste se zde', 'Please fill in the form below to open a new ticket.' => 'Pro založení nového požadavku prosím vyplňte následující formulář.', 'Select a Help Topic' => 'Vyberte téma nápovědy', 'General Inquiry' => 'Obecný dotaz', 'Client' => 'Client', 'Please re-enter the text again' => 'Please re-enter the text again', 'CAPTCHA Text' => 'CAPTCHA Text', 'Enter the text shown on the image.' => 'Enter the text shown on the image.', 'Create Ticket' => 'Vytvořit požadavek', 'Reset' => 'Vymazat', 'Cancel' => 'Zrušit', 'Manage Your Profile Information' => 'Manage Your Profile Information', 'Use the forms below to update the information we have on file for your account' => 'Use the forms below to update the information we have on file for your account', 'Preferences' => 'Volby', 'Time Zone' => 'Časová zóna', 'Select Time Zone' => 'Select Time Zone', 'Daylight Saving' => 'Letní čas', 'Observe daylight saving' => 'Používat letní čas', 'Current Time' => 'Aktuální čas', 'Preferred Language' => 'Preferred Language', 'Use Browser Preference' => 'Use Browser Preference', 'Access Credentials' => 'Přístupové údaje', 'Current Password' => 'Aktuální heslo', 'New Password' => 'Nové heslo', 'Confirm New Password' => 'Potvrďte heslo', 'Enter your username or email address again in the form below and press the <strong>Login</strong> to access your account and reset your password.' => 'Enter your username or email address again in the form below and press the <strong>Login</strong> to access your account and reset your password.', 'Enter your username or email address in the form below and press the <strong>Send Email</strong> button to have a password reset link sent to your email account on file.' => 'Zadejte své uživatelské jméno nebo e-mailovou adresu do formuláře níže a stiskněte tlačítko <strong>Odeslat email</strong> pro zaslání odkazu pro reset vašeho hesla.', 'Send Email' => 'Send Email', 'We have sent you a reset email to the email address you have on file for your account. If you do not receive the email or cannot reset your password, please submit a ticket to have your account unlocked.' => 'We have sent you a reset email to the email address you have on file for your account. If you do not receive the email or cannot reset your password, please submit a ticket to have your account unlocked.', 'Account Registration' => 'Registrace účtu', 'Thanks for registering for an account.' => 'Thanks for registering for an account.', 'We\'ve just sent you an email to the address you entered. Please follow the link in the email to confirm your account and gain access to your tickets.' => 'We\'ve just sent you an email to the address you entered. Please follow the link in the email to confirm your account and gain access to your tickets.', 'You\'ve confirmed your email address and successfully activated your account. You may proceed to check on previously opened tickets or open a new ticket.' => 'You\'ve confirmed your email address and successfully activated your account. You may proceed to check on previously opened tickets or open a new ticket.', 'Your friendly support center' => 'Your friendly support center', 'Use the forms below to create or update the information we have on file for your account' => 'Use the forms below to create or update the information we have on file for your account', 'Login With' => 'Login With', 'Create a Password' => 'Zadejte heslo', 'Open Tickets' => 'Otevřené tickety', 'Closed Tickets' => 'Uzavřené tickety', 'Resolved Tickets' => 'Vyřešené tickety', 'All Tickets' => 'Všechny tickety', 'Any Status' => 'Jakýkoliv stav', 'Go' => 'Go', 'Refresh' => 'Obnovit', 'Ticket #' => 'Ticket #', 'Your query did not match any records' => 'Your query did not match any records', 'Page' => 'Stránka', 'This ticket is marked as closed and cannot be reopened.' => 'This ticket is marked as closed and cannot be reopened.', 'Looking for your other tickets?' => 'Looking for your other tickets?', 'or %s register for an account %s for the best experience on our help desk.' => 'or %s register for an account %s for the best experience on our help desk.', 'Ticket Status' => 'Stav ticketu', 'Post a Reply' => 'Poslat odpověď', 'Ticket will be reopened on message post' => 'Ticket will be reopened on message post', 'To best assist you, we request that you be specific and detailed' => 'To best assist you, we request that you be specific and detailed', 'Post Reply' => 'Odeslat odpověď', 'Update API Key' => 'Update API Key', 'Save Changes' => 'Uložit změny', 'Add New API Key' => 'Add New API Key', 'Add Key' => 'Add Key', 'API Key' => 'API klíč', 'API Key is auto-generated. Delete and re-add to change the key.' => 'API Key is auto-generated. Delete and re-add to change the key.', 'Services' => 'Services', 'Check applicable API services enabled for the key.' => 'Check applicable API services enabled for the key.', 'Can Create Tickets <em>(XML/JSON/EMAIL)</em>' => 'Can Create Tickets <em>(XML/JSON/EMAIL)</em>', 'Can Execute Cron' => 'Can Execute Cron', 'Admin Notes' => 'Poznámky administrátora', 'Internal notes.' => 'Interní poznámky.', 'No API keys found!' => 'No API keys found!', 'Date Added' => 'Date Added', 'All' => 'vše', 'Toggle' => 'přepnout', 'No API keys found' => 'No API keys found', 'Enable' => 'Povolit', 'Disable' => 'Zakázat', 'Please Confirm' => 'Prosím potvrďte', 'Are you sure want to <b>enable</b> %s?' => 'Jste si jistý, že chcete <b>povolit</b> %s?', 'plural "selected API keys' => '2] "selected API keys', 'Are you sure want to <b>disable</b> %s?' => 'Jste si jistý, že chcete <b>zakázat</b> %s?', 'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered.' => 'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered.', 'Please confirm to continue.' => 'Pro pokračování prosím potvrďte.', 'No, Cancel' => 'Ne, zrušit', 'Yes, Do it!' => 'Ano, dokončit!', 'Term too short!' => 'Term too short!', 'Banned Email Addresses' => 'Zakázané e-mailové adresy', 'Query' => 'Query', 'Ban New Email' => 'Ban New Email', 'No banned emails matching the query found!' => 'No banned emails matching the query found!', 'Ban Status' => 'Ban Status', 'No banned emails found!' => 'No banned emails found!', 'plural "selected ban rules' => '2] "selected ban rules', 'Update Ban Rule' => 'Update Ban Rule', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Add New Email Address to Ban List' => 'Add New Email Address to Ban List', 'Add' => 'Add', 'Manage Email Ban Rule' => 'Manage Email Ban Rule', 'Valid email address required' => 'Valid email address required', 'Internal notes' => 'Interní poznámky', 'Admin notes' => 'Admin notes', 'Update Canned Response' => 'Update Canned Response', 'Add New Canned Response' => 'Add New Canned Response', 'Add Response' => 'Add Response', 'Canned Response' => 'Připravená odpověď', 'Canned response settings' => 'Canned response settings', 'All Departments' => 'Všechna oddělení', 'Make the title short and clear.' => 'Make the title short and clear.', 'Title' => 'Title', 'Supported Variables' => 'Supported Variables', 'Canned Attachments' => 'Canned Attachments', '(optional)' => '(volitelné)', 'Internal Notes' => 'Interní poznámky', 'Notes about the canned response.' => 'Notes about the canned response.', 'Canned response is in use by email filter(s)' => 'Canned response is in use by email filter(s)', 'plural "premade responses' => '2] "Předpřipravené odpovědi', 'No premade responses found!' => 'No premade responses found!', 'Add New Response' => 'Add New Response', 'No canned responses' => 'No canned responses', 'plural "selected canned responses' => '2] "selected canned responses', 'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered, including any associated attachments.' => 'Smazaná data NEBUDE možné obnovit, včetně přiřazených příloh.', 'categories' => 'categories', 'No FAQ categories found!' => 'No FAQ categories found!', 'FAQ Categories' => 'FAQ Categories', 'Add New Category' => 'Add New Category', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Public' => 'Public', 'No FAQ categories found.' => 'No FAQ categories found.', 'Make Public' => 'Make Public', 'Make Internal' => 'Make Internal', 'Are you sure want to make %s <b>public</b>?' => 'Are you sure want to make %s <b>public</b>?', 'plural "selected categories' => '2] "selected categories', 'Are you sure want to make %s <b>private</b> (internal)?' => 'Are you sure want to make %s <b>private</b> (internal)?', 'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered, including any associated FAQs.' => 'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered, including any associated FAQs.', 'Update Category' => 'Update Category', 'FAQ Category' => 'FAQ Category', 'Category information' => 'Category information', 'Category Type' => 'Category Type', '(publish)' => '(publish)', 'Private' => 'Private', '(internal)' => '(internal)', 'Category Name' => 'Category Name', 'Short descriptive name.' => 'Short descriptive name.', 'Category Description' => 'Category Description', 'Summary of the category.' => 'Summary of the category.', 'Update Department' => 'Update Department', 'Add New Department' => 'Add New Department', 'Create Dept' => 'Create Dept', 'Department Information' => 'Department Information', 'SLA' => 'SLA', 'Manager' => 'Manager', 'Ticket Assignment' => 'Ticket Assignment', 'Restrict ticket assignment to department members' => 'Restrict ticket assignment to department members', 'Outgoing Email Settings' => 'Outgoing Email Settings', 'Outgoing Email' => 'Outgoing Email', 'Template Set' => 'Template Set', 'Autoresponder Settings' => 'Autoresponder Settings', '<strong>Disable</strong> for this Department' => '<strong>Disable</strong> for this Department', 'New Message' => 'New Message', 'Auto-Response Email' => 'Auto-Response Email', 'Department Email' => 'Department Email', 'Recipients' => 'Recipients', 'No one (disable Alerts and Notices)' => 'No one (disable Alerts and Notices)', 'Department members only' => 'Department members only', 'Department and Group members' => 'Department and Group members', 'Group Access' => 'Group Access', 'Check all groups allowed to access this department.' => 'Check all groups allowed to access this department.', 'Department Signature' => 'Department Signature', 'plural "Showing %d departments' => '2] "Showing %d departments', 'No departments found!' => 'No departments found!', 'Department Manager' => 'Department Manager', '(Default)' => '(Default)', 'No department found' => 'No department found', 'Make Private' => 'Make Private', 'Delete Dept(s)' => 'Delete Dept(s)', 'plural "selected departments' => '2] "selected departments', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'No agents found!' => 'No agents found!', 'Mobile Number' => 'Mobile Number', 'Update custom form section' => 'Update custom form section', 'Add new custom form section' => 'Add new custom form section', 'Add Form' => 'Add Form', 'Custom Form' => 'Custom Form', 'Custom forms are used to allow custom data to be associated with tickets' => 'Custom forms are used to allow custom data to be associated with tickets', 'Instructions' => 'Instructions', 'User Information Fields' => 'User Information Fields', '(These fields are requested for new tickets\n via the %s form)' => '(These fields are requested for new tickets\n via the %s form)', 'Label' => 'Label', 'Visibility' => 'Visibility', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'Form Fields' => 'Form Fields', 'fields available where this form is used' => 'fields available where this form is used', 'Config' => 'Config', 'be liberal, they\'re internal' => 'be liberal, they\'re internal', 'Remove Existing Data?' => 'Remove Existing Data?', 'You are about to delete %s fields.' => 'You are about to delete %s fields.', 'Would you also like to remove data currently entered for this field? <em> If you opt not to remove the data now, you will have the option to delete the the data when editing it.</em>' => 'Would you also like to remove data currently entered for this field? <em> If you opt not to remove the data now, you will have the option to delete the the data when editing it.</em>', 'Continue' => 'Pokračovat', 'Loading ...' => 'Načítání ...', 'Remove all data entered for <u> %s </u>?' => 'Remove all data entered for <u> %s </u>?', 'Custom Forms' => 'Custom Forms', 'Add New Custom Form' => 'Add New Custom Form', 'plural "forms' => '2] "forms', 'Built-in Forms' => 'Built-in Forms', 'No extra forms defined yet — %s add one! %s' => 'No extra forms defined yet — %s add one! %s', 'plural "selected custom forms' => '2] "selected custom forms', 'Update custom list' => 'Update custom list', 'Add New Custom List' => 'Add New Custom List', 'Add List' => 'Add List', 'Custom List' => 'Custom List', 'Definition' => 'Definition', 'Items' => 'Items', 'Properties' => 'Properties', 'Custom lists are used to provide drop-down lists for custom forms.' => 'Custom lists are used to provide drop-down lists for custom forms.', 'Plural Name' => 'Plural Name', 'Sort Order' => 'Sort Order', 'Item Properties' => 'Item Properties', 'properties definable for each item' => 'properties definable for each item', 'list items' => 'list items', 'Add a few initial items to the list' => 'Add a few initial items to the list', 'Value' => 'Hodnota', 'Abbrev' => 'Abbrev', 'abbreviations and such' => 'abbreviations and such', 'plural "custom lists' => '2] "custom lists', 'List Name' => 'List Name', 'Created' => 'Vytvořeno', 'No custom lists defined yet — %s add one %s!' => 'No custom lists defined yet — %s add one %s!', 'plural "selected custom lists' => '2] "selected custom lists', 'Update Email' => 'Update Email', 'To change password enter new password above.' => 'To change password enter new password above.', 'Add New Email' => 'Add New Email', 'Submit' => 'Odeslat', 'Email Information and Settings' => 'Email Information and Settings', 'Email Name' => 'Email Name', 'New Ticket Settings' => 'New Ticket Settings', 'Auto-Response' => 'Auto-Response', '<strong>Disable</strong> for this Email Address' => '<strong>Disable</strong> for this Email Address', 'Email Login Information' => 'Email Login Information', 'Fetching Email via IMAP or POP' => 'Fetching Email via IMAP or POP', 'Hostname' => 'Hostname', 'Port Number' => 'Port Number', 'Mail Box Protocol' => 'Mail Box Protocol', 'Fetch Frequency' => 'Fetch Frequency', 'minutes' => 'minutes', 'Emails Per Fetch' => 'Emails Per Fetch', 'emails' => 'emails', 'Fetched Emails' => 'Fetched Emails', 'Move to folder' => 'Move to folder', 'Delete emails' => 'Delete emails', 'Do nothing <em>(not recommended)</em>' => 'Nedělat nic <em>(nedoporučeno)</em>', 'Sending Email via SMTP' => 'Sending Email via SMTP', 'Authentication Required' => 'Vyžadováno ověření', 'Header Spoofing' => 'Header Spoofing', 'Allow for this Email Address' => 'Allow for this Email Address', 'be liberal, they\'re internal.' => 'be liberal, they\'re internal.', 'No emails found!' => 'No emails found!', 'No help emails found' => 'No help emails found', 'Delete Email(s)' => 'Delete Email(s)', 'plural "selected emails' => '2] "selected emails', 'Click on the category to browse FAQs or manage its existing FAQs.' => 'Click on the category to browse FAQs or manage its existing FAQs.', 'Edit Category' => 'Edit Category', 'Delete Category' => 'Delete Category', 'Add New FAQ' => 'Add New FAQ', 'Category does not have FAQs' => 'Category does not have FAQs', 'Edit FAQ' => 'Edit FAQ', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Select Action' => 'Select Action', 'Unpublish FAQ' => 'Unpublish FAQ', 'Publish FAQ' => 'Publish FAQ', 'Delete FAQ' => 'Delete FAQ', 'Update FAQ' => 'Update FAQ', 'Add FAQ' => 'Add FAQ', 'FAQ' => 'FAQ', 'FAQ Information' => 'FAQ Information', 'Question' => 'Question', 'Category Listing' => 'Category Listing', 'FAQ category the question belongs to.' => 'FAQ category the question belongs to.', 'Select FAQ Category' => 'Select FAQ Category', 'Listing Type' => 'Typ procházení', 'Public (publish)' => 'Public (publish)', 'Internal (private)' => 'Internal (private)', 'Answer' => 'Answer', 'optional' => 'volitelné', 'Check all help topics related to this FAQ.' => 'Check all help topics related to this FAQ.', 'Update Filter' => 'Update Filter', 'Add New Filter' => 'Add New Filter', 'Add Filter' => 'Add Filter', 