@[deleted] - We appreciate the feedback both negative and positive. I'll address some of the concerns you raised.

1. The immediate password change is required because we switched from using MD5 to more secure bcrypt based hashes for passwords. That said, the system should be checking to make sure the old and new passwords are not the same. We'll fix the issue for RC2.

2. We'll double check the template issue. The upgrader shouldn't be disabling any of the templates.

3. It's by design. Showing the preview on both links creates some consistency issues on where the popup shows up... given different window sizes. We'll investigate the slowness on the popup ajax call.

4. The settings options are simply too long to be submenus. In addition, the settings tab also includes other submenus. We're open to suggestions but submenus is something we tried.

I know that this is only an RC release, and I don't mean to sound critical but it looks like literally none of the features I requested, or the mods that I have written have been implemented into the core. As it stands now I am going to have to literally spend a couple weeks rewriting all my mods to work with the new version and so is everyone else who wrote a mod if they want to upgrade. Please reconsider this as being a release candidate.

No offense taken, I totally understand where you're coming from. It's the primary reason why we've moved osTicket development to (github). That said, let me point out a couple of things;

* No one promised to implement ALL requested features.

* We couldn't simply include mods in the forum without having to rewrite each one of them - most of them are hacks implemented without consideration of the whole system or at worst horribly implemented to scratch a personal need. Just because a MOD is posted on the forum doesn't mean it's part of the core.

* If you or anyone else want to help contribute to osTicket development then it has to be done via (github). We have instructions on how to contribute code.


Just a little comment

Hi !

I haven't started testing the RC1 yet, it will come soon... but one thing which should be great (to me), but time-expensive for you, is to explain somewhere what are APIs and how we can use the APIs, for instance by a concrete example or sample code.

I am testing it now. I love what I see so far. Any time frame on the user accounts? I'm really excited to have that feature implemented. Thanks!

Some incidents

Hi, here are a few tests I've done so far (not a lot.. but...)

As administrator, in admin panel, when editing a user :

clicking on cancel button will lead you to department section of the admin panel

when you select a team for the user and click on "save changes", changes are not taken into account, or at least, this field is not set with database informations.

is it normal to have "overlords" as default value for admin note on staff? and if so, why can't it be reset to blank and taken into account ?

As administrator, in staff panel, when clicking on "New ticket", I get this message :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /var/www/html/ost/include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php on line 312

(I'm on linux)

One more thing, is it normal that you cannot change of default department ?

3. It's by design. Showing the preview on both links creates some consistency issues on where the popup shows up... given different window sizes. We'll investigate the slowness on the popup ajax call.

Most mouseover scripts like that have a display delay, chances are it just needs to be lowered. :)

Just a thought, but we could have the ticket number display the ticket source and have the subject display the preview of the ticket.

4. The settings options are simply too long to be submenus. In addition, the settings tab also includes other submenus. We're open to suggestions but submenus is something we tried.

Yeah there is a lot in there. Some of the option sets may go well together [specifically "Autoresponder" and "Alerts and Notices". I'll play with it a bit and see if I can come up with something that seems more intuitive and let you know if I make any headway.

* No one promised to implement ALL requested features.

This is true, and honestly I would never want nor expect ALL features to be implemented. There are a ton of Feature requests that I would consider a waste of time. But it does make a good arguement for implementing a plugin architecture that would allow people to write modules that could be plugged into OST to extend its capabilities.

* We couldn't simply include mods in the forum without having to rewrite each one of them - most of them are hacks implemented without consideration of the whole system or at worst horribly implemented to scratch a personal need. Just because a MOD is posted on the forum doesn't mean it's part of the core.

Once again totally true, although I do not think that most people realize it.

There are some mods/functionality that seem to repeatedly get mentioned though, and should probably be implemented even though it means re-writing the mods in a fashion that they are fully integrated into the core. A few examples would be: LDAP support; an easy way to add additional fields to tickets; a way to merge duplicate tickets; and lastly a way to control columns on the open tickets view.

* If you or anyone else want to help contribute to osTicket development then it has to be done via (github). We have instructions on how to contribute code.

Hint to the community, here's your chance!

Thanks for the great product Peter !