'Ticket Filter' => 'Ticket Filter', 'Filters are executed based on execution order. Filter can target specific ticket source.' => 'Filters are executed based on execution order. Filter can target specific ticket source.', 'Filter Name' => 'Filter Name', 'Execution Order' => 'Execution Order', '<strong>Stop</strong> processing further on match!' => '<strong>Stop</strong> processing further on match!', 'Filter Status' => 'Filter Status', 'Target Channel' => 'Target Channel', 'Select a Channel' => 'Select a Channel', 'System Emails' => 'System Emails', 'Filter Rules' => 'Filter Rules', 'Rules are applied based on the criteria.' => 'Rules are applied based on the criteria.', 'Rules Matching Criteria' => 'Rules Matching Criteria', 'Match All' => 'Match All', 'Match Any' => 'Match Any', 'case-insensitive comparison' => 'case-insensitive comparison', 'Select One' => 'Select One', 'clear' => 'clear', 'Filter Actions' => 'Filter Actions', 'Can be overwridden by other filters depending on processing order.' => 'Can be overwridden by other filters depending on processing order.', 'Reject Ticket' => 'Reject Ticket', '<strong>Use</strong> Reply-To Email' => '<strong>Use</strong> Reply-To Email', 'if available' => 'if available', 'Ticket auto-response' => 'Ticket auto-response', '<strong>Disable</strong> auto-response.' => '<strong>Disable</strong> auto-response.', 'Auto-assign To' => 'Auto-assign To', 'Unassigned' => 'Nepřiřazeno', 'Unchanged' => 'Unchanged', 'plural "filters' => '2] "filters', 'No filters found!' => 'No filters found!', 'Order' => 'Order', 'Rules' => 'Rules', 'Target' => 'Target', 'No filters found' => 'No filters found', 'plural "selected filters' => '2] "selected filters', 'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered, including any associated rules.' => 'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered, including any associated rules.', 'OK' => 'OK', 'Update Group' => 'Update Group', 'Add New Group' => 'Add New Group', 'Create Group' => 'Create Group', 'Group Access and Permissions' => 'Group Access and Permissions', 'Group Information' => 'Group Information', 'Disabled group will limit agents\' access. Admins are exempted.' => 'Disabled group will limit agents\' access. Admins are exempted.', 'Group Permissions' => 'Group Permissions', 'Applies to all group members' => 'Applies to all group members', 'Can <b>Create</b> Tickets' => 'Can <b>Create</b> Tickets', 'Ability to open tickets on behalf of users.' => 'Ability to open tickets on behalf of users.', 'Can <b>Edit</b> Tickets</td>' => 'Can <b>Edit</b> Tickets</td>', 'Ability to edit tickets.' => 'Ability to edit tickets.', 'Can <b>Post Reply</b>' => 'Can <b>Post Reply</b>', 'Ability to post a ticket reply.' => 'Ability to post a ticket reply.', 'Can <b>Close</b> Tickets' => 'Can <b>Close</b> Tickets', 'Ability to close tickets. Agents can still post a response.' => 'Ability to close tickets. Agents can still post a response.', 'Can <b>Assign</b> Tickets' => 'Can <b>Assign</b> Tickets', 'Ability to assign tickets to agents.' => 'Ability to assign tickets to agents.', 'Can <b>Transfer</b> Tickets' => 'Can <b>Transfer</b> Tickets', 'Ability to transfer tickets between departments.' => 'Ability to transfer tickets between departments.', 'Can <b>Delete</b> Tickets' => 'Can <b>Delete</b> Tickets', 'Ability to delete tickets (Deleted tickets can\'t be recovered!)' => 'Ability to delete tickets (Deleted tickets can\'t be recovered!)', 'Can Ban Emails' => 'Can Ban Emails', 'Ability to add/remove emails from banlist via ticket interface.' => 'Ability to add/remove emails from banlist via ticket interface.', 'Can Manage Premade' => 'Can Manage Premade', 'Ability to add/update/disable/delete canned responses and attachments.' => 'Ability to add/update/disable/delete canned responses and attachments.', 'Can Manage FAQ' => 'Can Manage FAQ', 'Ability to add/update/disable/delete knowledgebase categories and FAQs.' => 'Ability to add/update/disable/delete knowledgebase categories and FAQs.', 'Can View Agent Stats' => 'Can View Agent Stats', 'Ability to view stats of other agents in allowed departments.' => 'Ability to view stats of other agents in allowed departments.', 'Department Access' => 'Department Access', 'Select All' => 'Select All', 'Select None' => 'Select None', 'Internal notes viewable by all admins.' => 'Interní poznámky zobrazitelné všemi admi uživateli.', 'Showing 1-%1$d of %2$d groups' => 'Zobrazeno 1-%1$d z %2$d skupin', 'No groups found!' => 'No groups found!', 'Agent Groups' => 'Agent Groups', 'Group Name' => 'Group Name', 'Members' => 'Members', 'Created On' => 'Created On', 'plural "selected groups' => '2] "selected groups', 'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered and might affect agents\' access.' => 'Deleted data CANNOT be recovered and might affect agents\' access.', 'Staff Control Panel' => 'Staff Control Panel', 'Customer Support System' => 'Customer Support System', 'Welcome, %s.' => 'Welcome, %s.', 'Admin Panel' => 'Administrátor', 'Agent Panel' => 'Agent Panel', 'My Preferences' => 'Nastavení', 'Log Out' => 'Odhlásit', 'Update Help Topic' => 'Update Help Topic', 'Add New Help Topic' => 'Add New Help Topic', 'Add Topic' => 'Add Topic', 'Help Topic Information' => 'Help Topic Information', 'Topic' => 'Topic', 'Private/Internal' => 'Private/Internal', 'Parent Topic' => 'Parent Topic', 'Top-Level Topic' => 'Top-Level Topic', 'New ticket options' => 'New ticket options', 'Use Parent Form' => 'Use Parent Form', 'Department\'s Default' => 'Department\'s Default', 'Thank-you Page' => 'Thank-you Page', 'Agents (%d)' => 'Agenti (%d)', 'Teams (%d)' => 'Teams (%d)', 'Auto-response' => 'Auto-response', '<strong>Disable</strong> new ticket auto-response' => '<strong>Disable</strong> new ticket auto-response', 'Ticket Number Format' => 'Ticket Number Format', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Format' => 'Format', 'e.g.' => 'e.g.', 'Sequence' => 'Sequence', 'Random' => 'Random', 'plural "Showing %d help topics' => '2] "Zobrazeno %d témat nápovědy', 'No help topics found!' => 'No help topics found!', 'Sorting Mode' => 'Sorting Mode', 'No help topics found' => 'No help topics found', 'plural "selected help topics' => '2] "selected help topics', 'Agent Login' => 'Přihlášení agenta', 'Forgot my password' => 'Obnovit heslo', 'Log In' => 'Přihlásit', 'Copyright' => 'Copyright', 'More' => 'Více', 'Delete Organization' => 'Delete Organization', 'Manage Forms' => 'Manage Forms', 'Account Manager' => 'Account Manager', 'Notes' => 'Notes', 'No organizations found!' => 'No organizations found!', 'Export' => 'Exportovat', 'Landing page' => 'Landing page', 'Offline page' => 'Offline page', 'Thank you page' => 'Thank you page', 'Other' => 'Ostatní', 'Update Page' => 'Update Page', 'Add New Page' => 'Add New Page', 'Add Page' => 'Add Page', 'Site Pages' => 'Stránky', 'Page information' => 'Page information', 'Select Page Type' => 'Select Page Type', 'Public URL' => 'Public URL', '<b>Page body</b>: Ticket variables are only supported in thank-you pages.' => '<b>Page body</b>: Ticket variables are only supported in thank-you pages.', 'plural "site pages' => '2] "site pages', 'No pages found!' => 'No pages found!', '(in-use)' => '(in-use)', 'plural "selected site pages' => '2] "selected site pages', 'Install a new plugin' => 'Install a new plugin', 'To add a plugin into the system, download and place the plugin into the <code>include/plugins</code> folder. Once in the plugin is in the <code>plugins/</code> folder, it will be shown in the list below.' => 'To add a plugin into the system, download and place the plugin into the <code>include/plugins</code> folder. Once in the plugin is in the <code>plugins/</code> folder, it will be shown in the list below.', 'Install' => 'Install', 'Version' => 'Version', 'Author' => 'Author', 'Update Plugin' => 'Update Plugin', 'Manage Plugin' => 'Manage Plugin', 'Configuration' => 'Configuration', 'This plugin has no configurable settings' => 'This plugin has no configurable settings', 'Every plugin should be so easy to use.' => 'Every plugin should be so easy to use.', 'Currently Installed Plugins' => 'Currently Installed Plugins', 'Add New Plugin' => 'Add New Plugin', 'plural "plugins' => '2] "plugins', 'Plugin Name' => 'Plugin Name', 'Date Installed' => 'Date Installed', 'No plugins installed yet — %s add one %s!' => 'No plugins installed yet — %s add one %s!', 'plural "selected plugins' => '2] "selected plugins', 'Configuration for deleted plugins CANNOT be recovered.' => 'Configuration for deleted plugins CANNOT be recovered.', 'My Account Profile' => 'My Account Profile', 'Account Information' => 'Account Information', 'Contact information' => 'Contact information', 'Profile preferences and settings.' => 'Profile preferences and settings.', 'Maximum Page size' => 'Maximum Page size', 'system default' => 'system default', 'show %s records' => 'show %s records', 'per page.' => 'per page.', 'Auto Refresh Rate' => 'Auto Refresh Rate', 'disable' => 'disable', 'plural "Every %d minutes' => '2] "Every %d minutes', '(Tickets page refresh rate in minutes.)' => '(Tickets page refresh rate in minutes.)', 'Default Signature' => 'Výchozí podpis', 'My Signature' => 'Můj podpis', 'Department Signature (%s)' => 'Podpis oddělení (%s)', 'if set' => 'pokud nastaveno', '(This can be selectected when replying to a ticket)' => '(This can be selectected when replying to a ticket)', 'Default Paper Size' => 'Default Paper Size', 'Paper size used when printing tickets to PDF' => 'Velikost papíru se použije pro tisk ticketu do formátu PDF', 'Show Assigned Tickets' => 'Show Assigned Tickets', 'Show assigned tickets on open queue.' => 'Show assigned tickets on open queue.', 'To reset your password, provide your current password and a new password below.' => 'To reset your password, provide your current password and a new password below.', 'Signature' => 'Podpis', 'Optional signature used on outgoing emails.' => 'Optional signature used on outgoing emails.', 'Signature is made available as a choice, on ticket reply.' => 'Signature is made available as a choice, on ticket reply.', 'Reset Changes' => 'Reset Changes', 'Cancel Changes' => 'Cancel Changes', 'A confirmation email has been sent' => 'A confirmation email has been sent', 'A password reset email was sent to the email on file for your account. Follow the link in the email to reset your password.' => 'A password reset email was sent to the email on file for your account. Follow the link in the email to reset your password.', 'Access Control Settings' => 'Access Control Settings', 'Configure Access to this Help Desk' => 'Configure Access to this Help Desk', 'Agent Authentication Settings' => 'Agent Authentication Settings', 'Password Expiration Policy' => 'Zásady pro vypršení platnosti hesla', 'No expiration' => 'No expiration', 'plural "Every %d months' => '2] "Every %d months', 'Allow Password Resets' => 'Povolení obnovení hesla', 'Reset Token Expiration' => 'Reset Token Expiration', 'Agent Excessive Logins' => 'Agent Excessive Logins', 'failed login attempt(s) allowed before a lock-out is enforced' => 'failed login attempt(s) allowed before a lock-out is enforced', 'minutes locked out' => 'minutes locked out', 'Agent Session Timeout' => 'Agent Session Timeout', '(0 to disable)' => '(0 to disable)', 'Bind Agent Session to IP' => 'Bind Agent Session to IP', 'End User Authentication Settings' => 'End User Authentication Settings', 'Registration Required' => 'Registration Required', 'Require registration and login to create tickets' => 'Require registration and login to create tickets', 'Registration Method' => 'Registration Method', 'Disabled — All users are guests' => 'Disabled — All users are guests', 'Public — Anyone can register' => 'Public — Anyone can register', 'Private — Only agents can register users' => 'Private — Only agents can register users', 'User Excessive Logins' => 'User Excessive Logins', 'User Session Timeout' => 'User Session Timeout', 'Client Quick Access' => 'Client Quick Access', 'Require email verification on \"Check Ticket Status\" page' => 'Require email verification on \"Check Ticket Status\" page', 'Authentication and Registration Templates' => 'Authentication and Registration Templates', 'Last Updated %s' => 'Last Updated %s', 'Clients' => 'Clients', 'Guest Ticket Access' => 'Guest Ticket Access', 'Sign In Pages' => 'Sign In Pages', 'Agent Login Banner' => 'Agent Login Banner', 'Client Sign-In Page' => 'Client Sign-In Page', 'User Account Registration' => 'User Account Registration', 'Please Confirm Email Address Page' => 'Please Confirm Email Address Page', 'Confirmation Email' => 'Confirmation Email', 'Account Confirmed Page' => 'Account Confirmed Page', 'Agent Account Registration' => 'Agent Account Registration', 'Agent Welcome Email' => 'Agent Welcome Email', 'Alerts and Notices sent to agents on ticket \"events\"' => 'Alerts and Notices sent to agents on ticket \"events\"', 'Admin Email' => 'Admin Email', 'Department Members' => 'Department Members', 'Organization Account Manager' => 'Organization Account Manager', 'Last Respondent' => 'Last Respondent', 'Assigned Agent / Team' => 'Assigned Agent / Team', 'New Internal Note Alert' => 'Upozornění na novou interní poznámku', 'Team Lead' => 'Team Lead', 'Team Members' => 'Team Members', 'System Alerts' => 'System Alerts', 'System Errors' => 'System Errors', '(enabled by default)' => '(enabled by default)', 'SQL errors' => 'SQL errors', 'Excessive failed login attempts' => 'Excessive failed login attempts', 'Autoresponder Setting' => 'Autoresponder Setting', 'Global setting - can be disabled at department or email level.' => 'Global setting - can be disabled at department or email level.', 'Ticket Owner' => 'Ticket Owner', 'Submitter: Send receipt confirmation' => 'Submitter: Send receipt confirmation', 'Participants: Send new activity notice' => 'Participants: Send new activity notice', 'Ticket Submitter' => 'Ticket Submitter', 'Email Settings and Options' => 'Email Settings and Options', 'Note that some of the global settings can be overwridden at department/email level.' => 'Note that some of the global settings can be overwridden at department/email level.', 'Default Template Set' => 'Default Template Set', 'Select Default Email Template Set' => 'Select Default Email Template Set', 'Default System Email' => 'Výchozí systémový e-mail', 'Default Alert Email' => 'Výchozí e-mail pro upozornění', 'Use Default System Email (above)' => 'Use Default System Email (above)', 'Admin\'s Email Address' => 'Admin\'s Email Address', 'Incoming Emails' => 'Incoming Emails', 'Email Fetching' => 'Email Fetching', 'Fetch on auto-cron' => 'Fetch on auto-cron', 'Strip Quoted Reply' => 'Strip Quoted Reply', 'Reply Separator Tag' => 'Reply Separator Tag', 'Emailed Tickets Priority' => 'Emailed Tickets Priority', 'Accept All Emails' => 'Accept All Emails', 'Accept email from unknown Users' => 'Accept email from unknown Users', 'Accept Email Collaborators' => 'Accept Email Collaborators', 'Automatically add collaborators from email fields' => 'Automatically add collaborators from email fields', 'Outgoing Emails' => 'Outgoing Emails', 'Default email only applies to outgoing emails without SMTP setting.' => 'Default email only applies to outgoing emails without SMTP setting.', 'Default MTA' => 'Default MTA', 'None: Use PHP mail function' => 'None: Use PHP mail function', 'Email attachments to the user' => 'Email attachments to the user', 'Knowledge Base Settings and Options' => 'Knowledge Base Settings and Options', 'Knowledge Base Settings' => 'Nastavení vědomostní báze', 'Disabling knowledge base disables clients\' interface.' => 'Disabling knowledge base disables clients\' interface.', 'Knowledge Base Status' => 'Status znalostní báze', 'Enable Knowledge Base' => 'Enable Knowledge Base', 'Enable Canned Responses' => 'Enable Canned Responses', 'Company Profile' => 'Company Profile', 'Basic Information' => 'Basic Information', 'To edit or add new pages go to %s Manage > Site Pages %s' => 'To edit or add new pages go to %s Manage > Site Pages %s', 'Landing Page' => 'Vstupní Stránka', 'Select Landing Page' => 'Select Landing Page', 'Offline Page' => 'Offline stránka', 'Select