Possible Dashboard Issue

One of my clients use IE8 as thier default internal browser and while testing the 1.7 rc version of the software ran into a problem with the dashboard working properly. They are getting a error. The error is as follows: Line Char: 59 Error: Expected identifier, string or number Code: 0 URL: http://~/osticket/scp/dashboard.php(http://~/osticket/scp/dashboard.php)

It might be a javascript error with the file dashboard.inc.js but I'm not sure. I have not had time to thoroughly research it.

ON THE POSITIVE SIDE: They love the new features and are looking forward to the finished product. The installation/upgrade of the old system went very smooth no issues whatsoever.

installation help

When installing i am getting the following error ?

Unable to connect to MySQL server. Possibly invalid login info.

Database Settings

MySQL Table Prefix: os17a_

MySQL Hostname: localhost




i have even tried replacing "localhost" with the ip address of hosting, but did not help.

i was entering the wrong ip address of hosting. on entering the correct address i am getting the following error

"Unable to open config file for writing. Permission denied! (#3)"

When installing i am getting the following error ?

Unable to connect to MySQL server. Possibly invalid login info.

Database Settings

MySQL Table Prefix: os17a_

MySQL Hostname: localhost




i have even tried replacing "localhost" with the ip address of hosting, but did not help.

@[deleted] We plan on putting together, with the help of the community, documentation on how-to configure and use osTicket including sample code for API implementation. The issues you reported will be addressed in the next release candidate - fixes will be available in 'develop' branch by tomorrow or so.

* "overlords" note - was meant to showcase admin note (internal joke perhaps).

* You can change the default department in Admin Panel > Settings Tab > General settings.

@[deleted] - No timeframe yet - thinking 1.8

@[deleted] - Appreciate your feedback and continued support. Dynamic fields and plugins are planned for 1.8. We had to implement a system to monkey patch the database (checkout how upgrader works - you can now do continuous upgrades even in between versions!!) before we get to platform related features - otherwise it'll all be unmaintainable in the long term.

* You're welcome to take a stab at implementing( LDAP support) for 1.7

@[deleted] - Thank you for the feedback. I've (logged the issue) - and should be addressed in RC2.

@[deleted] - Follow the installer instruction and give write permission to the config file. You shouldn't be editing the file by hand. Alternatively, use an auto-intaller then simply upgrade to 1.7-RC1.

@jeffy We plan on putting together, with the help of the community, documentation on how-to configure and use osTicket including sample code for API implementation. The issues you reported will be addressed in the next release candidate - fixes will be available in 'develop' branch by tomorrow or so.

* "overlords" note - was meant to showcase admin note (internal joke perhaps).

For the problem of opening ticket in staff mode, the problem is located around the if condition starting at line 163 of the ticket-open.inc.php file.

I take advantage of making this post to ask a question: (it's not a feature request)

in staff mode, we can open a ticket with a due date, we also can edit ticket to change this due date. Why can't a customer specify and modify a due date from customers interface ?

EDIT : here are my other comments. But, I can thank you all because I think ost has improved in a good manner :)

System :

. Logout

- when connected on the same machine, with two

. Installation

- Still have warnings when installing (from apache server)

Client Interface :

. Knowledge base not included even though the option is set in parameters.

Staff Panel :

. Knowledge base

- on default page => select box for searching by topic is a little bit too high : overhead on upper elements of the form

- Canned Replies default page :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /var/www/html/ost/include/staff/cannedreply.inc.php on line 122

. Tickets part

- when creating a new ticket, you select the department and help topic. Why is there no selection of help topics based up on department selection ?

if you do so, you can start a ticket with a help topic not directly "handled" by department...

- in my tests, I have 2 tickets, one assigned, one not assigned, both answered.

when I come to the tickets part, logged as a user who has nothing assigned to him, the answered tickets count is 1, but when I click, they are two...

Questions :

. why knowledge base categories can't be associated with departments and private by department?

- when, in ticket list, the preview comes, why can't close the preview by clicking outside its zone ? (i think the question applies for every place there is a preview box)

- in my case, phone number is most of cases internal (4 digits). Is there a way to setup the minimum number of digits for phone number ?

- why is ticket assignment comment really mandatory? Can't it be optional ?

- I see in database tables that the table ticket_thread contains an "updated" column. Are you planning on the possibility to edit ticket replies ?