Offline Page' => 'Select Offline Page', 'Default Thank-You Page' => 'Výchozí děkovná stránka', 'Select Thank-You Page' => 'Select Thank-You Page', 'System Default Logo' => 'System Default Logo', 'Use a custom logo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'Upload a new logo' => 'Nahrát nové logo', 'plural "selected logos' => '2] "selected logos', 'System Settings and Preferences' => 'System Settings and Preferences', 'General Settings' => 'General Settings', 'Helpdesk Status' => 'Status Helpdesku', 'Online' => 'Online', 'Offline' => 'Mimo provoz', 'Helpdesk URL' => 'URL Helpdesku', 'Helpdesk Name/Title' => 'Helpdesk jméno/název', 'Default Department' => 'Výchozí oddělení', 'Select Default Department' => 'Select Default Department', 'Dept' => 'Dept', 'Default Page Size' => 'Výchozí velikost stránky', 'Default Log Level' => 'Výchozí úroveň logu', 'None (Disable Logger)' => 'None (Disable Logger)', 'DEBUG' => 'DEBUG', 'WARN' => 'WARN', 'ERROR' => 'ERROR', 'Purge Logs' => 'Mazání logu', 'Never Purge Logs' => 'Never Purge Logs', 'After' => 'After', 'Months' => 'Months', 'Month' => 'Month', 'Default Name Formatting' => 'Default Name Formatting', 'Date and Time Options' => 'Date and Time Options', 'Time Format' => 'Time Format', 'Date Format' => 'Date Format', 'Date and Time Format' => 'Date and Time Format', 'Day, Date and Time Format' => 'Day, Date and Time Format', 'Default Time Zone' => 'Default Time Zone', 'Select Default Time Zone' => 'Select Default Time Zone', 'Observe daylight savings' => 'Observe daylight savings', 'Ticket Settings and Options' => 'Ticket Settings and Options', 'Global Ticket Settings' => 'Global Ticket Settings', 'System-wide default ticket settings and options.' => 'System-wide default ticket settings and options.', 'Default Ticket Number Format' => 'Default Ticket Number Format', 'Default Ticket Number Sequence' => 'Default Ticket Number Sequence', 'Default Status' => 'Výchozí stav', 'Default Priority' => 'Default Priority', 'Default SLA' => 'Výchozí SLA', 'Default Help Topic' => 'Default Help Topic', 'Maximum <b>Open</b> Tickets' => 'Maximum <b>Open</b> Tickets', 'per end user' => 'per end user', 'Agent Collision Avoidance Duration' => 'Agent Collision Avoidance Duration', 'Human Verification' => 'Verifikace člověka', 'Enable CAPTCHA on new web tickets.' => 'Enable CAPTCHA on new web tickets.', 'Claim on Response' => 'Přiřadit si ticket po odpovědi', 'Assigned Tickets' => 'Assigned Tickets', 'Exclude assigned tickets from open queue.' => 'Exclude assigned tickets from open queue.', 'Answered Tickets' => 'Answered Tickets', 'Exclude answered tickets from open queue.' => 'Exclude answered tickets from open queue.', 'Agent Identity Masking' => 'Agent Identity Masking', 'Hide agent\'s name on responses.' => 'Hide agent\'s name on responses.', 'Enable HTML Ticket Thread' => 'Enable HTML Ticket Thread', 'Enable rich text in ticket thread and autoresponse emails.' => 'Enable rich text in ticket thread and autoresponse emails.', 'Allow Client Updates' => 'Allow Client Updates', 'Allow clients to update ticket details via the web portal' => 'Allow clients to update ticket details via the web portal', 'Size and maximum uploads setting mainly apply to web tickets.' => 'Size and maximum uploads setting mainly apply to web tickets.', 'Ticket Attachment Settings' => 'Ticket Attachment Settings', 'Store Attachments' => 'Store Attachments', 'Update SLA Plan' => 'Update SLA Plan', 'Add New SLA Plan' => 'Add New SLA Plan', 'Add Plan' => 'Add Plan', 'Service Level Agreement' => 'Service Level Agreement', 'Tickets are marked overdue on grace period violation.' => 'Tickets are marked overdue on grace period violation.', 'Grace Period' => 'Grace Period', 'in hours' => 'in hours', 'Transient' => 'Transient', 'SLA can be overridden on ticket transfer or help topic change' => 'SLA can be overridden on ticket transfer or help topic change', 'Ticket Overdue Alerts' => 'Ticket Overdue Alerts', '<strong>Disable</strong> overdue alerts notices.' => '<strong>Disable</strong> overdue alerts notices.', '(Override global setting)' => '(Override global setting)', 'plural "SLA plans' => '2] "SLA plans', 'No SLA plans found!' => 'No SLA plans found!', 'Service Level Agreements' => 'Service Level Agreements', 'Grace Period (hrs)' => 'Grace Period (hrs)', 'No SLA plans found' => 'No SLA plans found', 'plural "selected SLA plans' => '2] "selected SLA plans', 'Update Agent' => 'Update Agent', 'To reset the password enter a new one below' => 'To reset the password enter a new one below', 'Add New Agent' => 'Přidat nového agenta', 'Add Agent' => 'Add Agent', 'Temporary password required only for \"Local\" authenication' => 'Temporary password required only for \"Local\" authenication', 'Agent Account' => 'Agent Account', 'Welcome Email' => 'Welcome Email', 'Send sign in information' => 'Send sign in information', 'Authentication' => 'Authentication', 'Authentication Backend' => 'Authentication Backend', 'Use any available backend' => 'Use any available backend', 'Confirm Password' => 'Potvrdit heslo', 'Forced Password Change' => 'Forced Password Change', '<strong>Force</strong> password change on next login.' => '<strong>Force</strong> password change on next login.', 'Agent\'s Signature' => 'Agent\'s Signature', 'Account Status & Settings' => 'Account Status & Settings', 'Department and group assigned control access permissions.' => 'Department and group assigned control access permissions.', 'Account Type' => 'Typ účtu', 'Admin' => 'Admin', 'Account Status' => 'Account Status', 'Locked' => 'Locked', 'Assigned Group' => 'Assigned Group', 'Select Group' => 'Select Group', 'Primary Department' => 'Primary Department', 'Select Department' => 'Vyber oddělení', 'Agent\'s Time Zone' => 'Agent\'s Time Zone', 'Limited Access' => 'Limited Access', 'Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets.' => 'Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets.', 'Directory Listing' => 'Directory Listing', 'Make visible in the Agent Directory' => 'Make visible in the Agent Directory', 'Vacation Mode' => 'Vacation Mode', 'Change Status to Vacation Mode' => 'Change Status to Vacation Mode', 'Assigned Teams' => 'Assigned Teams', 'Agent will have access to tickets assigned to a team they belong to regardless of the ticket\'s department.' => 'Agent will have access to tickets assigned to a team they belong to regardless of the ticket\'s department.', 'All Department' => 'All Department', 'All Groups' => 'All Groups', 'All Teams' => 'All Teams', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'plural "agents' => '2] "agents', 'Group' => 'Group', 'Last Login' => 'Last Login', 'vacation' => 'vacation', 'Lock' => 'Lock', 'Are you sure want to <b>enable</b> (unlock) %s?' => 'Are you sure want to <b>enable</b> (unlock) %s?', 'plural "selected agents' => '2] "selected agents', 'Are you sure want to <b>disable</b> (lock) %s?' => 'Are you sure want to <b>disable</b> (lock) %s?', 'Locked staff won\'t be able to login to Staff Control Panel.' => 'Locked staff won\'t be able to login to Staff Control Panel.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Debug logs' => 'Debug logs', 'All logs' => 'All logs', 'Entered date span is invalid. Selection ignored.' => 'Entered date span is invalid. Selection ignored.', 'No logs found!' => 'No logs found!', 'Date Span' => 'Date Span', 'Between' => 'Between', 'Log Level' => 'Log Level', 'Debug' => 'Debug', 'Go!' => 'Go!', 'Log Title' => 'Log Title', 'Log Type' => 'Log Type', 'No logs found' => 'No logs found', 'Delete Selected Entries' => 'Delete Selected Entries', 'plural "selected log entries' => '2] "selected log entries', 'Used for image manipulation and PDF printing' => 'Použito pro manipulaci s obrázky a tisk do PDF', 'Used for email fetching' => 'Used for email fetching', 'XML API' => 'XML API', 'Used for HTML email processing' => 'Used for HTML email processing', 'Improves performance creating and processing JSON' => 'Improves performance creating and processing JSON', 'Highly recommended for non western european language content' => 'Highly recommended for non western european language content', 'Highly recommended for plugins and language packs' => 'Highly recommended for plugins and language packs', 'About this osTicket Installation' => 'About this osTicket Installation', 'Server Information' => 'Server Information', 'osTicket Version' => 'osTicket Version', 'Web Server Software' => 'Web Server Software', 'MySQL Version' => 'MySQL Version', 'PHP Version' => 'PHP Version', 'PHP Extensions' => 'PHP Extensions', 'PHP Settings' => 'PHP Settings', '\"1\" is recommended if AJAX is not working' => '\"1\" is recommended if AJAX is not working', 'Setting default timezone is highly recommended' => 'Setting default timezone is highly recommended', 'Database Information and Usage' => 'Database Information and Usage', 'Schema' => 'Schema', 'Schema Signature' => 'Schema Signature', 'Space Used' => 'Space Used', 'Space for Attachments' => 'Space for Attachments', 'Installed Language Packs' => 'Installed Language Packs', 'Built' => 'Built', 'Update Team' => 'Update Team', 'Add New Team' => 'Add New Team', 'Create Team' => 'Create Team', 'Team' => 'Team', 'Team Information' => 'Team Information', 'Select Team Lead (Optional)' => 'Vyberte vedoucího teamu (volitelné)', 'Assignment Alert' => 'Assignment Alert', '<strong>Disable</strong> for this Team' => '<strong>Disable</strong> for this Team', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Showing 1-%1$d of %2$d teams' => 'Zobrazeno 1-%1$d z %2$d týmů', 'No teams found!' => 'No teams found!', 'Team Name' => 'Team Name', 'plural "selected teams' => '2] "selected teams', 'Update Template' => 'Update Template', 'Add New Template' => 'Add New Template', 'Add Template' => 'Add Template', 'Email Template' => 'Email Template', 'Template information' => 'Template information', 'Enabled' => 'Enabled', 'Language' => 'Jazyk', 'Click on the title to edit.' => 'Click on the title to edit.', 'Updated %s' => 'Updated %s', 'Template Set To Clone' => 'Template Set To Clone', 'Stock Templates' => 'Stock Templates', 'plural "templates' => '2] "templates', 'No templates found!' => 'No templates found!', 'Email Template Sets' => 'Email Template Sets', 'Add New Template Set' => 'Add New Template Set', 'In-Use' => 'In-Use', 'plural "selected template sets' => '2] "selected template sets', 'Update Ticket #%s' => 'Update Ticket #%s', 'Currently selected user' => 'Currently selected user', 'Change' => 'Change', 'Ticket Information' => 'Ticket Information', 'Due date overrides SLA\'s grace period.' => 'Due date overrides SLA\'s grace period.', 'Ticket Source' => 'Zdroj ticketu', 'Select Source' => 'Zvolte zdroj', 'Web' => 'Web', 'API' => 'API', 'Select Help Topic' => 'Vyber téma nápovědy', 'Time is based on your time zone' => 'Čas odpovídá vaší časové zóně', 'Internal Note' => 'Interní poznámka', 'Reason for editing the ticket (required)' => 'Reason for editing the ticket (required)', 'Save' => 'Save', 'Ticket Notice' => 'Poznámka k ticketu', 'Send alert to user.' => 'Odeslat upozornění uživateli.', 'Ticket Information and Options' => 'Informace a možnosti ticketu', 'Assign To' => 'Přidělit', 'Select an Agent OR a Team' => 'Vybrat agenta nebo tým', 'Response' => 'Odpověď', 'Optional response to the above issue.' => 'Volitelná odpověď na výše uvedený problém.', 'Select a canned response' => 'Vybrat připravenou odpověď', 'Append' => 'Připojit', 'Initial response for the ticket' => 'Initial response for the ticket', 'My signature' => 'Můj podpis', 'Optional internal note (recommended on assignment)' => 'Volitelná interní Poznámka ( doporučená při přidělení )', 'Unable to obtain a lock on the ticket' => 'Unable to obtain a lock on the ticket', 'Current ticket status (%s) does not allow the end user to reply.' => 'Aktuální stac ticketu (%s) nedovoluje koncovému uživateli odpovědět.', 'Ticket is assigned to %s' => 'Ticket is assigned to %s', 'This ticket is currently locked by %s' => 'This ticket is currently locked by %s', 'Email is in banlist! Must be removed before any reply/response' => 'Email je v seznamu blokovaných emailů! Pokud chcete odpovedět odstraňte email ze seznamu', 'Marked overdue!' => 'Označen jako prošlý!', 'Reload' => 'Reload', 'Claim' => 'Přiřadit si', 'Print' => 'Tisk', 'Ticket Thread' => 'Vlákno ticketu', 'Thread + Internal Notes' => 'Vlákno + Interní poznámky', 'Change Owner' => 'Změnit příjemce', 'Delete Ticket' => 'Smazat ticket', 'Release (unassign) Ticket' => 'Zrušit přiřazení ticketu', 'Mark as Overdue' => 'Označit jako prošlé', 'Mark as Unanswered' => 'Mark as Unanswered', 'Mark as Answered' => 'Mark as Answered', 'Ban Email <%s>' => 'Zablokovat email <%s>', 'Unban Email <%s>' => 'Unban Email <%s>', 'Related Tickets' => 'Related Tickets', 'plural "%d Open Tickets' => '2] "%d Open Tickets', 'plural "%d Closed Tickets' => '2] "%d Closed Tickets', 'Manage User' => 'Manage User', 'Manage Organization' => 'Manage Organization', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Ticket Thread (%d)' => 'Vákno ticketu (%d)', 'Error fetching ticket thread - get technical help.' => 'Error fetching ticket thread - get technical help.', 'Post Internal Note' => 'Vložit interní poznámku', 'Department Transfer' => 'Předat na oddělení', 'Reassign Ticket' => 'Přiřadit ticket', 'Assign Ticket' => 'Přiřadit ticket', 'To' => 'To', 'Do Not Email Reply' => 'Neodesílat odpověď emailem', 'Collaborators' => 'Další příjemci', 'Add Recipients' => 'Přidat příjemce', 'Recipients (%d of %d)' => 'Příjemci (%d z %d)', 'Original Message' => 'Original Message', 'Premade Replies' => 'Předpřipravené odpovědi', 'Start writing your response here. Use canned responses from the drop-down above' => 'Zde napište Vaši odpověď. Můžete vybrat předpřipravenou odpověď z rozbalovacího menu nad tímto polem', 'current' => 'aktuální', 'Note title - summary of the note (optional)' => 'Předmět poznámky - stručný popis (nepovinné)', 'Note details' => 'Text poznámky', 'Post Note' => 'Vložit poznámku', 'Ticket is currently in <b>%s</b> department.' => 'Ticket is currently in <b>%s</b> department.', 'Select Target Department' => 'Select Target Department', 'Comments' => 'Komentář', 'Enter reasons for the transfer' => 'Enter reasons for the transfer', 'Transfer' => 'Transfer', 'Assignee' => 'Nový agent', 'Claim Ticket (comments optional)' => 'Přiřadit si ticket (poznámka nepovinná)', 'Ticket is currently assigned to %s' => 'Ticket is currently assigned to %s', 'Assigning a closed ticket will <b>reopen</b> it!' => 'Assigning a closed ticket will <b>reopen</b> it!', 'Enter reasons for the assignment or instructions for assignee' => 'Napište důvod předání ticketu nebo instrukce pro nově přiřazenou osobu', 'Reassign' => 'Přiřadit', 'Assign' => 'Assign', 'Ticket Print Options' => 'Možnosti tisku ticketu', 'Print Notes' => 'Tisknout poznámky', 'Print <b>Internal</b> Notes/Comments' => 'Tisknout <b>interní</b> poznámky/komentáře', 'Paper Size' => 'Paper Size', 'Select Print Paper Size' => 'Vyberte velikost papíru pro tisk', 'Are you sure you want to <b>claim</b> (self assign) this ticket?' => 'Jste si jistý, že si chcete <b>přiřadit</b> tento ticket?', 'Are you sure you want to flag the ticket as <b>answered</b>?' => 'Are you sure you want to flag the ticket as <b>answered</b>?', 'Are you sure you want to flag the ticket as <b>unanswered</b>?' => 'Are you sure you want to flag the ticket as <b>unanswered</b>?', 'Are you sure you want to flag the ticket as <font color=\"red\"><b>overdue</b></font>?' => 'Are you sure you want to flag the ticket as <font color=\"red\"><b>overdue</b></font>?', 'Are you sure you want to <b>ban</b> %s?' => 'Are you sure you want to <b>ban</b> %s?', 'New tickets from the email address will be automatically rejected.' => 'New tickets from the email address will be automatically rejected.', 'Are you sure you want to <b>remove</b> %s from ban list?' => 'Are you sure you want to <b>remove</b> %s from ban list?', 'Are you sure you want to <b>unassign</b> ticket from <b>%s</b>?' => 'Are you sure you want to <b>unassign</b> ticket from <b>%s</b>?', '%s <%s> will longer have access to the ticket' => '%s <%s> will longer have access to the ticket', 'Are you sure want to <b>change</b> ticket owner to %s?' => 'Are you sure want to <b>change</b> ticket owner to %s?', 'Are you sure you want to DELETE this ticket?' => 'Are you sure you want to DELETE this ticket?', 'Search term must be more than 3 chars' => 'Search term must be more than 3 chars', 'Overdue Tickets' => 'Prošlé tickety', 'My Tickets' => 'Moje tickety', '%s Tickets' => '%s Ticketů', 'advanced' => 'rozšířené', 'Sort by %s %s' => 'Seřadit podle %s %s', 'Closing Agent\'s Name' => 'Closing Agent\'s Name', 'There are no tickets matching your criteria.' => 'Nejsou zde žádné tickety odpovídající zadaným podmínkám.', 'Query returned 0 results.' => 'Query returned 0 results.', 'Are you sure want to flag the selected tickets as <font color=\"red\"><b>overdue</b></font>?' => 'Are you sure want to flag the selected tickets as <font color=\"red\"><b>overdue</b></font>?', 'Advanced Ticket Search' => 'Rozšířené hledání ticketů', 'Keywords' => 'Klíčová slova', 'Statuses' => 'Stavy', 'Flags' => 'Flags', 'Any Flags' => 'Any Flags', 'Anyone' => 'Anyone', 'Me' => 'Me', 'Date Range' => 'Date Range', 'TO' => 'TO', 'Email Template Set' => 'Email Template Set', 'Viewing' => 'Viewing', 'Select Setting Group' => 'Select Setting Group', 'Email Subject and Body' => 'Email Subject and Body', 'Delete User' => 'Delete User', 'Manage Account' => 'Manage Account', 'Register' => 'Register', 'Send Activation Email' => 'Send Activation Email', 'Send Password Reset Email' => 'Send Password Reset Email', 'Manage Account Access' => 'Manage Account Access', 'Updated' => 'Aktualizováno', 'User Tickets' => 'User Tickets', 'Are you sure want to <b>ban</b> %s?' => 'Are you sure want to <b>ban</b> %s?', 'New tickets from the email address will be auto-rejected.' => 'New tickets from the email address will be auto-rejected.', 'Are you sure want to send an <b>Account Activation Link</b> to <em> %s </em>?' => 'Are you sure want to send an <b>Account Activation Link</b> to <em> %s </em>?', 'Are you sure want to send a <b>Password Reset Link</b> to <em> %s </em>?' => 'Are you sure want to send a <b>Password Reset Link</b> to <em> %s </em>?', 'Import' => 'Import', 'No users found!' => 'No users found!', 'Ticket doesn\'t have any collaborators.' => 'Ticket doesn\'t have any collaborators.', 'Manage Collaborators' => 'Manage Collaborators', 'Add Collaborator' => 'Add Collaborator', 'Ticket Collaborators' => 'Ticket Collaborators', 'Add New Collaborator' => 'Add New Collaborator', 'You have made changes that you need to save.' => 'You have made changes that you need to save.', 'Bro, not sure how you got here!' => 'Bro, not sure how you got here!', 'Manage Content' => 'Manage Content', 'Field Configuration' => 'Field Configuration', 'Help Text' => 'Help Text', 'Help text shown with the field' => 'Help text shown with the field', 'You sure?' => 'You sure?', 'Sort the forms on this ticket by click and dragging on them. Use the box below the forms list to add new forms to the ticket.' => 'Sort the forms on this ticket by click and dragging on them. Use the box below the forms list to add new forms to the ticket.', 'Add a form' => 'Add a form', 'Clicking <strong>Save Changes</strong> will permanently delete data associated with the deleted forms' => 'Clicking <strong>Save Changes</strong> will permanently delete data associated with the deleted forms', 'Click to create a new note' => 'Click to create a new note', 'Delete %s' => 'Delete %s', 'Deleted organization CANNOT be recovered' => 'Deleted organization CANNOT be recovered', '%s assigned to this organization will be orphaned.' => '%s assigned to this organization will be orphaned.', 'plural "%d users' => '2] "%d users', 'Yes, Delete' => 'Yes, Delete', 'Search existing organizations or add a new one.' => 'Search existing organizations or add a new one.', 'Complete the form below to add a new organization.' => 'Complete the form below to add a new organization.', 'Create New Organization' => 'Vytvořit novou organizaci', 'Add Organization' => 'Add Organization', 'Fields' => 'Fields', 'Auto-Assignment' => 'Auto-Assignment', 'Assign tickets from this organization to the <em>Account Manager</em>' => 'Assign tickets from this organization to the <em>Account Manager</em>', 'Primary Contacts' => 'Primary Contacts', 'Automated Collaboration' => 'Automated Collaboration', 'Add to all tickets from this organization' => 'Add to all tickets from this organization', 'Organization Members' => 'Organization Members', 'Main Domain' => 'Main Domain', 'Auto Add Members From' => 'Auto Add Members From', 'Update Organization' => 'Update Organization', 'Select Contacts' => 'Select Contacts', 'Please note that updates will be reflected system-wide.' => 'Please note that updates will be reflected system-wide.', 'Manage Sequences' => 'Manage Sequences', 'Sequences are used to generate sequential numbers. Various sequences can be\nused to generate sequences for different purposes.' => 'Sequences are used to generate sequential numbers. Various sequences can be\nused to generate sequences for different purposes.', 'Increment' => 'Increment', 'Padding Character' => 'Padding Character', 'New Sequence' => 'New Sequence', 'Add New Sequence' => 'Add New Sequence', 'Clicking <strong>Save Changes</strong> will permanently remove the\n deleted sequences.' => 'Clicking <strong>Save Changes</strong> will permanently remove the\n deleted sequences.', 'Change Status' => 'Změnit stav', 'Ticket is locked by %s' => 'Ticket is locked by %s', 'Ticket Summary' => 'Ticket Summary', 'Collaborators (%d)' => 'Další příjemci (%d)', 'Ticket State' => 'Ticket State', 'Thread (%d)' => 'Vlákno (%d)', 'Notes (%d)' => 'Notes (%d)', 'Reply' => 'Reply', 'Optional reason for status change (internal note)' => 'Optional reason for status change (internal note)', 'plural "Showing %d tickets' => '2] "Zobrazeno %d ticketů', '%s does not have any tickets' => '%s does not have any tickets', 'Create New Ticket' => 'Create New Ticket', 'Preview Ticket' => 'Preview Ticket', 'Manage Access' => 'Manage Access', 'User Preferences' => 'User Preferences', 'Account Access' => 'Account Access', 'Login via email' => 'Login via email', 'Account Flags' => 'Account Flags', 'Administratively Locked' => 'Administratively Locked', 'Password Reset Required' => 'Password Reset Required', 'User Cannot Change Password' => 'User Cannot Change Password', 'Delete User: %s' => 'Delete User: %s', 'Deleted users and tickets CANNOT be recovered' => 'Deleted users and tickets CANNOT be recovered', 'Change Tickets Ownership' => 'Change Tickets Ownership', 'Delete %1$s %2$s %3$s and any associated attachments and data.' => 'Delete %1$s %2$s %3$s and any associated attachments and data.', 'Yes, Delete User' => 'Yes, Delete User', 'Copy Paste' => 'Copy Paste', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'Name and Email' => 'Name and Email', 'Enter one name and email address per line.' => 'Enter one name and email address per line.', 'To import more other fields, use the Upload tab.' => 'To import more other fields, use the Upload tab.', 'e.g. John Doe, john.doe@osticket.com' => 'e.g. John Doe, john.doe@osticket.com', 'Import a CSV File' => 'Import a CSV File', 'Use the columns shown in the table below. To add more fields, visit the Admin Panel -> Manage -> Forms -> %s page to edit the available fields. Only fields with `variable` defined can be imported.' => 'Use the columns shown in the table below. To add more fields, visit the Admin Panel -> Manage -> Forms -> %s page to edit the available fields. Only fields with `variable` defined can be imported.', 'John Doe' => 'John Doe', 'john.doe@osticket.com' => 'john.doe@osticket.com', 'Search existing users or add a new user.' => 'Vyhledej stávajícího uživatele nebo přidej nového uživatele.', 'Search by email, phone or name' => 'Hledej podle emailu, telefonu, jména', 'Create New User' => 'Vytvořit nového uživatele', 'Register: %s' => 'Register: %s', 'Complete the form below to create a user account for <b>%s</b>.' => 'Complete the form below to create a user account for <b>%s</b>.', 'User Account Login' => 'User Account Login', 'Authentication Sources' => 'Authentication Sources', 'Send account activation email to %s.' => 'Send account activation email to %s.', 'Temporary Password' => 'Temporary Password', 'Password Change' => 'Password Change', 'Require password change on login' => 'Require password change on login', 'User cannot change password' => 'User cannot change password', 'Create Account' => 'Create Account', 'Change User' => 'Change User', 'Update User' => 'Update User', 'This organization doesn\'t have any users yet' => 'This organization doesn\'t have any users yet', 'Are you sure you want to <b>REMOVE</b> %1$s from <strong>%2$s</strong>?' => 'Are you sure you want to <b>REMOVE</b> %1$s from <strong>%2$s</strong>?', 'plural "selected users' => '2] "selected users', 'Upgrade Aborted!' => 'Upgrade Aborted!', 'Upgrade aborted due to errors. Any errors at this stage are fatal.' => 'Upgrade aborted due to errors. Any errors at this stage are fatal.', 'Please note the error(s), if any, when %1$s seeking help %2$s.' => 'Please note the error(s), if any, when %1$s seeking help %2$s.', 'Internal error occurred - get technical help.' => 'Internal error occurred - get technical help.', 'For details - please view %s or check your email.' => 'For details - please view %s or check your email.', 'Please refer to the %1$s Upgrade Guide %2$s for more information.' => 'Please refer to the %1$s Upgrade Guide %2$s for more information.', 'Need Help?' => 'Potřebujete pomoct?', 'We provide %1$s professional upgrade services %2$s and commercial support.' => 'We provide %1$s professional upgrade services %2$s and commercial support.', '%1$s Contact us %2$s today for <u>expedited</u> help.' => '%1$s Contact us %2$s today for <u>expedited</u> help.', 'What to do?' => 'What to do?', 'Restore your previous version from backup and try again or %1$s seek help %2$s.' => 'Restore your previous version from backup and try again or %1$s seek help %2$s.', 'Upgrade Completed!' => 'Upgrade Completed!', 'Congratulations! osTicket upgrade has been completed successfully.' => 'Congratulations! osTicket upgrade has been completed successfully.', 'Please refer to %s for more information about changes and/or new features.' => 'Please refer to %s for more information about changes and/or new features.', 'Release Notes' => 'Release Notes', 'Once again, thank you for choosing osTicket.' => 'Once again, thank you for choosing osTicket.', 'Please feel free to %1$s let us know %2$s of any other improvements and features you would like to see in osTicket, so that we may add them in the future as we continue to develop better and better versions of osTicket.' => 'Please feel free to %1$s let us know %2$s of any other improvements and features you would like to see in osTicket, so that we may add them in the future as we continue to develop better and better versions of osTicket.', 'We take user feedback seriously and we\'re dedicated to making changes based on your input.' => 'We take user feedback seriously and we\'re dedicated to making changes based on your input.', 'Good luck.' => 'Good luck.', 'osTicket Team.' => 'osTicket Team.', 'PS' => 'PS', 'Don\'t just make customers happy, make happy customers!' => 'Don\'t just make customers happy, make happy customers!', 'What\'s Next?' => 'What\'s Next?', 'Post-upgrade' => 'Post-upgrade', 'You can now go to %s to enable the system and explore the new features. For complete and up-to-date release notes see the %s' => 'You can now go to %s to enable the system and explore the new features. For complete and up-to-date release notes see the %s', 'osTicket Wiki' => 'osTicket Wiki', 'Stay up to date' => 'Stay up to date', 'It\'s important to keep your osTicket installation up to date. Get announcements, security updates and alerts delivered directly to you!' => 'It\'s important to keep your osTicket installation up to date. Get announcements, security updates and alerts delivered directly to you!', '%1$s Get in the loop %2$s today and stay informed!' => '%1$s Get in the loop %2$s today and stay informed!', 'Commercial support available' => 'Commercial support available', 'Get guidance and hands-on expertise to address unique challenges and make sure your osTicket runs smoothly, efficiently, and securely. %1$s Learn More! %2$s' => 'Get guidance and hands-on expertise to address unique challenges and make sure your osTicket runs smoothly, efficiently, and securely. %1$s Learn More! %2$s', 'osTicket Upgrader' => 'osTicket Upgrader', 'Thank you for being a loyal osTicket user!' => 'Thank you for being a loyal osTicket user!', 'The upgrade wizard will guide you every step of the way in the upgrade process. While we try to ensure that the upgrade process is straightforward and painless, we can\'t guarantee it will be the case for every user.' => 'The upgrade wizard will guide you every step of the way in the upgrade process. While we try to ensure that the upgrade process is straightforward and painless, we can\'t guarantee it will be the case for every user.', 'Getting ready!' => 'Getting ready!', 'Before we begin, we\'ll check your server configuration to make sure you meet the minimum requirements to run the latest version of osTicket.' => 'Before we begin, we\'ll check your server configuration to make sure you meet the minimum requirements to run the latest version of osTicket.', 'Prerequisites' => 'Prerequisites', 'These items are necessary in order to run the latest version of osTicket.' => 'These items are necessary in order to run the latest version of osTicket.', '%s or later' => '%s or later', 'MySQLi extension for PHP' => 'MySQLi extension for PHP', 'module loaded' => 'module loaded', 'missing!' => 'missing!', 'Higly Recommended' => 'Higly Recommended', 'We highly recommend that you follow the steps below.' => 'We highly recommend that you follow the steps below.', 'Back up the current database if you haven\'t done so already.' => 'Back up the current database if you haven\'t done so already.', 'Be patient. The upgrade process will take a couple of seconds.' => 'Be patient. The upgrade process will take a couple of seconds.', 'Start Upgrade Now' => 'Start Upgrade Now', 'Upgrade Tips' => 'Upgrade Tips', 'Remember to back up your osTicket database' => 'Remember to back up your osTicket database', 'Refer to %1$s Upgrade Guide %2$s for the latest tips' => 'Refer to %1$s Upgrade Guide %2$s for the latest tips', 'If you experience any problems, you can always restore your files/database backup.' => 'If you experience any problems, you can always restore your files/database backup.', 'We can help, feel free to %1$s contact us %2$s for professional help.' => 'We can help, feel free to %1$s contact us %2$s for professional help.', 'Doing stuff!' => 'Doing stuff!', 'Please wait... while we upgrade your osTicket installation!' => 'Please wait... while we upgrade your osTicket installation!', 'Configuration file rename required!' => 'Configuration file rename required!', 'To avoid possible conflicts, please take a minute to rename configuration file as shown below.' => 'To avoid possible conflicts, please take a minute to rename configuration file as shown below.', 'Solution' => 'Řešení', 'Rename file <b>include/settings.php</b> to <b>include/ost-config.php</b> and click continue below.' => 'Rename file <b>include/settings.php</b> to <b>include/ost-config.php</b> and click continue below.', 'CLI' => 'CLI', 'FTP' => 'FTP', 'Cpanel' => 'Cpanel', 'If you are looking for a greater level of support, we provide <u>professional upgrade</u> and commercial support with guaranteed response times and access to the core development team. We can also help customize osTicket or even add new features to the system to meet your unique needs. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://osticket.com/support\">Learn More!</a>' => 'If you are looking for a greater level of support, we provide <u>professional upgrade</u> and commercial support with guaranteed response times and access to the core development team. We can also help customize osTicket or even add new features to the system to meet your unique needs. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://osticket.com/support\">Learn More!