Enhancements :

. Knowledge base :

- keeping track of modifications (when, who) and some previous versions for "rollback".

- save FAQ as PDF

. Tickets :

- when a ticket is associated to a given help topic, in staff panel, put a link to knowledge base for this help topic.

- Parameter whether phone number is mandatory or not.

- as you see ticket status as just open/closed, is it fair to add states "resolved" or "treated", "refused" and "canceled by user" and maybe "waiting for action"?

- is it possible to parametrize whether showing ticket thread in recent->old or old->recent mode ?

if a ticket thread is very very "big", everybody has to scroll to the end of ticket thread to get the answer

- Possibility to send the whole thread (but with no attachments files, except maybe new ones) in notifications

- Possibility of Email notifications in HTML, with personalizable parts (such as header

- Possibility of showing ticket age in ticket list instead of just its date of creation.

- Ticket linking/grouping (or merging)

- Ticket export to knowledge base

- Possibility for a staff to change of help topic (with keeping track of these changes)

- add a "state of progress" feature (if the help topic is a well defined one, with a procedure.. for customer service, it could be great...)

- recap with all files attached to the ticket (and the possibility to replace it)

. System:

- internationalization/multi-lang preparation.

- Webservice SOAP/JSON interface

- Multiple ticket types. For example : Demand / Issue / incident

Just installed 1.7. Haven't really played with it too much, but I can't find an option which allows you to only allow registered users to create a ticket. This is from 1.5-rc5 (http://www.openscriptsolution.com/2009/10/20/password-needed-to-activate-a-ticket-in-osticket-v1-6-rc5(http://www.openscriptsolution.com/2009/10/20/password-needed-to-activate-a-ticket-in-osticket-v1-6-rc5))

Is the option there, and I just didn't see it? If not, I will create a patch.

Is it normal that a user of type 'staff' which isn't member of any team can see tickets from other departments ?

I thought there was confidentiality between departments


would you prefer that we tell you of issues in this discussion thread or would you prefer for us to create a ticket in github?


would you prefer that we tell you of issues in this discussion thread or would you prefer for us to create a ticket in github?

Definitely on (gitHub)- discussing different issues on a forum thread is getting a little overwhelming. General discussion and questions are ideal for the forum

@[deleted] - I can't effectively respond to each and every item you posted. It's a long wish list ;) Create a separate thread post in (Suggestions and Feedback) forum - and I'll respond. Some questions you have can be addressed by simply understanding limitations & how osTicket works. For obvious errors & bugs - please create (issues on github). Thanks.

@[deleted] - User accounts are not included yet.

Peter, I understand for the question and enhancement part (which I transposed in the "Suggestion and Feedback" subforum).

I just want to point out that in my "long" post, I also reported some facts which are (to me) bugs, or at least missing point.. But my understanding of osticket could be wrong..

new ticket alert

can someone confirm the following

on creating a new ticket from staff panel - alert does not go to user.

even though "Send alert to user." is ticked.


Do you think it's time to create a osTicket 1.7 (Upcoming Version) forum section? I just added a feature request but I had to add it under the osTicket 1.6 area. Just a suggestion... :-)

As administrator, in staff panel, when clicking on "New ticket", I get this message :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /var/www/html/ost/include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php on line 312

(I'm on linux)

You probably have (short_open_tag) (i.e. <? ?>) disabled, which is the default on PHP 5. I've noticed that some files have a mix of short/long PHP tags causing this issue.

The best solution for this is to open the affected files in your favorite editor and search for <? and correct any instances of just "<?" with "<?php" and save the file. So far I've had to correct include/client/faq.inc.php and include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php, but there may be others.

A quick-and-dirty hack would be to edit your php.ini file and set short_open_tag to On. But I do not recommend this.

A quick-and-dirty hack would be to edit your php.ini file and set short_open_tag to On. But I do not recommend this.

v1.7 should be free of short_open_tag requirement - we'll fix the instances we missed.

@[deleted] - I plan on doing so with RC2 release.

Hi Peter,

great news on this. I'm missing a native core integrated translation system, so that osTicket can be easily translated in other languages without hacks or something like that. The spreading of osTicket over the world and the usability will increase much more than an only English translated osTicket system ;)

I'd like to do the German translation, if you need help here :)