</a>', 'Migrate to osTicket %s' => 'Migrate to osTicket %s', 'Thank you for taking the time to upgrade your osTicket intallation!' => 'Thank you for taking the time to upgrade your osTicket intallation!', 'Please don\'t cancel or close the browser. Any errors at this stage will be fatal.' => 'Please don\'t cancel or close the browser. Any errors at this stage will be fatal.', 'Applying updates to database stream: %s' => 'Applying updates to database stream: %s', 'In order to upgrade to this version of osTicket, a database migration is required. This upgrader will automatically apply the database patches shipped with osTicket since your last upgrade.' => 'In order to upgrade to this version of osTicket, a database migration is required. This upgrader will automatically apply the database patches shipped with osTicket since your last upgrade.', 'The upgrade wizard will now attempt to upgrade your database and core settings!' => 'The upgrade wizard will now attempt to upgrade your database and core settings!', 'Below is a summary of the database patches to be applied.' => 'Below is a summary of the database patches to be applied.', 'Upgrade Now!' => 'Upgrade Now!', 'Be patient the process will take a couple of minutes.' => 'Be patient the process will take a couple of minutes.', 'We can help. Feel free to %1$s contact us %2$s for professional help.' => 'We can help. Feel free to %1$s contact us %2$s for professional help.', '%s - Relax!' => '%s - Relax!', '%s: Unknown or invalid' => '%s: Unknown or invalid', 'FAQ article' => 'FAQ article', 'FAQ category' => 'FAQ category', 'Page Not Found' => 'Page Not Found', 'System upgrade is pending' => 'System upgrade is pending', 'Upgrade Now' => 'Upgrade Now', 'Please rename config file include/%s to include/ost-config.php to avoid possible conflicts' => 'Please rename config file include/%s to include/ost-config.php to avoid possible conflicts', 'Please take a minute to delete <strong>setup/install</strong> directory (../setup/) for security reasons.' => 'Please take a minute to delete <strong>setup/install</strong> directory (../setup/) for security reasons.', 'Please change permission of config file (%1$s) to remove write access. e.g <i>chmod 644 %2$s</i>' => 'Please change permission of config file (%1$s) to remove write access. e.g <i>chmod 644 %2$s</i>', 'Please consider turning off register globals if possible' => 'Please consider turning off register globals if possible', 'osTicket :: Admin Control Panel' => 'osTicket :: Admin Control Panel', 'API key' => 'API key', 'Succesfully updated %s' => 'Succesfully updated %s', 'Error updating %s. Try again!' => 'Error updating %s. Try again!', 'Successfully added %s' => 'Successfully added %s', 'an API key' => 'an API key', 'You must select at least %s' => 'You must select at least %s', 'one API key' => 'one API key', 'Successfully enabled %s' => 'Successfully enabled %s', '%1$d of %2$d %3$s enabled' => '%1$d of %2$d %3$s enabled', 'Unable to enable %s.' => 'Unable to enable %s.', 'Successfully disabled %s' => 'Successfully disabled %s', '%1$d of %2$d %3$s disabled' => '%1$d of %2$d %3$s disabled', 'Unable to disable %s' => 'Unable to disable %s', 'Successfully deleted %s' => 'Successfully deleted %s', '%1$d of %2$d %3$s deleted' => '%1$d of %2$d %3$s deleted', 'Unable to delete %s' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'Unknown action - get technical help.' => 'Unknown action - get technical help.', 'Auto Cron' => 'Auto Cron', 'Mail fetcher cron call [%s]' => 'Mail fetcher cron call [%s]', 'System ban list is empty.' => 'System ban list is empty.', 'SYSTEM BAN LIST filter is <b>DISABLED</b>' => 'SYSTEM BAN LIST filter is <b>DISABLED</b>', 'enable here' => 'enable here', 'ban list' => 'ban list', 'ban rule' => 'ban rule', 'Successfully updated %s' => 'Successfully updated %s', 'this ban rule' => 'this ban rule', 'Email already in the ban list' => 'Email already in the ban list', 'Email address added to ban list successfully' => 'Email address added to ban list successfully', 'Error creating %s. Try again!' => 'Error creating %s. Try again!', 'You must select at least one email to process.' => 'You must select at least one email to process.', 'Unable to enable %s' => 'Unable to enable %s', 'canned response' => 'canned response', 'one canned response' => 'one canned response', '%1$d of %2$d %s enabled' => '%1$d of %2$d %s enabled', '%1$d of %2$d %s disabled' => '%1$d of %2$d %s disabled', 'Unknown command' => 'Unknown command', 'category' => 'category', 'this category' => 'this category', 'Error updating %s. Correct error(s) below and try again.' => 'Error updating %s. Correct error(s) below and try again.', 'Successfull added %s' => 'Successfull added %s', 'one category' => 'one category', 'Successfully made %s PUBLIC' => 'Successfully made %s PUBLIC', '%1$d of %2$d %3$s made PUBLIC' => '%1$d of %2$d %3$s made PUBLIC', 'Unable to make %s PUBLIC.' => 'Unable to make %s PUBLIC.', 'Successfully made %s PRIVATE' => 'Successfully made %s PRIVATE', '%1$d of %2$d %3$s made PRIVATE' => '%1$d of %2$d %3$s made PRIVATE', 'Unable to make %s PRIVATE' => 'Unable to make %s PRIVATE', 'Ticket Activity' => 'Aktivita Tiketu', 'Select the starting time and period for the system activity graph' => 'Select the starting time and period for the system activity graph', 'Report timeframe' => 'Zpráva časového rámce', 'Last month' => 'Last month', 'period' => 'period', 'Up to today' => 'Up to today', 'One Week' => 'One Week', 'Two Weeks' => 'Two Weeks', 'One Month' => 'One Month', 'One Quarter' => 'One Quarter', 'Statistics' => 'Statistiky', 'Statistics of tickets organized by department, help topic, and agent.' => 'Statistics of tickets organized by department, help topic, and agent.', 'department' => 'department', 'Successfully added \"%s\"' => 'Successfully added \"%s\"', 'one department' => 'one department', 'You cannot disable/delete a default department. Select a new default department and try again.' => 'You cannot disable/delete a default department. Select a new default department and try again.', '%1$d of %2$d %s made PUBLIC' => '%1$d of %2$d %s made PUBLIC', 'Unable to make %s private. Possibly already private!' => 'Unable to make %s private. Possibly already private!', 'Departments with agents can not be deleted. Move the agents first.' => 'Departments with agents can not be deleted. Move the agents first.', 'Unable to delete %s.' => 'Unable to delete %s.', 'email' => 'email', 'one email' => 'one email', 'One or more of the selected emails is being used by a department. Remove association first!' => 'One or more of the selected emails is being used by a department. Remove association first!', 'Select from email address' => 'Select from email address', 'To email address required' => 'To email address required', 'Subject required' => 'Subject required', 'Test email sent successfully to <%s>' => 'Test email sent successfully to <%s>', 'Error sending email - try again.' => 'Error sending email - try again.', 'Test Outgoing Email' => 'Test odchozího emailu', 'Use the following form to test whether your <strong>Outgoing Email</strong> settings are properly established.' => 'Use the following form to test whether your <strong>Outgoing Email</strong> settings are properly established.', 'Select FROM Email' => 'Select FROM Email', 'SMTP' => 'SMTP', 'Message' => 'Message', 'email message to send.' => 'email message to send.', 'Send Message' => 'Send Message', '%s: Invalid or unknown' => '%s: Invalid or unknown', 'Unable to update %s. Correct error(s) below and try again.' => 'Unable to update %s. Correct error(s) below and try again.', 'Successfully published %s' => 'Successfully published %s', 'Unable to publish %s. Try editing it.' => 'Unable to publish %s. Try editing it.', 'Successfully unpublished %s' => 'Successfully unpublished %s', 'Unable to unpublish %s. Try editing it.' => 'Unable to unpublish %s. Try editing it.', 'Invalid action' => 'Invalid action', 'ticket filter' => 'ticket filter', 'You must select at least %s to process.' => 'You must select at least %s to process.', 'one ticket filter' => 'one ticket filter', 'plural "selected ticket filters' => '2] "selected ticket filters', '%1$d of %2$d %s deleted' => '%1$d of %2$d %s deleted', 'Unknown command/action' => 'Unknown command/action', 'custom form' => 'custom form', 'Field variable name is not unique' => 'Field variable name is not unique', 'The issue summary must be a field that supports user input, such as short answer' => 'The issue summary must be a field that supports user input, such as short answer', 'Field has validation errors' => 'Field has validation errors', 'one custom form' => 'one custom form', '%1$d of %1$d %3$s deleted' => '%1$d of %1$d %3$s deleted', 'Unable to commit %s. Check validation errors' => 'Unable to commit %s. Check validation errors', 'this custom form' => 'this custom form', 'group' => 'group', 'Unable to update %s. Correct error(s) below and try again!' => 'Unable to update %s. Correct error(s) below and try again!', 'one group' => 'one group', 'As an admin, you cannot disable/delete a group you belong to - you might lockout all admins!' => 'As an admin, you cannot disable/delete a group you belong to - you might lockout all admins!', 'Successfully activated %s' => 'Successfully activated %s', '%1$d of %2$d %3$s activated' => '%1$d of %2$d %3$s activated', 'Unable to activate %s' => 'Unable to activate %s', 'help topic' => 'help topic', 'one help topic' => 'one help topic', 'Successfully diabled %s' => 'Successfully diabled %s', 'Successfully set sorting configuration' => 'Successfully set sorting configuration', 'Unable to set sorting mode' => 'Unable to set sorting mode', 'Unknown or invalid FAQ category' => 'Unknown or invalid FAQ category', 'Value already in-use' => 'Value already in-use', 'custom list items' => 'custom list items', 'this custom list' => 'this custom list', 'one custom list' => 'one custom list', 'Unable to delete %s — they may be in use on a custom form' => 'Unable to delete %s — they may be in use on a custom form', 'Invalid login' => 'Neplatné příhlášení', 'one log entry' => 'one log entry', 'Organization ID must be specified for import' => 'Organization ID must be specified for import', 'Successfully imported %1$d %2$s' => 'Successfully imported %1$d %2$s', 'Trying to remove end users from an unknown organization' => 'Trying to remove end users from an unknown organization', 'one end user' => 'one end user', 'Successfully removed %s' => 'Successfully removed %s', 'plural "selected end users' => '2] "selected end users', '%1$d of %2$d %3$s removed' => '%1$d of %2$d %3$s removed', 'Unable to remove %s' => 'Unable to remove %s', 'Query token required' => 'Query token required', 'Query token not found' => 'Query token not found', 'organizations' => 'organizations', 'Internal error: Unable to export results' => 'Internal error: Unable to export results', 'one site page' => 'one site page', 'One or more of the %s is in-use and CANNOT be disabled/deleted.' => 'One or more of the %s is in-use and CANNOT be disabled/deleted.', 'one plugin' => 'one plugin', 'Successfully installed %s' => 'Successfully installed %s', 'a plugin' => 'a plugin', 'Internal Error. Action Denied' => 'Internal Error. Action Denied', 'Profile updated successfully' => 'Profile updated successfully', 'Profile update error. Try correcting the errors below and try again!' => 'Profile update error. Try correcting the errors below and try again!', '<b>Hi %s</b> - You must change your password to continue!' => '<b>Hi %s</b> - You must change your password to continue!', '<b>Welcome back %s</b>! You are listed as \'on vacation\' Please let your manager know that you are back.' => '<b>Welcome back %s</b>! You are listed as \'on vacation\' Please let your manager know that you are back.', 'Unable to reset password. Contact your administrator' => 'Unable to reset password. Contact your administrator', 'Unable to verify username %s' => 'Unable to verify username %s', 'Please enter your username or email' => 'Please enter your username or email', 'Access Control' => 'Access Control', 'Knowledgebase Settings' => 'Knowledgebase Settings', 'Alerts and Notices Settings' => 'Alerts and Notices Settings', 'Unable to update settings - correct errors below and try again' => 'Unable to update settings - correct errors below and try again', 'a SLA plan' => 'a SLA plan', 'one SLA plan' => 'one SLA plan', 'Session timed out due to inactivity' => 'Session timed out due to inactivity', 'Access Denied. Contact Admin' => 'Access Denied. Contact Admin', 'System Offline' => 'System Offline', 'System is set to offline mode' => 'System is set to offline mode', 'Client interface is disabled and ONLY admins can access staff control panel.' => 'Client interface is disabled and ONLY admins can access staff control panel.', 'osTicket :: Staff Control Panel' => 'osTicket :: Staff Control Panel', 'one agent' => 'one agent', 'You can not disable/delete yourself - you could be the only admin!' => 'You can not disable/delete yourself - you could be the only admin!', 'team' => 'team', 'Unable to update %s. Correct any error(s) below and try again.' => 'Unable to update %s. Correct any error(s) below and try again.', 'one team' => 'one team', 'template set' => 'template set', '%s: Unknown or invalid %s' => '%s: Unknown or invalid %s', 'message template' => 'message template', 'this message template' => 'this message template', 'this template' => 'this template', 'a template set' => 'a template set', 'one template set' => 'one template set', '(in-use and default template sets cannot be disabled)' => '(in-use and default template sets cannot be disabled)', 'ticket' => 'ticket', 'Access denied. Contact admin if you believe this is in error' => 'Access denied. Contact admin if you believe this is in error', 'Action denied. Contact admin for access' => 'Action denied. Contact admin for access', 'Response required' => 'Response required', 'Action Denied. Ticket is locked by someone else!' => 'Action Denied. Ticket is locked by someone else!', 'Email is in banlist. Must be removed to reply.' => 'Email is in banlist. Must be removed to reply.', '%s: Reply posted successfully' => '%s: Reply posted successfully', 'Unable to post the reply. Correct the errors below and try again!' => 'Unable to post the reply. Correct the errors below and try again!', 'Action Denied. You are not allowed to transfer tickets.' => 'Action Denied. You are not allowed to transfer tickets.', 'Select department' => 'Select department', 'Ticket already in the department' => 'Ticket already in the department', 'Unknown or invalid department' => 'Unknown or invalid department', 'Transfer comments required' => 'Transfer comments required', 'Transfer comments too short!' => 'Transfer comments too short!', 'Ticket transferred successfully to %s' => 'Ticket transferred successfully to %s', 'Unable to complete the ticket transfer' => 'Unable to complete the ticket transfer', 'Correct the error(s) below and try again!' => 'Correct the error(s) below and try again!', 'Action Denied. You are not allowed to assign/reassign tickets.' => 'Action Denied. You are not allowed to assign/reassign tickets.', 'Select assignee' => 'Zvolte nového agenta', 'Invalid assignee ID - get technical support' => 'Invalid assignee ID - get technical support', 'Ticket already assigned to the agent.' => 'Ticket already assigned to the agent.', 'Ticket already assigned to the team.' => 'Ticket already assigned to the team.', 'Ticket claimed by %s' => 'Ticket si přiřadil %s', 'Assignment comments required' => 'Assignment comments required', 'Comment too short' => 'Comment too short', 'Ticket is NOW assigned to you!' => 'Ticket is NOW assigned to you!', 'Ticket assigned successfully to %s' => 'Ticket assigned successfully to %s', 'Unable to complete the ticket assignment' => 'Unable to complete the ticket assignment', 'Internal note posted successfully' => 'Internal note posted successfully', 'Unable to post internal note - missing or invalid data.' => 'Unable to post internal note - missing or invalid data.', 'Unable to post the note. Correct the error(s) below and try again!' => 'Unable to post the note. Correct the error(s) below and try again!', 'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to edit tickets' => 'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to edit tickets', 'Ticket updated successfully' => 'Ticket updated successfully', 'Unable to update the ticket. Correct the errors below and try again!' => 'Unable to update the ticket. Correct the errors below and try again!', 'Ticket is not assigned!' => 'Ticket není přiřazen!', 'Ticket released (unassigned) from %1$s by %2$s' => 'Ticket released (unassigned) from %1$s by %2$s', 'Ticket unassigned' => 'Ticket není přiřazen', 'Problems releasing the ticket. Try again' => 'Problems releasing the ticket. Try again', 'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to assign/claim tickets.' => 'Odepřeno. Nemáte práva přiřazovat tickety.', 'Only open tickets can be assigned' => 'Only open tickets can be assigned', 'Ticket is already assigned to %s' => 'Ticket is already assigned to %s', 'Ticket is now assigned to you!' => 'Ticket is now assigned to you!', 'Problems assigning the ticket. Try again' => 'Problems assigning the ticket. Try again', 'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to flag tickets overdue' => 'Odepřeno. Nemáte právo označovat tickety jako prošlé', 'Ticket flagged as overdue by %s' => 'Ticket flagged as overdue by %s', 'Problems marking the the ticket overdue. Try again' => 'Problems marking the the ticket overdue. Try again', 'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to flag tickets' => 'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to flag tickets', 'Ticket flagged as answered by %s' => 'Ticket flagged as answered by %s', 'Ticket Marked Answered' => 'Ticket Marked Answered', 'Problems marking the the ticket answered. Try again' => 'Problems marking the the ticket answered. Try again', 'Ticket flagged as unanswered by %s' => 'Ticket flagged as unanswered by %s', 'Ticket Marked Unanswered' => 'Ticket Marked Unanswered', 'Problems marking the ticket unanswered. Try again' => 'Problems marking the ticket unanswered. Try again', 'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to ban emails' => 'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to ban emails', 'Email already in banlist' => 'Email already in banlist', 'Email %s added to banlist' => 'Email %s added to banlist', 'Unable to add the email to banlist' => 'Unable to add the email to banlist', 'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to remove emails from banlist.' => 'Permission Denied. You are not allowed to remove emails from banlist.', 'Email removed from banlist' => 'Email removed from banlist', 'Email is not in the banlist' => 'Email is not in the banlist', 'Unable to remove the email from banlist. Try again.' => 'Unable to remove the email from banlist. Try again.', 'Ticket ownership changed to %s' => 'Ticket ownership changed to %s', 'Unable to change ticket ownership. Try again' => 'Unable to change ticket ownership. Try again', 'You must select action to perform' => 'You must select action to perform', 'to create tickets' => 'to create tickets', 'Ticket created successfully' => 'Ticket created successfully', 'Unable to create the ticket. Correct the error(s) and try again' => 'Unable to create the ticket. Correct the error(s) and try again', 'Stale Tickets' => 'Stale Tickets', '%d overdue tickets!' => '%d prošlých ticketů!', 'My Closed Tickets' => 'Moje uzavřené tickety', 'Internal error: Unable to export the ticket to PDF for print.' => 'Interní chzba: Nebylo možné exportovat ticket do formátu PDF pro tisk.', 'Internal error: Unable to dump query results' => 'Internal error: Unable to dump query results', 'Nothing to do! System already upgraded to the current version' => 'Nothing to do! System already upgraded to the current version', 'The upgrader does NOT support upgrading from the current vesion!' => 'The upgrader does NOT support upgrading from the current vesion!', 'Minimum requirements not met! Refer to Release Notes for more information' => 'Minimum requirements not met! Refer to Release Notes for more information', 'Config file rename required to continue!' => 'Config file rename required to continue!', 'Nothing to do! System already upgraded to <b>%s</b> with no pending patches to apply.' => 'Nothing to do! System already upgraded to <b>%s</b> with no pending patches to apply.', 'The upgrader does NOT support upgrading from the current patch [%s]!' => 'The upgrader does NOT support upgrading from the current patch [%s]!', 'Unable to update user account information' => 'Unable to update user account information', 'this end user' => 'this end user', 'end user account' => 'end user account', 'Account is already confirmed' => 'Account is already confirmed', 'Account activation email sent to %s' => 'Account activation email sent to %s', 'Unable to send account activation email - try again!' => 'Unable to send account activation email - try again!', 'Account password reset email sent to %s' => 'Account password reset email sent to %s', 'Unable to send account password reset email - try again!' => 'Unable to send account password reset email - try again!', 'Successfully imported %1$d %2$s.' => 'Successfully imported %1$d %2$s.', 'users' => 'users', 'Server configuration error' => 'Server configuration error', 'osTicket Installer' => 'osTicket Installer', 'Installing osTicket %s' => 'Installing osTicket %s', 'Installation Guide' => 'Installation Guide', 'Get Professional Help' => 'Get Professional Help', 'Minimum requirements not met!' => 'Minimum requirements not met!', 'Configuration file does NOT exist. Follow steps below to add one.' => 'Configuration file does NOT exist. Follow steps below to add one.', 'Write access required to continue' => 'Write access required to continue', 'Error installing osTicket - correct the errors below and try again.' => 'Error installing osTicket - correct the errors below and try again.', 'Invalid' => 'Invalid', 'Check one or more' => 'Check one or more', 'Helpdesk Name' => 'Název helpdesku', 'The name of your support system e.g [Company Name] Support' => 'The name of your support system e.g [Company Name] Support', 'Default email address e.g support@yourcompany.com - you can add more later!' => 'Default email address e.g support@yourcompany.com - you can add more later!', 'Admin\'s first name' => 'Admin\'s first name', 'Admin\'s last name' => 'Admin\'s last name', 'Admin\'s personal email address. Must be different from system\'s default email.' => 'Admin\'s personal email address. Must be different from system\'s default email.', 'Admin\'s login name. Must be at least three (3) characters.' => 'Admin\'s login name. Must be at least three (3) characters.', 'Admin\'s password. Must be five (5) characters or more.' => 'Admin\'s password. Must be five (5) characters or more.', 'Retype admin\'s password. Must match.' => 'Retype admin\'s password. Must match.', 'MySQL Table Prefix.' => 'MySQL Table Prefix.', 'osTicket requires table prefix in order to avoid possible table conflicts in a shared database.' => 'osTicket requires table prefix in order to avoid possible table conflicts in a shared database.', 'MySQL Hostname' => 'MySQL hostname', 'Most hosts use \'localhost\' for local database hostname. Check with your host if localhost fails. Default port set in php.ini is assumed.' => 'Most hosts use \'localhost\' for local database hostname. Check with your host if localhost fails. Default port set in php.ini is assumed.', 'MySQL Database' => 'MySQL databáze', 'Name of the database osTicket will use.' => 'Name of the database osTicket will use.', 'MySQL Username' => 'MySQL uživatel', 'The MySQL user must have full rights to the database.' => 'The MySQL user must have full rights to the database.', 'MySQL Password' => 'MySQL heslo', 'MySQL password associated with above user.' => 'MySQL password associated with above user.', 'Username required' => 'Username required', 'Table prefix required' => 'Table prefix required', 'Database name required' => 'Database name required', 'Missing or invalid data - correct the errors and try again.' => 'Missing or invalid data - correct the errors and try again.', 'Conflicts with system email above' => 'Conflicts with system email above', 'Password(s) do not match' => 'Password(s) do not match', 'Bad prefix. Must have underscore (_) at the end. e.g \'ost_\'' => 'Bad prefix. Must have underscore (_) at the end. e.g \'ost_\'', 'Bad username' => 'Bad username', 'Invalid database port number' => 'Invalid database port number', 'Unable to connect to MySQL server: %s' => 'Unable to connect to MySQL server: %s', 'osTicket requires MySQL %s or later!' => 'osTicket requires MySQL %s or later!', 'Database doesn\'t exist' => 'Database doesn\'t exist', 'Unable to create the database.' => 'Unable to create the database.', 'Unable to select the database' => 'Unable to select the database', 'We have a problem - another installation with same table prefix exists!' => 'We have a problem - another installation with same table prefix exists!', 'Prefix already in-use' => 'Prefix already in-use', 'Unable to read config file. Permission denied! (#2)' => 'Unable to read config file. Permission denied! (#2)', 'Unable to open config file for writing. Permission denied! (#3)' => 'Unable to open config file for writing. Permission denied! (#3)', '%s: Internal Error - please make sure your download is the latest (#1)' => '%s: Internal Error - please make sure your download is the latest (#1)', '%s: Unknown or invalid schema signature (%s .. %s)' => '%s: Unknown or invalid schema signature (%s .. %s)', '%s: Error parsing SQL schema! Get help from developers (#4)' => '%s: Error parsing SQL schema! Get help from developers (#4)', 'Unable to create admin user (#6)' => 'Unable to create admin user (#6)', 'Unable to create config settings' => 'Unable to create config settings', 'Unable to write to config file. Permission denied! (#5)' => 'Unable to write to config file. Permission denied! (#5)', 'Congratulations osTicket basic installation completed!\n\nThank you for choosing osTicket!' => 'Congratulations osTicket basic installation completed!\n\nThank you for choosing osTicket!', 'Configuration file missing!' => 'Chybí konfigurační soubor!', 'osTicket installer requires ability to write to the configuration file, <b>include/ost-config.php</b>. A template copy is located in the include directory (<b>include/ost-sampleconfig.php</b>).' => 'osTicket installer requires ability to write to the configuration file, <b>include/ost-config.php</b>. A template copy is located in the include directory (<b>include/ost-sampleconfig.php</b>).', 'Rename the sample file <b>include/ost-sampleconfig.php</b> to <b>ost-config.php</b> and click continue below.' => 'Rename the sample file <b>include/ost-sampleconfig.php</b> to <b>ost-config.php</b> and click continue below.', 'Windows PowerShell' => 'Windows PowerShell', 'If sample config file is missing - please make sure you uploaded all files in \'upload\' folder or refer to the %1$s Installation Guide %2$s' => 'If sample config file is missing - please make sure you uploaded all files in \'upload\' folder or refer to the %1$s Installation Guide %2$s', 'If you are looking for a greater level of support, we provide <u>professional installation services</u> and commercial support with guaranteed response times, and access to the core development team. We can also help customize osTicket or even add new features to the system to meet your unique needs.' => 'If you are looking for a greater level of support, we provide <u>professional installation services</u> and commercial support with guaranteed response times, and access to the core development team. We can also help customize osTicket or even add new features to the system to meet your unique needs.', 'Learn More!' => 'Dozvědět se více!', 'Configuration file is not writable' => 'Configuration file is not writable', 'osTicket installer requires ability to write to the configuration file %s' => 'osTicket installer requires ability to write to the configuration file %s', 'Please follow the instructions below to give read and write access to the web server user.' => 'Please follow the instructions below to give read and write access to the web server user.', 'Add \"Full Access\" permission for the \"Everyone\" user' => 'Add \"Full Access\" permission for the \"Everyone\" user', 'Using WS_FTP this would be right hand clicking on the file, selecting chmod, and then giving all permissions to the file.' => 'Using WS_FTP this would be right hand clicking on the file, selecting chmod, and then giving all permissions to the file.', 'Click on the file, select change permission, and then giving all permissions to the file.' => 'Click on the file, select change permission, and then giving all permissions to the file.', 'Don\'t worry! We\'ll remind you to take away the write access post-install' => 'Don\'t worry! We\'ll remind you to take away the write access post-install', 'Done? Continue' => 'Done? Continue', 'osTicket is already installed?' => 'osTicket is already installed?', 'Configuration file already changed - which could mean osTicket is already installed or the config file is currupted. If you are trying to upgrade osTicket, then go to %s Admin Panel %s.' => 'Configuration file already changed - which could mean osTicket is already installed or the config file is currupted. If you are trying to upgrade osTicket, then go to %s Admin Panel %s.', 'If you believe this is in error, please try replacing the config file with a unchanged template copy and try again or get technical help.' => 'If you believe this is in error, please try replacing the config file with a unchanged template copy and try again or get technical help.', 'Refer to the %s Installation Guide %s on the wiki for more information.' => 'Refer to the %s Installation Guide %s on the wiki for more information.', 'We provide <u>professional installation services</u> and commercial support with guaranteed response times, and access to the core development team.' => 'We provide <u>professional installation services</u> and commercial support with guaranteed response times, and access to the core development team.', 'Contact Us' => 'Contact Us', 'Congratulations!' => 'Congratulations!', 'Your osTicket installation has been completed successfully. Your next step is to fully configure your new support ticket system for use, but before you get to it please take a minute to cleanup.' => 'Your osTicket installation has been completed successfully. Your next step is to fully configure your new support ticket system for use, but before you get to it please take a minute to cleanup.', 'Config file permission' => 'Config file permission', 'Change permission of ost-config.php to remove write access as shown below.' => 'Change permission of ost-config.php to remove write access as shown below.', 'Using WS_FTP this would be right hand clicking on the file, selecting chmod, and then remove write access' => 'Using WS_FTP this would be right hand clicking on the file, selecting chmod, and then remove write access', 'Click on the file, select change permission, and then remove write access.' => 'Click on the file, select change permission, and then remove write access.', 'Below, you\'ll find some useful links regarding your installation.' => 'Below, you\'ll find some useful links regarding your installation.', 'Your osTicket URL' => 'Your osTicket URL', 'Your Staff Control Panel' => 'Your Staff Control Panel', 'osTicket Forums' => 'osTicket Forums', 'osTicket Community Wiki' => 'osTicket Community Wiki', 'Post-Install Setup' => 'Post-Install Setup', 'You can now log in to %1$s Admin Panel %2$s with the username and password you created during the install process. After a successful log in, you can proceed with post-install setup.' => 'You can now log in to %1$s Admin Panel %2$s with the username and password you created during the install process. After a successful log in, you can proceed with post-install setup.', 'For complete and upto date guide see %1$s osTicket wiki %2$s' => 'For complete and upto date guide see %1$s osTicket wiki %2$s', 'Commercial Support Available' => 'Commercial Support Available', 'Don\'t let technical problems impact your osTicket implementation. Get guidance and hands-on expertise to address unique challenges and make sure your osTicket runs smoothly, efficiently, and securely.' => 'Don\'t let technical problems impact your osTicket implementation. Get guidance and hands-on expertise to address unique challenges and make sure your osTicket runs smoothly, efficiently, and securely.', 'Thank You for Choosing osTicket!' => 'Thank You for Choosing osTicket!', 'We are delighted you have chosen osTicket for your customer support ticketing system!' => 'We are delighted you have chosen osTicket for your customer support ticketing system!', 'The installer will guide you every step of the way in the installation process. You\'re minutes away from your awesome customer support system!' => 'The installer will guide you every step of the way in the installation process. You\'re minutes away from your awesome customer support system!', 'Before we begin, we\'ll check your server configuration to make sure you meet the minimum requirements to install and run osTicket.' => 'Before we begin, we\'ll check your server configuration to make sure you meet the minimum requirements to install and run osTicket.', 'These items are necessary in order to install and use osTicket.' => 'These items are necessary in order to install and use osTicket.', '%s or greater' => '%s or greater', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'You can use osTicket without these, but you may not be able to use all features.' => 'You can use osTicket without these, but you may not be able to use all features.', 'extension' => 'extension', 'Required for mail fetching' => 'Required for mail fetching', '(for XML API)' => '(for XML API)', '(for HTML email processing)' => '(for HTML email processing)', '(faster performance)' => '(faster performance)', 'recommended for all installations' => 'recommended for all installations', 'recommended for plugins and language packs' => 'recommended for plugins and language packs', 'osTicket Basic Installation' => 'osTicket Basic Installation', 'Please fill out the information below to continue your osTicket installation. All fields are required.' => 'Please fill out the information below to continue your osTicket installation. All fields are required.', 'The URL of your helpdesk, its name, and the default system email address' => 'The URL of your helpdesk, its name, and the default system email address', 'Default Email' => 'Default Email', 'Primary Language' => 'Primary Language', 'Admin User' => 'Admin User', 'Your primary administrator account - you can add more users later.' => 'Your primary administrator account - you can add more users later.', 'Retype Password' => 'Retype Password', 'Database Settings' => 'Database Settings', 'Database connection information' => 'Database connection information', 'MySQL Table Prefix' => 'MySQL předpona', 'Install Now' => 'Install Now', 'We provide <u>professional installation services</u> and commercial support.' => 'We provide <u>professional installation services</u> and commercial support.', 'Please wait... while we install your new support ticket system!' => 'Please wait... while we install your new support ticket system!', 'Basic Installation Completed' => 'Basic Installation Completed', 'osTicket installation has been completed successfully.' => 'osTicket installation has been completed successfully.', 'It\'s important to keep your installation up to date. Get announcements, security updates and alerts delivered directly to you!' => 'It\'s important to keep your installation up to date. Get announcements, security updates and alerts delivered directly to you!', 'I\'d like to receive the following notifications' => 'I\'d like to receive the following notifications', 'News & Announcements' => 'News & Announcements', 'Security Alerts' => 'Security Alerts', 'Keep me Updated' => 'Keep me Updated', 'No thanks.' => 'No thanks.', 'Thank you!' => 'Thank you!', 'Once again, thank you for choosing osTicket as your new customer support platform!' => 'Once again, thank you for choosing osTicket as your new customer support platform!', 'Launching a new customer support platform can be a daunting task. Let us get you started! We provide professional support services to help get osTicket up and running smoothly for your organization.' => 'Launching a new customer support platform can be a daunting task. Let us get you started! We provide professional support services to help get osTicket up and running smoothly for your organization.', 'Uploading ...' => 'Nahrávání ...', 'Your browser is not supported' => 'Your browser is not supported', 'You are trying to upload too many files' => 'Snažíte se vložit příliš mnoho souborů', 'File is too large' => 'File is too large', 'This type of file is not allowed' => 'This type of file is not allowed', 'Could not find or read this file' => 'Could not find or read this file', 'Are you sure you want to leave? Any changes or info you\'ve entered will be discarded!' => 'Are you sure you want to leave? Any changes or info you\'ve entered will be discarded!', 'Show Images' => 'Show Images', 'Download' => 'Download', 'Monospace' => 'Monospace', 'Change font family' => 'Změň typ písma', 'Remove font size' => 'Remove font size', 'Change font size' => 'Change font size', 'Left to Right' => 'Left to Right', 'Right to Left' => 'Right to Left', 'Change Text Direction' => 'Change Text Direction', 'Draft Saved' => 'Koncept uložen', 'Delete Draft' => 'Odstranit pracovní verzi', 'Unable to save draft. Refresh the current page to restore and continue your draft.' => 'Unable to save draft. Refresh the current page to restore and continue your draft.', 'You\'re limited to only {0} selections.\n' => 'You\'re limited to only {0} selections.\n', 'You have made {0} selections.\n' => 'You have made {0} selections.\n', 'Please remove {0} selection(s).' => 'Please remove {0} selection(s).', 'Alert' => 'Alert', 'Please make at least {0} selections. {1} checked so far.' => 'Please make at least {0} selections. {1} checked so far.', 'Are you sure you want to remove this attachment?' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this attachment?', 'Advanced search failed - try again!' => 'Advanced search failed - try again!', 'Create' => 'Create', 'Any changes or info you\'ve entered will be discarded!' => 'Any changes or info you\'ve entered will be discarded!', 'Unable to acquire a lock on the ticket. Someone else could be working on the same ticket. Please confirm if you wish to continue anyways.' => 'Unable to acquire a lock on the ticket. Someone else could be working on the same ticket. Please confirm if you wish to continue anyways.', 'Unable to lock the ticket. Someone else could be working on the same ticket.' => 'Unable to lock the ticket. Someone else could be working on the same ticket.', 'Still busy... smile #' => 'Still busy... smile #', 'Cleaning up!...' => 'Cleaning up!...', 'Error occurred. Aborting...' => 'Error occurred. Aborting...', 'Manual upgrade required (ajax failed)' => 'Manual upgrade required (ajax failed)', 'Something went wrong' => 'Something went wrong', ) ?>--- - type: ticket-status name: Stav ticketu name_plural: Stavy ticketu sort_mode: SortCol masks: 13 notes: Stavy ticketu properties: title: Vlastnosti stavu ticketu instructions: Vlastnosti, které mohou být nastaveny u stavu ticketu. deletable: false fields: - type: state name: state label: Stav required: true sort: 1 edit_mask: 63 configuration: prompt: Stav ticketu - type: memo name: description label: Popis required: false sort: 3 edit_mask: 15 configuration: rows: 2 cols: 40 html: false length: 100 configuration: handler: TicketStatusList <?php return array ( 'Build-Date' => 'Mon, 16 Nov 14 16:48:19 -0100', 'Build-Version' => 'v1.9.4', 'Language' => 'cs_CS', 'Id' => 'lang:cs', 'Last-Revision' => '2014-11-16 12:15-0100', 'Version' => 141455, );--- low: priority_id: 1 priority_desc: Nízká priority_color: '#DDFFDD' priority_urgency: 4 normal: priority_id: 2 priority_desc: Normální priority_color: '#FFFFF0A' priority_urgency: 3 high: priority_id: 3 priority_desc: Vysoká priority_color: '#FEE7E7' priority_urgency: 2 emergency: priority_id: 4 priority_desc: Stav nouze priority_color: '#FEE7E7' priority_urgency: 1 --- - id: 1 name: Obecné tickety next: 1 padding: "0" increment: 1 flags: 1 --- - id: 1 isactive: 1 enable_priority_escalation: 1 disable_overdue_alert: 0 grace_period: 48 name: Výchozí SLA notes: "" --- - isenabled: 1 noalerts: 0 name: Úroveň I Podpora notes: Stupeň podpory 1, zodpovědnost za úvodní kontakt se zákazníky --- notes: 'Bude odesláno zaměstnanci v okamžiku přiřazení požadavku. Zákaznický požadavek může být přiřazen systémem automaticky nebo ručně jiným zaměstnancem. Použijte %{assigner} pro rozlišení, kdo požadavek přidělil.' subject: Přiřazený zákaznický požadavek body: |2 <h3><strong>Dobrý den %{assignee.name.first},</strong></h3> Uživatel %{assigner.name.short} Vám přiřadil zákaznický požadavek <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> <br> <br> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>Od</strong>: </td> <td> %{ticket.name} <%{ticket.email}> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Předmět</strong>: </td> <td> %{ticket.subject} </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> %{comments} <br> <br> <hr> <div>Pro zobrazení zákaznického požadavku se prosím <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >přihlaste</span></a> do systému zákaznické podpory</div> <em style="font-size: small; ">Vaše zákaznická podpora</em> <br> <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc" alt="Provozováno na osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px;"> --- notes: Bude odesláno zaměstnanci v okamžiku připojení nové zprávy k zákaznickému požadavku. Situace může nastat, pokud uživatelé reagují na systémový e-mail nebo navštíví stránky zákaznické podpory a zveřejní novou zprávu. subject: Upozornění na novou zprávu body: |2 <h3><strong>Dobrý den %{recipient},</strong></h3> K zákaznickému požadavku <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> byla připojena nová zpráva <br> <br> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>Od</strong>: </td> <td> %{ticket.name} <%{ticket.email}> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Oddělení</strong>: </td> <td> %{ticket.dept.name} </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> %{message} <br> <br> <hr> <div>Pro zobrazení nebo odpověď na zákaznický požadavek se prosím <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >přihlaste</span></a> do systému zákaznické podpory</div> <em style="color: rgb(127,127,127); font-size: small; ">Vaše zákaznická podpora</em><br> <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc" alt="Provozováno na osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px;"> --- notes: Bude odesláno uživateli v okamžiku zveřejnění nové zprávy v zákaznickém požadavku. Situace může nastat, pokud uživatelé reagují na systémový e-mail nebo navštíví stránky zákaznické podpory a zveřejní novou zprávu. subject: Potvrzení o přijetí zprávy body: '<h3><strong>Vážený %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> Vaše odpověď na podporu požadavku <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> byla zaznamenána<br><br><div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127);"> vaše %{company.name} tým, <br>%{signature}</div> <hr><div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; text-align: center"> <em>můžete zobrazit pokrok žádosti o podporu <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}"> on-line zde</a></em></div>' --- notes: Bude odesláno zaměstnanci v okamžiku zveřejnění nové poznámky v zákaznickém požadavku. Interní poznámky mohou přidávat pouze zaměstnanci Helpdesku. subject: Upozornění na novou interní poznámku body: |2 <h3><strong>Dobrý den %{recipient},</strong></h3> Interní poznámka byla připojena k zákaznickému požadavku <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> <br> <br> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>Od</strong>: </td> <td> %{note.poster} </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Nadpis</strong>: </td> <td> %{note.title} </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> %{note.message} <br> <br> <hr> Pro zobrazení Vašeho požadavku se prosím <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">přihlaste</a> do systému zákaznické podpory <br> <br> <em style="font-size: small; ">Vaše zákaznická podpora</em> <br> <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc" alt="Provozováno na osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px;"> --- notes: Oznámení odesláno spolupracovníkům lístku, např. odpověď či zpráva. subject: 'Re: %{ticket.subject} [#%{ticket.number}]' body: |2 <h3><strong>Drahý %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> <div> <em>%{poster.name}</em> zaznamenal zprávu na lístek, na kterém se podílíte. </div> <br> %{message} <br> <br> <hr> <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; text-align: center;"> <em>Tento email jste dostal, protože jste spolupracovník u lístku <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}" style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >#%{ticket.number}</a>. Pro účast jednoduše odpovězte na tento email nebo <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}" style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >klikněte sem</a> pro kompletní archív vlákna lístku.</em> </div> --- notes: Bude odesláno zaměstnanci v okamžiku zadání nového zákaznického požadavku v systému. Nastavení platí pro požadavky vytvořené prostřednictvím e-mailu, portálu zákaznické podpory nebo API. subject: Upozornění na nový požadavek body: |2 <h2>Dobrý den %{recipient},</h2> Byl vytvořen nový zákaznický požadavek #%{ticket.number} <br> <br> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <strong>Od</strong>: </td> <td> %{ticket.name} <%{ticket.email}> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>Oddělení</strong>: </td> <td> %{ticket.dept.name} </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> %{message} <br> <br> <hr> <div>Pro zobrazení nebo odpověď na zákaznický požadavek se prosím <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">přihlaste</a> do systému zákaznické podpory</div> <em style="font-size: small">Vaše zákaznická podpora</em> <br> <a href="http://osticket.com/"><img width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px; " alt="Provozováno na osTicket" src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc"/></a> --- notes: | Bude odesláno uživateli v okamžiku, kdy bude zveřejněna automatická odpověď na vytvořený zákaznický požadavek. Dostupné proměnné pro přepsání: %{ticket.*}, %{response} subject: 'Re: %{ticket.subject} [#%{ticket.number}]' body: | <h3><strong>Vážený %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> Byl vytvořen požadavek na podporu a vytvořen ticket <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> s následující automatickou odpovědí <br> <br> Odvětví: <strong>%{ticket.topic.name}</strong> <br> Předmět: <strong>%{ticket.subject}</strong> <br> <br> %{response} <br> <br> <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127);">Váš tým %{company.name},<br> %{signature}</div> <hr> <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small;"><em>Doufáme, že je tato odpověď na vaše dotazy dostatečná. Pokud chcete poskytnout dodatečné připomínky nebo informace, prosím, odpovězte na tento e-mail nebo <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >se přihlaste do svého účtu</span></a> kde je kompletní historie požadavků.</em></div> --- notes: Bude odesláno uživateli v okamžiku vytvoření nového zákaznického požadavku subject: 'Tiket podpory otevřen [#%{ticket.number}]' body: | <h3><strong>Vážený %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> <p> Požadavek na podporu byl vytvořen a přiřazen #%{ticket.number}. Odpovědná osoba se s Vámi spojí ihned jak to bude možné. Můžete <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">online sledovat postup požadavku</a>. </p> <br> <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127)"> Vás Tým %{company.name}, <br> %{signature} </div> <hr> <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; "><em>Pokud chcete poskytnout dodatečné připomínky nebo informace, prosím, odpovězte na tento e-mail nebo <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >se přihlaste do svého účtu</span></a> kde je kompletní historie Vašich požadavků.</em></div> --- notes: | Bude odesláno uživateli v okamžiku vytvoření nového zákaznického požadavku zaměstnancem, a to na základě pověření uživatele. Toto se nejčastěji stává, když uživatel kontaktuje Helpdesk telefonicky. subject: '%{ticket.subject} [#%{ticket.number}]' body: | <h3><strong>Vážený/á %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> Náš tým péče o zákazníky vytvořil, <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> ve Vašem zastoupení, s následujícím podrobnostmi a shrnutím: <br> <br> Topic: <strong>%{ticket.topic.name}</strong> <br> Subject: <strong>%{ticket.subject}</strong> <br> <br> %{message} <br> <br> Pokud bude potřeba odpovědná osoba se s Vámi spojí hned jak to bude možné. Můžete také <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">online sledovat postup tohoto požadavku</a>. <br> <br> <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127);"> Váš Tým %{company.name},<br> %{signature}</div> <hr> <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; "><em>Pokud chcete poskytnout dodatečné připomínky nebo informace, prosím, odpovězte na tento e-mail nebo <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >se přihlaste do svého účtu</span></a> kde je kompletní historie požadavků..</em></div> --- notes: | Bude odesláno zaměstnanci v okamžiku vypršení termínu zákaznického požadavku. Prošlé požadavky se zobrazí na základě uplynulého termínu pro vyřízení nebo SLA definované pro konkrétní požadavek. subject: Upozornění na propadlý požadavek body: |2 <h3><strong>Dobrý den %{recipient}</strong>,</h3> Zákaznický požadavek <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> je po termínu pro jeho vyřízení. <br> <br> Na vyřízení tohoto požadavku bychom měli všichni usilovně pracovat, abychom ho vyřešili v co nejkratší době. <br> <br> Pěkný den,<br> %{ticket.dept.manager.name} <hr> <div>Pro zobrazení nebo odeslání odpovědi na požadavek se prosím <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}"><span style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >přihlaste</span></a> do systému zákaznické podpory. Tato zpráva Vám byla odeslána proto, že tento požadavek byl přidělen buď přímo Vám, nebo oddělení jehož jste členem.</div> <em style="font-size: small">Váš <span style="font-size: smaller" >(stále ještě přátelský)</span> Helpdesk</em><br> <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc" height="19" alt="Provozováno na osTicket" width="126" style="width: 126px;"> --- notes: | Bude odesláno uživateli v okamžiku překročení povoleného počtu zákaznických požadavků. Limit se dá nastavit v rámci Admin panelu a je definovaný jako počet založených zákaznických požadavků vztahujících se k jednomu e-mailu. subject: Dosaženo povoleného počtu požadavků body: | <h3><strong>Vážený/á %{ticket.name.first},</strong></h3> Dosáhli jste maximálního povoleného počtu otevřených požadavků. Abyste mohli otevřít další požadavek, jeden z Vašich čekajících požadavků musí být uzavřen. pro aktualizaci nebo doplnění připomínek se jednoduše <a href="%{url}/urlticketsticketemail.php?e=%{ticket.email}">přihlaste do našeho helpdesku</a>. <br> <br> Děkujeme,<br/> Systém Podpory Zákazníků --- notes: | Bude odesláno uživateli v okamžiku odpovědi zaměstnance na zákaznický požadavek. Odpovědi mohou zadávat pouze zaměstnanci Helpdesku. subject: 'Re: %{ticket.subject}' body: | <h3><strong>Vážený/á %{recipient.name},</strong></h3> %{response} <br> <br> <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127);"> Váš Tým %{company.name},<br> %{signature} </div> <hr> <div style="color: rgb(127, 127, 127); font-size: small; text-align: center;" ><em>We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. Pokud ne, prosím neposílejte další email. Místo toho odpovězte na tento email nebo <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}" style="color: rgb(84, 141, 212);" >se přihlaste do Vašeho účtu</a> kde je kompletní historie Vašich požadavků a odpovědí.</em></div> --- notes: "" subject: 'Převod zákaznického požadavku #%{ticket.number} do %{ticket.dept.name}' body: |2 <h3>Dobrý den %{recipient},</h3> Zákaznický požadavek <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">#%{ticket.number}</a> byl převeden do oddělení %{ticket.dept.name} na základě požadavku <strong>%{staff.name.short}</strong> <br> <br> <blockquote> %{comments} </blockquote> <hr> <div>Pro zobrazení nebo odpověď na zákaznický požadavek se prosím <a href="%{ticket.staff_link}">přihlaste</a> do systému zákaznické podpory. </div> <em style="font-size: small; ">Vaše zákaznická podpora</em> <br> <a href="http://osticket.com/"><img width="126" height="19" alt="Provozováno na osTicket" style="width: 126px;" src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc"/></a> --- notes: Tato šablona definuje oznámení pro klienty, kterým byl přístup poslán na jejich e-mail. Číslo tiketu a e-mailová adresa spustí přístupový odkaz. name: 'Odkaz na číslo tiketu [#%{ticket.number}]' body: '<h3><strong>Dobrý den %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> <div> V helpdesku %{url} byl za Vaši osobu odeslán požadavek na přístup k tiketu #%{ticket.number}.<br /> <br /> Pro kontrolu tiketu č. #%{ticket.number}, klikněte na následující odkaz.<br /> <br /> <a href="%{recipient.ticket_link}">%{recipient.ticket_link}</a><br /> <br /> Pokud jste si jej <strong>nevyžádali</strong> , smažte tento email a považujte jej za bezpředmětný. Váš účet zůstává zabezpečený a nikomu nebyly předány přístupové údaje k tiketu. Někdo mohl náhodně zadat Vaši emailovou adresu.<br /> <br /> --<br /> %{company.name} </div>' --- notes: Toto sestavuje záhlaví na stránce Přihlášení klienta. Může být užitečné k informování Vašich klientů o Vašich politikách přihlašování a registrace. name: 'Přihlaste se k %{company.name}' body: Pro naše lepší služby, doporučujeme našim klientů zaregistrovat si účet. --- notes: Toto je první zpráva a baner zobrazený na strínce Staff Log In. První input pole patří k červeně formátovanému textu zobrazeného navrchu. Další textarea je pro obsah baneru, který by měl sloužit jako vyloučení odpovědnosti. name: Vyžadováno ověření body: "" --- notes: 'Landing Page odkazuje na obsah počátečního zobrazení Zákaznického Portálu. Šablona mění obsah zobrazený nad dvěma odkazy <strong>Otevřít nový tiket</strong> a <strong>Zkontrolovat stav tiketu</strong>.' name: Vstupní body: | <h1>Vítejte v centru zákaznické podpory</h1> <p> S cílem zefektivnit podporu pro řešení zákaznických požadavků a naše lepší služby, používáme systém zákaznické podpory. Každému požadavku je přiřazeno jedinečné identifikační číslo požadavku, které můžete použít k online sledování stavu vyřizování Vašeho požadavku. Pro Vaše informování máme k dispozici kompletní archivy a historii všech zákaznických požadavků. Platná e-mailová adresa je nezbytná pro založení zákaznického požadavku. </p> --- notes: Stránka Offline se zobrazí v Zákaznickém Portálu když je Help Desk vypnutý. name: Mimo provoz body: | <div><h1> <span style="font-size: medium">Zákaznická podpora je mimo provoz</span> </h1> <p>Děkujeme Vám za Váš zájem.</p> <p>Zákaznická podpora je mimo provoz, navštivte nás prosím později.</p> </div> --- notes: 'Tato šablona definuje email odeslaný klientům, kteří klikli na odkaz <strong>Zapomněl jsem heslo</strong> na Stránce přihlášení klienta.' name: 'Přístup do Help Desku %{company.name}' body: '<h3><strong>Zdravíme %{user.name.first},</strong></h3> <div> Vy nebo někdo jiný požádal o reset hesla do helpdesku na adrese %{url}.<br /> <br /> Pokud cítíte, že je to chyba, smažte tento email a považujte ho za bezpředmětný. Váš účet je stále bezpečný a nikomu do něj nebyl předán přístup. Není zablokovaný a Vaše heslo nebylo resetováno. Někdo mohl chybně zadat Vaši emailovou adresu.<br /> <br /> Pro změnu hesla klepněte na následující odkaz do helpdesku.<br /> <br /> <a href="%{link}">%{link}</a><br /> <br /> <em style="font-size: small">Přátelsky, Váš Systém pro podporu zákazníků <br /> %{company.name}</em> </div>' --- notes: 'This template defines the email sent to Staff who select the <strong>Forgot My Password</strong> link on the Staff Control Panel Log In page.' name: Obnovit zapomenuté heslo pro zaměstnance body: '<h3><strong>Hi %{staff.name.first},</strong></h3> <div> A password reset request has been submitted on your behalf for the helpdesk at %{url}.<br /> <br /> If you feel that this has been done in error, delete and disregard this email. Your account is still secure and no one has been given access to it. It is not locked and your password has not been reset. Someone could have mistakenly entered your email address.<br /> <br /> Follow the link below to login to the help desk and change your password.<br /> <br /> <a href="%{link}">%{link}</a><br /> <br /> <em style="font-size: small">Your friendly Customer Support System</em> <br /> <img src="cid:b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc" alt="Powered by osTicket" width="126" height="19" style="width: 126px" /> </div>' --- notes: 'This template defines the email sent to Clients when their account has been created in the Client Portal or by an Agent on their behalf. This email serves as an email address verification. Please use %{link} somewhere in the body.' name: 'Vítejte do %{company.name}' body: |- <h3><strong>Hi %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> <div> We've created an account for you at our help desk at %{url}.<br /> <br /> Please follow the link below to confirm your account and gain access to your tickets.<br /> <br /> <a href="%{link}">%{link}</a><br /> <br /> <em style="font-size: small">Your friendly Customer Support System <br /> %{company.name}</em> </div> --- notes: This templates defines the page shown to Clients after completing the registration form. The template should mention that the system is sending them an email confirmation link and what is the next step in the registration process. name: Registrace účtu body: "<div><strong>Thanks for registering for an account.</strong><br/> <br /> We've just sent you an email to the address you entered. Please follow the link in the email to confirm your account and gain access to your tickets. </div>" --- notes: This template defines the initial email (optional) sent to Agents when an account is created on their behalf. name: Vítejte do osTicket body: |- <h3><strong>Hi %{recipient.name.first},</strong></h3> <div> We've created an account for you at our help desk at %{url}.<br /> <br /> Please follow the link below to confirm your account and gain access to your tickets.<br /> <br /> <a href="%{link}">%{link}</a><br /> <br /> <em style="font-size: small">Your friendly Customer Support System<br /> %{company.name}</em> </div> --- notes: Tato šablona zobrazuje informace po úspešném potvrzení registrace. Může např. informovat uživatele o dokončení registrace a že klient již může zadávat tikety nebo přistupovat k existujícím požadavkům. name: Účet byl potvrzen! body: '<div> <strong>Děkujeme Vám za registraci.</strong><br /> <br /> Potvrzení Vašeho e-mailu proběhlo úspěšně a aktivace účtu byla dokončena. Můžete pokračovat otevřením nového požadavku nebo aktualizovat již existující.<br /> <br /> <em>Vaše zákaznická podpora</em><br /> %{company.name} </div>' --- notes: 'Stránka "Děkujeme" se zobrazuje v případě, že uživatel zadal prostřednictvím Helpdesku nový zákaznický požadavek.' name: Děkujeme body: | <div>%{ticket.name}, <br> <br> Děkujeme Vám za Váš kontakt. <br> <br> Zákaznický požadavek byl vytvořen a zástupce Helpdesku Vás bude v případě nutnosti v krátké době kontaktovat zpět.</p> <br> <br> Tým zákaznické podpory </div> --- - isenabled: 1 title: Co je osTicket (příklad)? response: 'osTicket je široce rozšířený open source systém pro správu zákaznických požadavků, zajímavá alternativa k placeným a komplexním službám zákaznické podpory - jednoduchý, nenáročný, spolehlivý, open source, přístupný na internetu, snadno nastavitelný a uživatelsky příjemný na užívání.' notes: "" attachments: - name: osTicket.txt type: text/plain data: Předefinované přílohy - isenabled: 1 title: Příklad (s proměnnými) response: | Dobrý den %{ticket.name.first}, <br> <br> Váš požadavek #%{ticket.number} vytvořený dne %{ticket.create_date} je v oddělení %{ticket.dept.name}. notes: "" --- deptId: 1 topicId: 1 name: osTicket podpora email: support@osticket.com source: Web subject: osTicket byl nainstalován! message: | <p> Děkujeme, že jste si vybrali osTicket. </p><p> Nezapomeňte se připojit k <a href="http://osticket.com/forums">osTicket fóru</a> a přidat Váš e-mail do <a href="http://osticket.com/updates">seznamu</a> pro získání aktuálních oznámení, bezpečnostních aktualizací a upozornění. osTicket fórum je výborné místo pro získání asistence, poradenství, tipů a pomoci od ostatních členů komunity. osTicket Wiki poskytuje užitečné výukové materiály, dokumentaci a shromažďuje všechny příspěvky členů komunity. Přivítáme Vaši aktivní účast na budování osTicket komunity! </p><p> Jestliže hledáte vysokou úroveň podpory, poskytujeme profesionální služby, komerční podporu s garantovanou dobou odezvy a přístupem k týmu vývojářů osTicket. Můžeme upravit osTicket a dokonce přidat nové funkce do systému pro splnění Vašich individuálních požadavků. </p><p> Pokud si nejste jisti instalací a správou skriptu, můžete využít pronájem osTicket systému na <a href="http://www.supportsystem.com">http://www.supportsystem.com/</a> -- žádné aktualizace, můžeme importovat Vaše data! Na základní infrastrutuře SupportSystem získáte všechny funkce osTicket systému a budete se moci zaměřit pouze na Vaše zákazníky, protože aplikace je stabilní, udržovaná a bezpečná. </p><p> Pěkný den, </p><p> -<br/> osTicket tým http://osticket.com/ </p><p> <strong>PS:</strong> Nedělejte Vaše zákazníky spokojenými, mějte spokojené zákazníky! </p> --- source: Web name: osTicket podpora email: support@osticket.com subject: osTicket byl aktualizován! message: | <p> osTicket byl úspěšně aktualizován! Další informace o změnách a nových funkcích naleznete v poznámkách (http://osticket.com/wiki/Release_Notes). </p><p> Nezapomeňte se připojit k <a href="http://osticket.com/forums">osTicket fóru</a> a přidat Váš e-mail do <a href="http://osticket.com/updates">seznamu</a> pro získání aktuálních oznámení, bezpečnostních aktualizací a upozornění! Přivítáme Vaši aktivní účast na budování osTicket komunity! </p><p> Tým osTicket je připraven poskytovat podporu všem uživatelům prostřednictvím našich bezplatných informačních zdrojů a celé škály podpůrných balíčků a služeb provozovaných na komerční bázi. Pro další informace nás prosím kontaktujte na http://osticket.com/support/. Vítáme jakoukoli zpětnou vazbu! </p><p> Pokud si nejste jisti instalací a správou skriptu, můžete využít pronájem osTicket systému na http://www.supportsystem.com/ -- žádné aktualizace, můžeme importovat Vaše data! Na základní infrastrutuře SupportSystem získáte všechny funkce osTicket systému a budete se moci zaměřit pouze na Vaše zákazníky, protože aplikace je stabilní, udržovaná a bezpečná. </p><p> -<br/> osTicket tým<br/> http://osticket.com/ </p> --- - id: 1 name: Otevřít state: open mode: 3 sort: 1 flags: 0 properties: description: Otevřít ticket. - id: 2 name: Vyřešené state: resolved mode: 3 sort: 2 flags: 0 properties: description: Vyřešené požadavku jsou uzavřené požadavky, které mohou být znovu oteřeny koncovým uživatelem. To může být užitečné pokud je k uzavírání požadavků používán spouštěč s oznámením koncovému uživateli. - id: 3 name: Uzavřené state: closed mode: 3 sort: 3 flags: 0 properties: description: Tikety, které jsou označeny jako uzavřené nemůže znovu koncový uživatel obnovit. Vstupenky budou stále přístupné na panelu klientů a zaměstnanců. - id: 4 name: Archivované state: archived mode: 3 sort: 4 flags: 0 properties: description: Požadavky dostupné pouze administrativně, ale již nedostupné ve frontě požadavků. - id: 5 name: Smazáno state: deleted mode: 3 sort: 5 flags: 0 properties: description: Poždavku čekající na smazání. Nedostupné ve frontě požadavků. w1c)66���GBMB